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1x1 Romance Pairings

[QUOTE="Demon Shadow]Hi. I would like that. Message me please and we can discuss plot lines. I have one in mind that could work.

Sorry I think I have that 10 post thing :$ , I will pm you when that expires.
I remember starting an RP once with you nearer to the beginning of this year. :D It was fun while it had lasted. Would you be interested in another? My writing has improved some! xD I'm not as stressed with life for the moment so I've been able to crank out some good stuff. From what I remember we did a Queen x Bodyguard RP... but I'm open to almost anything. --Going back to the first post to look at your list again to see if anything screams "LOOK AT ME!" haha. There's a link in my sig that leads to my own search thread if you'd like to look at the plots I've got.

Here we go:

[QUOTE="Demon Shadow]

Witch x Wizard/Witch

Witch x Regular Human

--Depending on what your witch/wizard idea is (Like HP or an original?)

Human x Human

Fallen Angel x Angel

Angel x Angel

Fallen Angel x Fallen Angel

Demon x Angel

Demon x Demon

Fallen Angel x Demon

Angel x Human

Demon x Human

Demon x Witch

Angel x Witch

Queen x Bodyguard

Princess x Prince

Princess x Princess

Peasant x Prince

Princess x Peasant

Princess x Servant

Prince x Servant

Pirate x Crew Member

Pirate x Captive

Mermaid x Sailor (or Pirate)

Bad Girl x Good Guy

Shy Person x Outgoing Person

Loner x Popular

Soldier x Civilian

Roommate x Roommate

Best Friend x Best Friend

Twisted versions of fairy tales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Would be awsome!)

Modern versions of fairy tales

College Student x College Teacher

Celebrity x Fan

Childhood Friend x Childhood Friend

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Dethbycoffee said:
I remember starting an RP once with you nearer to the beginning of this year. :D It was fun while it had lasted. Would you be interested in another? My writing has improved some! xD I'm not as stressed with life for the moment so I've been able to crank out some good stuff. From what I remember we did a Queen x Bodyguard RP... but I'm open to almost anything. --Going back to the first post to look at your list again to see if anything screams "LOOK AT ME!" haha. There's a link in my sig that leads to my own search thread if you'd like to look at the plots I've got.
Here we go:
Hi I would love to try another roleplay with you. So I see you are interested in many of my pairings so let's try to narrow it down a bit before discussing a roleplay. Also will these be FxM or FxF.

Ok so let's see what you have listed:

  • For the witch ones I was thinking kind of like Supernatural style witches (I'm not sure if you are familiar with that but it would be like that kind of witch, Especially for the witch x demon one.) But if you would prefer HP style witches I would be ok with that also.
  • The angel and demon ones I would be most interested in are (Fallen Angel x Angel, Fallen Angel x Fallen Angel, Angel x Human, Demon x Human, and Demon x Witch).
  • The royalty ones I'm most interested in are (Queen x Bodyguard and Princess x Prince).
  • I'm not all that interested in any of the pirate ones at the moment but if I had to choose one I would pick Pirate x Crew Member.
  • Out of the other ones listed I am most interested in Roommate x Roommate, Best Friend x Best Friend, Twisted versions of fairy tales, Modern versions of fairy tales, and Childhood Friend x Childhood Friend.


amybri18 said:
I'm interested in a mermaid x pirate.
I'm sorry but I'm not all that interested in that pairing at the moment.
Okay, let's see... narrowing down... No, I'm not quite familiar with Supernatural (though I have been meaning to get into it). But I'm good with basic explanations. :D

Anything Fallen Angel and I'm in love (Fallen Angels are my kryptonite... or Nephilhim (children of Angels and humans)

I'd totally go for another Queen x Bodyguard with you! Or even the Princess x Prince (Royalty... another kryptonite for me... xD )

...I've got a singular childhood friends pairing plot (listed in my personal 1x1 search thread). I've tried finding someone to rp it with me, but every time I think I've found a partner they seem to abandon me right after character creation. Kind of makes me sad a little...

Oh, and it'd be FxM, which I have no issue at all playing the male, since I actually play males more than females.

---Upon further inspection... I didn't exactly narrow that down much, huh? xD Let's stick to...... Something with Angels, or something royal? that narrows it down, right? xD (Unless you're interested in my childhood friends idea which the plot is techincally set specifically, but I'm open to tweaking it to make it more interesting to you if you so choose)

Would you like me to PM the plot to you for review, or...?
Dethbycoffee said:
Okay, let's see... narrowing down... No, I'm not quite familiar with Supernatural (though I have been meaning to get into it). But I'm good with basic explanations. :D
Anything Fallen Angel and I'm in love (Fallen Angels are my kryptonite... or Nephilhim (children of Angels and humans)

I'd totally go for another Queen x Bodyguard with you! Or even the Princess x Prince (Royalty... another kryptonite for me... xD )

...I've got a singular childhood friends pairing plot (listed in my personal 1x1 search thread). I've tried finding someone to rp it with me, but every time I think I've found a partner they seem to abandon me right after character creation. Kind of makes me sad a little...

Oh, and it'd be FxM, which I have no issue at all playing the male, since I actually play males more than females.

---Upon further inspection... I didn't exactly narrow that down much, huh? xD Let's stick to...... Something with Angels, or something royal? that narrows it down, right? xD (Unless you're interested in my childhood friends idea which the plot is techincally set specifically, but I'm open to tweaking it to make it more interesting to you if you so choose)

Would you like me to PM the plot to you for review, or...?
Ok well I would definitely be interested in hearing your childhood friends plot. I also really would love anything with angels and royalty is one of my weaknesses to be honest. So I would be happy with any of those pairings. If you PM me your plot if you want to do that and I like the story line we could do that. If not we can make up and decide some plots for the other pairings.
InnocenceLost said:
WTF! It's been more than 24 hours and I have more than ten posts.
Idk I see that but you might have to wait a bit. I'm not sure but when I click on your profile I don't have a option to message you.
How about a neighbor x neighbor? I've done and FxM one on a different site before, so how about we try a FxF?
InsaneAsylum said:
How about a neighbor x neighbor? I've done and FxM one on a different site before, so how about we try a FxF?
Well the plot line I currently have for the pairing neighbour x neighbour I kind of had a FxM relationship in mind.. But if you want to do FxF we can try that I guess.
InsaneAsylum said:
Oh, well if you already had one in mind than that's perfectly fine. I'll PM you soon.
Ok if that's fine with you that's fine with me as well. I look forward to hearing from you!


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