Search results for query: *

  1. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    Poke? C'mon,peeps! I need some votes!
  2. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    Dread,you misunderstand. Our character has already been created. We all play the one character. We're her mind. We tell her what to do. The voices reach consensus,and act on the popular vote. The currently active choices are on my latest story post. However,I suggest you read all of my posts in...
  3. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    ...[x] Eye for an eye. You glower at the thug,cowering and sniveling pathetically under your foot. Apparently,he didn't mean to mug you. How the f*** does that work!? Whatever. He's obviously trying to get out of this with his skin intact. Luckily for him,you are in the market for some info...
  4. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    (@GgAcE This IS in the right section,I hope?) [x] Kick his ass! Heartsteal-style! Well,that simply won't do! To Hell with giving him anything! You're not going to let some local bumpkin slit your throat and take your things! Thankfully,self-defense and combat were part of the curriculum...
  5. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    Votes are now split THREE ways! God damn! I need more votes,or people to change their votes.
  6. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    As a note,you CAN die in this. Don't be suicidal. Think things through.
  7. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    I need an opening gambit,plus a follow-up,@iLoriel2
  8. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    [x] Disregard females,acquire currency As you cross one more intersection of countless others,you come to your decision. You need money. At least enough to rent out an apartment or hotel room for long enough to see a paycheck. However long that'll take. Casting your gaze about,you try to...
  9. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    @Fandoms4Ever That is invalid voting format. Please edit your post and erase any mention of the choices you didn't vote for.[x] Accept Mug [x] Question Interrogate [x] Ingratiate Yourself [x] Leave You accept his mug of "Hot cocoa" with a thanks,and take a sip. You just about burn...
  10. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    Sorry,Vamp. Wrong set of choices. Look on page 2. Our character's already been generated.
  11. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    Just so you know,you can select any number of options after your mug choice.
  12. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    We are ALL the elf with the crow. She is our protagonist. This isn't an RP. It's a story.
  13. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    You're never too late. All you do is read,and vote on the most recent set of potions given. As well as discuss things here.
  14. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    Little late for that,Charlie. On the second page is your new set of options.
  15. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    Invalid format. Please remove the options you're not voting for.
  16. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    [x] A girl [x] Fire [x] Earth [x] Isella Virte (T-T-T-T-TIE BREAKER!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The girl before you stares at you,wide-eyed,likely wondering what she did to displease you. Her soul reveals all you need to know. Her name is Isella Virte,and her...
  17. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    Thanks for the vote tally,Kaine. For anyone wanting to get in on this,you have until 5PM EST on Friday May 30th to vote. After that,voting's closed for this segment.
  18. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    Just so you know,ladies and gents,we need a consensus,or at the very least,a popular vote,in every category before we can proceed. Yes,even the name. If you see something you like,go ahead and make it your vote.
  19. Riddle78

    Story [Choose Your Own Adventure] The Final Exam - Magicide

    This is what I like to call a Multiple Choice Story,or a Chose Your Own Adventure. The aim is simple. Complete the story,based on choices given. When presented with a choice,you,the readers,vote to determine the future. For better,or for worse. For every choice,a consequence. Your choices may...
  20. Riddle78

    Story Just a Couple of my Swords

    Holy... I likey. Where'd you get them?