Search results for query: *

  1. S

    The Last Air Bender

    Hello, Just looking for maybe a couple of partners for 1x1 Avatar partners. Only a few requirements: Edit: I should have put this in the original post, but I'm interested in an original story and characters :) Literacy please Post at least once a week No abandoning, if you're prone to...
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    Searching for RP

    Fading to black is required, as per the rpn rules. Anyways, how does a super hero roleplay sound?
  3. S

    Divine Worlds

    You did, I posted in the OOC :P
  4. S

    Divine Worlds

    It's easy. Just go to the one on one roleplaying forum section and click on one on one roleplaying, instead of recruitment, then create a new thread. Then you can do @Status Undead to tag me, giving me an alert in the new thread, or you can come back here and post a link, though tagging is...
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    Divine Worlds

    Haha, awesome. I wouldn't want an all powerful entity either. They lose interest after they blow everything up, which tends to be instantly due to all powerfulnessitynessnessstuff. Wonderful, I am indeed interested in this role play :D Do you want to create a 1x1 role play thread, where we...
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    Divine Worlds

    Hiya! I may, or may not be interested. I have a few questions first, if that's alright? Now, I understand, if I were to apply, I'd be applying as the male Demigod. A few questions regarding that. I know he creates minions to fight off the Underworld's minions on the Overworld, which I'm guessing...
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    Born on the Bayou 1x1

    I would bump my own threads, especially if I posted one near midnight when the crowds start dying away. I'd bump it again the next day. I don't remember anything in the rules when I read them against bumping, just spamming, so, obviously don't bump it every hour or something, then it'll look...
  8. S

    1x1 partner wanted

    Hiya! I've been role playing for probably 5-6 years now, and I'm still learning too, I don't there's ever a time you won't be able to learn more! Anyways, do you have any ideas in mind? If not, then I can throw some stuff out there, give me some genre and I'll give you some ideas :D I'll...
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    Born on the Bayou 1x1

    I'm sorry to inform you that I'm not interested in this RP, but I thought it was funny because this was my introduction post 10 days ago :D
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    Mass Effect

    I'm looking for partners for, as the title suggests, 1x1 partners for playing out Mass Effect themed role plays. I'd like to play several characters, across multiple races. Probably everything but the Turians, Elcor, Hanar, and other boring races, like the Keepers and Vorcha. So yes, I'm...
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    Will you be my friend?

  12. S

    1x1? Please?

    That's funny, because I'm interested in the mermaid one :D I'd also be happy playing either one.
  13. S

    Will you be my friend?

    I actually like @Coatboy The Pocketed 's idea of having to rebuild a village after things have gone awry. Even if we can't get a group together for that idea, I'd like a 1x1 over it.
  14. S

    I'm willing for any 1x1. Any takers/givers?

    You can go to the forum, the scroll to where the thread role play section is, and click on create a New Thread Roleplay. You can title it whatever you please, normally I would give it a simple title, then, for a 1x1, I would use both users names, maybe shortened if they are long. Like Walking...
  15. S

    I'm willing for any 1x1. Any takers/givers?

    This is an agreeable arrangement :) Do we need to come up with a story, or did you have one in mind? Do you want to get a thread started and we can sort out details there, maybe with a character sheet? Or we could develop our toons through the story, since it'll be a 1x1, I'm guessing?
  16. S

    I'm willing for any 1x1. Any takers/givers?

    Original Character, but yeah, same concept. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love me a good Daryl and Maryl, if I even spelled their names right, but I have interest in creating my own toon. Though I wouldn't mind playing along canon characters with an OC.
  17. S

    I'm willing for any 1x1. Any takers/givers?

    I'm down for a walking dead type zombie apocalypse. Do you plan on using cannons? I myself would prefer OCs, and is what I'm interested in doing.
  18. S

    Will you be my friend?

    Heya. So, do you have any ideas in mind? I would be more than happy to help out. I'm a new member, but I've role played for some time, so hopefully my level of writing is good enough. (Happy_Face)