Search results for query: *

  1. Trickster Crayon

    Multiple Settings Fresh Interest Check!

    ...roleplays, but they can be slow burns. I am down for anything angsty, anything wholesome, like- I am STARVING for some good roleplays!!! Fandom: *I am down for any and all ideas set in these universes as well! I love living in these worlds as OCs and such!* MHA- I am NOT caught up, working...
  2. Trickster Crayon

    Other What is something that has been said to you that you will never forget?

    What is something that someone has said to you that you will never forget? Mine is “You will never be enough for anyone, no matter how hard you try.” Harsh words I know, sorry about that!
  3. Trickster Crayon

    Multiple Settings Hey! You look tired, why don’t you come stay a while? (Always Open!)(Ignore Post Count)

    Hey! How are you? Thank you for reading my thread, it really does mean a lot! I feel like mine are a little ineffective when it comes down to finding partners, haha. Anyways, my name is Madi, I am 18+ and Semi-Lit to Literate. It just depends on the partner and such. I am a female so I am...
  4. Trickster Crayon

    Multiple Settings Guess Who Came Crawling Back..

    Yeah, it’s me. I’m back.. and I’m bored. I really want to get back into roleplaying! So let’s get to it: -Semi Lit to Lit! I like a few paragraphs! -MxF, I play female I just.. am no good at anything else. (Unless it is a double.) -Fandoms and Originals are my forte! I’m kind of sick of the...
  5. Trickster Crayon

    Multiple Settings Bruh, Just Come Quarantine and Chill with Me. (Thread open!) -I've never roleplayed in threads but I'd be down to try it. Otherwise, DMs or Discord works. -3rd person is my preferred type of roleplay. **Thanks for Making it this far! Please click on the Tabs to go through my plots and what not!** Slice of Life: Fame has made you the...
  6. Trickster Crayon

    Multiple Settings Here We Go Again! (Always open)

    ...-I'm not saying be perfect, but I at least want to understand your English -Understand a few absences here and there -Have fun with me!!! ***I know those aren't the best rules, but I'm pretty flow oriented. I tend to be easy going, so whatever works for you will typically work for me, hehe...
  7. Trickster Crayon

    Help I'm stupid

    How do you get started using BB code? I figured it out once but now I totally forgot what to push to start using the code.. haha.. don't make fun of me.. 😅
  8. Trickster Crayon

    Other American History: Wrong answers only.

    Together we will build up America’s History starting from The discovery of the new world until now. Wrong answers only.
  9. Trickster Crayon

    Poetry the stupid blonde (just a bunch of feel-poems)

    i saw the signs, i knew i saw the signs from the way you weren't consistent and all the dirt and grime you told me, one night as we stayed up you had told me straight up but I never sucked it up we weren't even together, you told me how you are consistently in need of attention and...
  10. Trickster Crayon

    Multiple Settings Ah What Do We Have Here? Some Desperate Attempts To Find a Partner?? (Looking!)

    ...if the story is going right and you feel like you can take it on from here, go for it! Fandom Ideas: My Hero Academia: -Oc x Oc *Hero School for Delinquents* In this plot, I’m thinking that perhaps we are both students who come from harsh families that weren’t able to make it...
  11. Trickster Crayon

    Realistic or Modern What Do We Do Now? (Character Sheets)

    A Place for Characters~! Hey! This is where you can place your characters for viewing. I will get back to you privately about your character, or just simply add you onto the roster. Take up as much space as needed, just make sure you only leave 1 post. Here's the list in ABC order! A...
  12. Trickster Crayon

    Realistic or Modern What Do We Do Now? OOC

    Welcome to the OOC page! Welcome to the city of Fort Monroe, crown rose of the country. Its a small quaint town out in the country side of the United States, with diverse people. Everyone here has either grown up here, or for some strange reason, on a whim, decided to move here. Everyone...
  13. Trickster Crayon

    Realistic or Modern What Do We Do Now?

    This is just an interest check, its something I’ve been thinking about for quite some time now, since nostalgia is all the rage! But bare with me! The time period is the 1981. You are a senior at Fort Monroe high school in a small town, only having a few months before you walk the stage...
  14. Trickster Crayon

    Multiple Settings Its Summer.. and I'm bored.

    Hello! I haven't been on in a long while due to lots of business and stress over real life things, however my life has finally come to a calm. I've been craving some roleplay action but I haven't been able to get myself up to make a forum and post it. Really, I'm interested in someone who will...
  15. Trickster Crayon

    Advice/Help What are some good limitations to powers for characters that possess them?

    What are some good limitations to powers when it comes to characters who possess them? I read somewhere that characters with no limitation to their power cause things to get boring.. because all the issues get solved quickly in a session. Most people just wanna be badass when really the best...
  16. Trickster Crayon

    Multiple Settings Partners?

    Hello! I haven't been on in a long while due to lots of business and stress over real life things, however my life has finally come to a calm. I've been craving some roleplay action but I haven't been able to get myself up to make a forum and post it. Really, I'm interested in someone who will...
  17. Trickster Crayon

    Multiple Settings Looking For New Partners

    Hi! I'm Trickster and I'm not new to the website. I was inactive for a long time only due to the fact that I had been very busy with life on the other end. It appears all of my older partners had moved on from me or given up on me due to my inactivity. Now, here we are and I am once again...
  18. Trickster Crayon

    A new beginning??

    Hi! I've been here for a while, but I've been inactive since December of last year. I decided to come back, now that my life has settled a little. If you'd like to.. I don't know, Rp again, or if you were once a partner of mine, do come back!
  19. Trickster Crayon

    Music Do you play an instrument?

    If so, what do you play, and what is the hardest part about playing this instrument? I play the French Horn, the hardest thing for me is playing in Bass clef, because the French Horn can go into the high brass range and the low brass range, but low notes don't sound good. If you wanna share...
  20. Trickster Crayon

    Other To Prefix or Not to Prefix?

    One thing I have noticed in the partner search and such.. is a lot say "Ignore Prefix." Hey, I'm guilty of it too. The real question here is.. are they even needed? Should RP nation keep them? We BARELY use them, usually we state all our plots and ideas, no matter the genre, into one thread...