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[1x1] To High Seas (DrHuggies & SC)

Kai smirked. "You're always welcome to take the rowboat home hunny," Kai said and pointed to the rowboat on deck. Kai turned his attention back to the approaching ship. It was close enough. Kai gave the order to open fire and the cannonballs tore holes in the enemy ship. They quickly shot back and Kai's ship shook with the contact of the cannonballs. Kai manouvered the ship around and to the rear where they once again pummeled the enemy. They were evidently starting to sink. Then there was a gunshot. It seemed like a stray shot but when Kai looked down he could see his shirt begin to turn red with blood. "F***" Kai swore and clutched the wound in his stomach.


Guess what!? I use Tapatalk as well!!!
Cassandra cursed, ducking behind the mast. "You're crazy! I might take up that offer of rowing home, at this rate..." she poked her head out, staring at him for a few long moments. "I'll go get medical supplies -- if the lower deck isn't already flooded." she stood slowly, sheathing her sword. Then, after a moment of hesitation, she bolted across the deck, hurrying below deck. She dug around the lower deck for a minute or so before locating a few medical supplies. Scooping them up, she disregarded the couple inches of water at her feet, running back above deck.
Kai swore again and pulled out his pistol. He shot at the nearby enemy pirates and propped himself up on the side. Then, out of the corner of his eye he saw Cassandra running. A man was running after Cassandra. He shouted a warning but she didnt seem to hear him. Kai leaped down and drove his blade through the man, just as the man leaped to attack Cassandra. The man died. Kai screamed in pain, then blacked out


Guess what!? I use Tapatalk as well!!!
She continued running as quickly as her legs carried her, her eye narrowing slightly as she got closer to Kai. When he shouted something, she paid little heed, keeping the medical supplies in a tight grip. She flinched as he jumped down, diving to the ground. "Is this another drill!?" Cassandra turned to glare at him, though sat up quickly, eyes wide. Getting to her feet, she placed the medical supplies aside, grabbing his legs. She began to drag him towards his cabin, her eyes darting around as men ran past her.
Kai awoke, groggy. He rubbed his eyes and winced at the pain of trying to raise his arms. His whole body was burning up with pain. Kai gritted his teeth and stood up. A wave of nausea swept at him but Kai stood his ground. He grabbed his cutlass and blumderbuss and stepped onto the deck to observe what had occured
Cassandra was sitting beside him quietly, searching through the medical supplies. She paused when he began to stand, eyes wide. "What are you doing? Get back in bed!" she got to her feet, following him out onto the deck. "You're in no condition to get up, not now. I was going to try to clean your wound again, because I was a little rushed, and you moving around like that is probably just making it worse! Not that you'd listen to me, even if I just saved your life..." she grabbed his arm, tugging on it lightly. "Get back inside."
Cassandra was sitting beside him quietly, searching through the medical supplies. She paused when he began to stand, eyes wide. "What are you doing? Get back in bed!" she got to her feet, following him out onto the deck. "You're in no condition to get up, not now. I was going to try to clean your wound again, because I was a little rushed, and you moving around like that is probably just making it worse! Not that you'd listen to me, even if I just saved your life..." she grabbed his arm, tugging on it lightly. "Get back inside."
Kai winced when Cassandra grabbed him and pulled him back inside. "Sorry," he muttered and lay back down on the bed. Kai watched Casaandra as she worked his wounds. He smiled and found himself staring at her. He quickly looked away and looked out the cabin window. "What did i miss? Did we win?" Kai managed to ask.
"Well, we're not dead." she said with a shrug, glancing up at her for a few moments. "A few of your men died, others were hurt, we took on some damage and water, but we stayed afloat. Some of your inventory was ruined by the water, by the way." Cassandra sighed, finishing redressing his wound and getting to her feet. "We managed to take care of that ship, but I'm certain that's not the last of that captain fellow's fleet. I hope we're ready for another fight..." frowning slightly, she pulled her hat back on. "But, I won't doubt another ship or two coming into view at some point. I just hope we spot it in time."
Kai groaned and got up. Only to find that his feet collapsed underneath him bringing him to the ground. Kai groaned in pain and pulled himself back up. He yelled in frustration and shot a hole in the wall. He then dropped the gun and held his head in his hands. He hated that he would be basically useless.
She frowned, kneeling next to him. "I suggest you calm down and return to your hammock, because you'll only be getting worse if you throw fits like that." Cassandra stood, staring down at him with a raised eyebrow. She did pity him somewhat, but it wore off quickly. "Now, then, would you like me to get you some food? Or something to calm you down, maybe." she sighed, leaning against the wall and eying him.
Kai wobbled up to the cabin door and opened the door. He hobbled slowly to the edge of the ship and sat down. He stared out onto the horizon, scanning it for sight of the ships. When suddenly the top of a mast caught his eye. Alarmed Kai called over a few of his youngest crewman to take Cassandra in a rowboat to the nearest land. He then sent them off quickly before manning the wheel. He winced as he raised his hands to the wheel.
Cassandra followed him out, frowning. "Get back to resting, you're only going to get worse--" she paused, glancing over at the horizon and squinting slightly, shifting as she, too, spotted the distant ship. She sighed, resting against one of the cannons, glaring down at him. "I'm not going anywhere! What if I'm discovered on land, hm? Or what if you're shot again? You can turn the other way--" she flinched as she was pulled towards the rowboat. "They haven't spotted us yet!" she attempted to pull away, though sighed afterwards, sitting down in the rowboat. "Fine. So long as I get to keep my jewelry..."
Kai gave Cassandra a quick glance before returning his attention back to the enemy ships. Once Cassandra had left, Kai had gathered all his men. "We have finally been given the chance to take our revenge on Captain Jace!" Kai yelled, "although our ship isnt as big, or we havn't got as much men, we will still stand and make em pay!!" Kai raised his fist and yelled. "While we still stand! While air still fills our lungs! While blood flows through our vains! We will make them bleed, we will fill the ocean with the blood of his crew!!" Kai yelled and fired his gun in the air. Kai's crew shouted and ran to their battle stations, weapons in hand.
Cassandra stared at the ship quietly as the boat rowed away, before glancing over at one of the crew members, an eyebrow raised. "Is your captain always this melodramatic before throwing his life away?" she asked, sitting back a little. "I'll be honest, I can't say I'm not glad that I won't be thrown into a battle that will probably result in everyone's death... and at least I've got some pretty jewelry from the whole experience." she sat back a bit, glancing around. "Where are we going? Preferably somewhere proper and colonized, because I'm not about to be thrown into a savage environment after all this."
The crewman taking Cassandra ignored her yibber yabbering and rowed to the nearest safe island. The island seemed to have a few cottages

There was a cannon shot. Then a splash of water beside the ship. The enemy had fired. Kai's ship returned fire, a few of the cannonballs finding their mark and punching holes in the enemy ship. There was a lucky cannonball fired from one of Kai's crew and the ship sunk, the crewmen jumping onto the neighboring ships. The ships where starting to near and both sides began to fire their muskets. Kai dropped to the floor as the bullets whizzed overhead. Kai groaned in pain as he landed and scrambled to a sitting position, his back against the side of the ship. Kai peeped over and fired his musket at a nearby pirate. The bullet found its mark and the man fell to the floor, his cutlass skidding along the floor.
She sighed, staring at the island for a few long moments. "So, what do we do here, then? Ask them if we can stay for a few nights, and hope they're hospitable? Or are we going to go about this like pirates and raid the place?" she got to her feet, carefully stepping onto the shore. "I could go for a nice meal, I think. If these people have good food, I mean. They look poor to me." Cassandra said with a frown, glancing around the beach. "Aren't you fellows at least a little upset that they're out fighting and doing... pirate things, while you're here escorting me to this cute little island?" removing her hat, she ran a hand through her hair. "Oh, you don't think they have many bugs here, do you? I think I'd prefer the battle, if I woke up covered in bites in the morning..."
(Fuuuu typed a whole post but then phone spazzed and it got deleted. I have to go so i will post again tomorrow, sorry :-( ) 
The pirates with Cassandra rolled their eyes. The 'leader' of their small gang fired three shots of his pistol into the air. There were screams and about a dozen armed men leaped out of the small settlements. Having the advantage of surprise the pirates charged at the native people, bullets flying, cutlasses swinging.

A cannon ball ripped through the side of the ship just to Kai's right. That was his cue to leave. He scurried down from the steering platform and hid behind one of the cannons. The adrenaline of battle made him forget his wounds. Kai picked up two pistols and leaped up. He repetitively fired the pistols, several crewmen falling down dead. Kai dived down as a cannon ball from behind slammed into the ship. They were flanked. Cursing, Kai leaped onto the closer enemy ship, two new pistols in his hands. The old pistols lay on his boat, the barrels smoking. Kai fired at an enemy who tried to slice him in mid-air and landed on his body, using it as a cushion. Kai twirled around and snarled at the enemy crewmen who began to circle around him. "Come get some motherf**kers!"
She drew her cutlass, though mostly stood back and watched quietly, swinging at anyone who got too close. As the battle ended, she sighed quietly, sheathing her sword and approaching the pirates. "Well, now that we've got the issue of natives out of the way, I suppose we find a nice house to stay in? Food, maybe." Cassandra adjusted her hat, glancing around. "At least you got some action. Though I think I'm mostly looking forward to some nice dinner and rest, now that I don't have to deal with that insane captain of yours..." she said, starting towards the small homes.
The crew grunted at Cassandra and left her to go raid a house. They came out with bottles of alcohol and spent the night drinking and singing.

A man leaped at Kai from behind. Kai quickly turned and shot him in the face, his blood splattering on his comrades. A few more men leaped at Kai. Kai ducked under the first man's blow and thrust his pistol into the man's stomach. Killing the man, Kai jumped over a low sword stroke and turned, kicking the man in the face and then shooting him as he tumbled to the ground. As Kai landed he rolled to the side and out of the circle of crewmen. He started to fire his pistols at the crew until his guns, smoking, were out of ammo. Swearing, Kai threw the guns at the two remaining men. As the stumbled back, clutching their faces, Kai leaped forward. Easily decapitating their bodies. Smiling he turned around and picked up one of the enemies pistols. He called to his men and they all abandoned Kai's ship and boarded the ship Kai was currently on. Kai then fired at a small crate of gunpowder. The explosion blew a hole in the ship and sent Kai's boat sinking. "Full speed ahead!" Kai yelled to his crew as they rushed around the new ship. Kai turned to see how far away the rest of Jace's crew was. "We can lose them if we hurry up!"
Cassandra sighed and rolled her eyes, sitting down quietly by a house. She watched them for a while, muttering a few complaints every now and then. She sat, in thought for a few minutes, before getting to her feet. Squinting at the horizon, she tried to spot any ships, but couldn't see anything. At least the pirates were long gone, she thought with a sigh, heading into one of the houses. She came out a few minutes later, arms filled with supplies, placing them by her spot, before turning to the pirates. "What do you say we start a little fire, keep ourselves warm? Maybe cook some food for dinner..."

There was a bang. Then a crack. And the mast came down, smashing into the deck sending wood flying and huge splinters jutting out of the deck. The enemy fleet started to catch up and before long the ships started to exchange barrages of cannon balls and bullets again. Suddenly there were men flooding onto the boat from all directions. Kai twirled around just in time to see a cutlass swinging at him. Kai ducked under the blow and kicked the unbalanced man onto a splinter, impaling him through the chest. Kai shot at a nearby enemy. The deck was getting slippery with blood and there were bodies strewn all over the deck. Kai's cutlass twirled around, enemies falling all around him. Kai was standing on a mound of bodies, shooting and slicing anyone who got near, their bodies adding to the pile. Although most of the bodies were enemy, many of Kai's crew had fallen. Only about two dozen men remained. They dragged the bodies and created a barricade to defend against the onslaught of bullets.
(Woops accidentally deleted the first paragraph)

The pirates distracted by the alcohol just waved Cassandra off, ignoring her.
She frowned at the men, before sighing, heading off to gather firewood. Cassandra began to build a large fire pit, scanning the horizon every so often. "I trust they've sailed far enough." she said, glancing back at the pirates for a few moments. She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Not that you're listening. If I'm lucky, there are some Navy ships out looking for me, and they're bound to be around here somewhere..." when she figured she had build a large enough fire pit, she sat down by it, trying to light it to no avail.
The fighting started to weaken and then stop. Kai climbed to the top of the bodies. He then saw captain Jace. Kai threw his pistol to the ground and drew his cutlass. Jace also dropped his pistol and drew his cutlass. He then climbed to the top and faced Kai. "We meet again," Jace smirked. Kai stayed silent, his cutlass upright. Jace leaped forward with a simple strike that Kai parried. From there it was a flurry of swords. A cloud of silver surrounded the two as their cutlasses moved at unhuman speeds. Kai slid down the pile of bodies and onto the deck. Jace jumped down and the fighting continued. Kai suddenly twirled and kicked Jace's wrist. The splinters from the deck impaled his wrist making him drop his weapon. Kai dropped his cutlass and pulled Jace up off the spike and threw him to the floor. Kai waited for him to get up and then he punched him in the nose. There was a crunch and then an explosion of blood. "Thats for my daughter!" Kai kneed Jace in the stomach, "that ones for my wife!" Kai then grabbed Jace by the neck and slammed him on the deck. Kai then lifted him up again and threw him onto the splinters of the deck. Kai raised his hand above his head and then fell to the ground unconscious.

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