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  1. Ferret

    Hiya!:) I'm new:P

    Welcome! Enjoy your time here~
  2. Ferret

    Ello ~

    Welcome, friend! Enjoy your time here~
  3. Ferret

    Looking for 1x1 partners!

    Half Dragon x Human sounds interesting to me~ ^^
  4. Ferret

    So there's this guy, right, and he's. . .

    Hey! I'm quite interested in your "Angel and Devil" Plot ^^ I would say shoot me a pm but im new and still have a little less then 24 hours before my PMs activate so..
  5. Ferret

    Hey there, everyone!

    Hello friend! And welcome to the site~ ^^
  6. Ferret

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here ^^
  7. Ferret

    Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo, a star shines on the hour of our meeting.

    Welcome, other Newbie~! ^^
  8. Ferret

    Hello Everyone!!

    Hello! The name's Ferret and I'm new here to RpNation....obviously. But I am not new to roleplaying. I've been roleplaying for about 7-8 years and have seen an array of genres and types of roleplayers. I generally like to play the female role in MxF roleplays, but if the plot interests me...