• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy βØỮŇĐ β¥ ĆĦΔΞŇŞ (OOC)


Two Thousand Club
You guys can come here and chat about whatever you want and just hang out in general. Questions for me or others can be asked here.

Ideas and such can be added here as well, however if they are for changes into the roleplay; it is much preferred to ask me in PM so that it is not forgotten and can be traced back easier.

Roleplay || Characters
Lenny2000 Lenny2000
The wards are set up by threat level indeed. Just because anyone that might be in the highest threat level ward, does not mean that any of the lower wards cant be as dangerous though.
What powers are available?
Powers can be more or less anything...within reason. Nothing too powerful that can obliterate people just by looking at them. Just make your character, pm it to happy, and if he has any issues with it he'll let you know.
You guys can come here and chat about whatever you want and just hang out in general. Questions for me or others can be asked here.

Ideas and such can be added here as well, however if they are for changes into the roleplay; it is much preferred to ask me in PM so that it is not forgotten and can be traced back easier.

Roleplay || Characters
So are we doing the weaknesses thing suggested on the main thread? It's sounds extremely interesting, and I would love to do it.
So are we doing the weaknesses thing suggested on the main thread? It's sounds extremely interesting, and I would love to do it.
I got no idea. We’ll play by ear. If you have anymore questions please do ask :)
Nothingness Nothingness
“When rping wait for at least 2 other people who you aren't interacting with to post please. That way we don't have like four pages of just two or three of the same characters interacting!”

I think a rule similar to this one would be great to implement into the RP!
I understand but one more question? Will there be people rping as guards to suppress the inmates ?
I have a character that I intend to be a guard for the facility. However, I see no problem with using NPC guards occasionally. Do note that the guards ARE loyal to the Judas Asylum and won't do anything that would threaten the lives of other staff members.
I have a character that I intend to be a guard for the facility. However, I see no problem with using NPC guards occasionally. Do note that the guards ARE loyal to the Judas Asylum and won't do anything that would threaten the lives of other staff members.
Do they stay in one sector or do they move around from sector to sector for the guards ?

Ps I made some changes to my character so look in character sheet . There are videos too to help describe .
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Do they stay in one sector or do they move around from sector to sector for the guards ?

Ps I made some changes to my character so look in character sheet . There are videos too to help describe .
Some guards can move, others are simply stationed there until their shift has ended and they are relieved. I'm planning on letting my character patrol the asylum or at least a couple wards. We'll see if happydeath agrees to that!
Some guards can move, others are simply stationed there until their shift has ended and they are relieved. I'm planning on letting my character patrol the asylum or at least a couple wards. We'll see if happydeath agrees to that!
Ok thanks for letting me know tho I'm super eager to play :)
Says the person that left the rp session
You replied AFTER I left. That doesn't change the fact that you need to be patient for others to post their characters before being able to RP. I did not leave BECAUSE I was impatient. I left because I have to dedicate a good amount of time to real life and rather than make a character, RP for a little bit, and then leave without a word. I have chosen to state that I cannot join the RP any longer.
You replied AFTER I left. That doesn't change the fact that you need to be patient for others to post their characters before being able to RP. I did not leave BECAUSE I was impatient. I left because I have to dedicate a good amount of time to real life and rather than make a character, RP for a little bit, and then leave without a word. I have chosen to state that I cannot join the RP any longer.

Says the person that left the rp session

Lenny2000 Lenny2000
I had approved of her leaving already well before you had posted that Lenny. The roleplay has yet to start due to people still submitting characters, the reason it hasn't begun yet is I don't want a bunch of posting to occur before people have fully submitted all their characters. Do not worry, it will start Friday. By then, if not everyone has submitted their character..then its too late since I've waited long enough.
Also, I do work during the day...so its not like I can start it if I'm not home..lol.

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