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Multiple Settings ʙᴀᴄᴋ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇ!


ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀ ᴏғ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʀᴇᴇs
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check


Look who is back for more trouble!
Not me...
Just kidding.

If you do know me (Yes, I'm sorry).
*Copies and pastes*
I only play male roles (and verryyy little times, I'd roleplay as the female, but you know, Male roles are cooler)
I only do MxF ;u; .. sorry.

I MAY disappear at times all of sudden. This can be due to family issues, work, or school-related events (Or I'm stuck volunteering at the hospital. Rip). BUT this does not mean that I will forever disappear from you. I usually nudge those that I roleplay with to let them know that I'm still here, just that I've been a bit busy.

Romance is fun. and heads up, yeah. I'm those anime people that like using em' (or realistic depending on the situation/plotline)

Hello there! If you're still there and can be patient with me. You made it this far! Woohoo!

I'm not picky about how much you write to me as long as you're sending something that I can send back and that's how I will roleplay vice versa. I've been honestly lurking around these dark corners and haven't roleplayed in like... a couple of months lmao. But here I am.. with new videos! This took me about like 16 hours plus to make for both of them so I really hope you do enjoy them! (Anddd ignore my BBCoding skillz.

They're as horrible as a used gym shoe. Σ(・ิ¬・ิ)

Now.... bear with me okay?


I'll usually accept about like 2-3 people per roleplay requests depending on how much you want to roleplay this with me. I've failed a couple in the past because we didn't even go through the sign ups lmao, so bear in mind people, that if you are really interested that I seriously will give you a chance even if it's closed.
Have you been patient enough to see what I've done?
I'm serious, it took me 16 hours +. Tears, sweat, and really just finding the right ones that fit in lmao.
Oh by the way. Just mentioning (As usual) Video and music credits to its rightful owners. I just use them for entertainment purposes. I enjoy doing em'

L o v e C o n t r a c t


Genre: Romance, Modern, School-life
She's been living her whole life in the countryside. The image of the city where people walk across the street, stalls that lined up across the buildings, and crowds bundled together waiting for the next stoplight to turn green. She never experienced that before. Her life revolved around the beauty of the mountains, the grass green hills, and a small town that meant family and warmth to her. But now, she wanted to leave her comfort zone to find something better. She wanted to become more individual. At the age of seventeen, this young student wanted to leave her home to go live in the city. On her own. Her parents wouldn't allow it, but they would give her one chance under one circumstance,

"Either you can live here in the countryside, or you can get married to my best friend's son and leave here to stay with him in the city."

At first, the decision sounded crazy. Marrying someone whom she didn't even know. Not to say, she didn't even know her father had a best friend that lived in the city. She didn't want to go with the decision, but after her long-term boyfriend of four years cheated on her, what hurts more than seeing him every single day, especially since he lived next door to her?! The decision of the marriage was finalized with her (dull) thinking and thus left off to the city to live in the apartments with the unknown person whom she never met. Only, bad ties and back luck always occur with the two when they always meet up. Living together under one roof and going to school together gets worse because she finds out that he's one of the top students in the school and he doesn't acknowledge her existence.

"Keep our marriage and housing a secret and you'll survive."

[Sign's comment: Practically, the two are living together 'married' but they create a contract where their marriage is a secret as well as their housing since the male has kind of a reputation at the school. Of course, we can alter this storyline too (E.G. only if like she somehow likes the main lead or something)]

S t r i n g s O f F a t e


Genre: Otome, Romance, Historical, Fantasy [Small play in this]
"I thought I was already dead. But I soon figured, I ended up living someone else's life... that was me in the past."

This female lead was walking home one day when she noticed someone was getting rob. Attempting to help the victim, she is killed by a sudden gunshot and lost conscious. That was when she saw and heard herself from the past years back in the 1900s. The woman, who looked exactly like the female lead told her to live her life, and she'll exchange her soul with hers to set herself free. She then fell into a deep sleep, waking up suddenly after a ruckus around the area. She is awakened by a presence of four men that surrounded her.
"Are you okay, young lady? You've been sleeping for almost a week."
It was then that she realized that where she ended up waking up to, was not even in the present, but back in the past in Edo [Fomerly was known as Japan in present day]! These four men will guide her to her safety and this adventure is filled with adventure, love, and tears!

[Sign's Comment: Seriously, I've been wanting to create more "otome" roleplays because I find it pretty fun and unique. These are usually PMed through the roleplay and the thread is used for a directory. This will make more sense once we actually start going on, but I'll be playing a role of FOUR men that you, the female protagonist, get to choose. Each one will have "friendship" levels and "heart" levels depending on the choices you make and each person has their own unique story! The plot in mind was all that she was transferred to the past to her past self (Where the fantasy lies in this only) and she kind of just lives the life of her own past self with memories that were shared) You may alter this story (like her background history, etc) and I WILL make the men according to her background (E.g. if she was a princess or geisha or something idk)].

..... YES. I took me flipping 16 hours to finish these videos. ∑(´゚ω゚`*) ∑(´゚ω゚`*)

Hey! Are you up for the marriage contract :) 16 hours of work is impressive and I like the little ghosties lol
Hey! Are you up for the marriage contract :) 16 hours of work is impressive and I like the little ghosties lol
Thanks, the videos would've taken longer if I didn't chop off the whole song lmao. I would've been dead already lmao xD. The ghost represents me ghosting sometimes lmao. I'm totally up to marriage contract of course. {And to those that are reading this, you can still request for roleplaying it too}. Would you like to do via pm or thread?
Uhhh, can you explain a bit on how the PMs/threads will work for "Strings of Fate"? I'm interested in it.
Uhhh, can you explain a bit on how the PMs/threads will work for "Strings of Fate"? I'm interested in it.

I've actually done an otome roleplay that consists of PMing and using the thread. It's actually quite simple and it's similar to the games you would play on the app. You would interact (via normal roleplaying) in the PM. When I am done replying, I would give you three to four choices you can choose from and so on that you HAVE to include in your post somewhere at the beginning (guidance).

[Your post] You went to the park and saw a dog.
[My post] Dude walks by from running and sees the dog.

This is where the thread comes in play. I'll post like the 3-4 choices and when you reply back, you have to reply to the choice you wanted to do.

This would be on the thread:
[CHOICE 1: Run away from the dog (meaning you're going away from the dude)]
[CHOICE 2: Pet the dog]
[CHOICE 3: Ignore them and move on to your destination]

Of course, each choice affects the person. You can increase/decrease their friendship/love level by what they like and their background (what would they respond to if they were a reserved, quiet person versus a happy-go-lucky person?)

If you chose CHOICE 1: You'd probably bump into a different dude that isn't there at the scene.
If you chose CHOICE 2: That guy who was running owned the dog so the conversation may start there. This choice can increase the guy's friendship point probably because he sees that you like animals (which may be something he looks in his ideal type of girl)
If you chose CHOICE 3: You'd probably bump into another different guy that isn't there at the scene also.

All in all, if this doesn't make sense, you can head over to my other otome roleplay thread for reference.
I am still letting those that are interested to talk to me (even if there are others that are interested in it. I will personally close the roleplay once there are too many people that would like to roleplay with me.
I've actually done an otome roleplay that consists of PMing and using the thread. It's actually quite simple and it's similar to the games you would play on the app. You would interact (via normal roleplaying) in the PM. When I am done replying, I would give you three to four choices you can choose from and so on that you HAVE to include in your post somewhere at the beginning (guidance).

[Your post] You went to the park and saw a dog.
[My post] Dude walks by from running and sees the dog.

This is where the thread comes in play. I'll post like the 3-4 choices and when you reply back, you have to reply to the choice you wanted to do.

This would be on the thread:
[CHOICE 1: Run away from the dog (meaning you're going away from the dude)]
[CHOICE 2: Pet the dog]
[CHOICE 3: Ignore them and move on to your destination]

Of course, each choice affects the person. You can increase/decrease their friendship/love level by what they like and their background (what would they respond to if they were a reserved, quiet person versus a happy-go-lucky person?)

If you chose CHOICE 1: You'd probably bump into a different dude that isn't there at the scene.
If you chose CHOICE 2: That guy who was running owned the dog so the conversation may start there. This choice can increase the guy's friendship point probably because he sees that you like animals (which may be something he looks in his ideal type of girl)
If you chose CHOICE 3: You'd probably bump into another different guy that isn't there at the scene also.

All in all, if this doesn't make sense, you can head over to my other otome roleplay thread for reference.
okay no, that makes perfect sense. I'll go give the thread a read over in order to make sure.

are you still open for that?
Any last calls before I officially close this~ (Roleplays will have a CLOSED right under the genre if I'm not accepting anymore people that may be interested)

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