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  1. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    "And so another corrupt leader maintains his power over lands through deep seeded fear." It was an idle comment that I thought about deeply for a brief moment while I moved around. I was clean enough, I was drying, I could have had better company - or none at all - but at least hostilities...
  2. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    I smiled briskly at her question, but well before she could see, it had faded. The thoughts brought back warm memories, however vague, of joyous times where nothing mattered. "When occasion calls for it. Perhaps a fire at midsummer, in representation. Celebration is a cornerstone of my...
  3. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    I let her speak, allowing my eyes to drift freely from an almost examination, to the flames of the fire. "Repute comes in all forms. Should it benefit you in lands as these I see no reason you shouldn't use it." A loose shrug and she laughed at my jests. I did not. The light played sharp...
  4. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    She came in bearing the various items she had requested from the innkeepers and appeared quite loaded down. Still, I remained by the fire until I was once again clad in my leathers. My skin, though raw from the gentle scrubbing, was pale and clean once more. It appeared Irene had been in the...
  5. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    It appeared Irene did indeed know the innkeeps. This turned to be a blessing, as while I had plenty coin to sustain myself for the night - and dozens to come - it didn't seem the place to take kindly to a hooded stranger. The man behind the bar mostly focused on her, his eyes staying off...
  6. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    It is not for us to decide such things. The thought was humbling. For a moment it soured my brow, the idea that I could simply toss away a thought or concern because I may not be the first word to make the decision... Further bitternesses I swallowed. She meant well. How was it that Haleth...
  7. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    She spat fire like an enraged dragon. Venomous and vile it spit like poison from her lips, landing on myself with intent to burn. To harm. To maim. A few words were given in reply. "When I again see the good shine through the filth, my opinions may change. Until that happens, I judge as I...
  8. AnonymousRaine

    Any Witcher fans?

    ...the game crashed but so did my PC. Black screen then 50/50 GPU/CPU max while NOTHING HAPPENED or instant restart. Hopefully in the next day or two I'll know. WORST case, reinstall and restart game from scratch. Worst-worst case...I can't play Witcher 1 for some awful reason. *sobbing commences*
  9. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    In exchange for information - however vile - I gave her four words. "Your wound will heal." Is that what the outside world had fallen to in our absence? Blamed for its ills, most of which were brought on by the round-ears themselves? An easy out, the mysterious elves - and likely the other...
  10. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    Her words passed through me like a cool breeze. They meant little. Some part of me wondered how she had gotten free, but the sliced rope on the ground behind her and knife in hand gave enough hints to satisfy me. I didn't think it necessary to search her for more weapons. I thought I'd keep my...
  11. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    The smell of burning trees, singed flesh and grass alight still lingered around me. My breath was shallow, lips pursed as I stared out intently at the arrow lying innocently on the ground. Rain and the fresh scent of more on the horizon cleared the death and terror from around me. I was once...
  12. AnonymousRaine

    Yeah! I start playing games again! Six days later, my computer shits itself! WHYYYY. *whine* I...

    Yeah! I start playing games again! Six days later, my computer shits itself! WHYYYY. *whine* I need my Geralt fix...
  13. AnonymousRaine

    Other What is your favorite season...and why?

    Yay autumn! I miss winter so much. Snow, staying inside from the cold drinking tea, video games under piles of blankets, getting chilly outside and rolling into a heated house to thaw off...grah! So many good memories. Major jelly of y'all living places that actually have real seasons. xD
  14. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    "Only a fool seeks out battle. The wise man prepares for the worst." Roughly translated, of course, but it didn't matter. The words would go unheard no matter how close to the truth they were. One by one she rattled off a series of names we had accumulated over the years. They were just as...
  15. AnonymousRaine

    Other What is your favorite season...and why?

    Winter used to be my favorite too. I dunno what changed...I think moving to Texas. It's just so bloody mild, it's boring. xD I LOVE the cold too. Trust me it isn't as great as you may think. Flesh sticks to things you never thought was possible, including itself, and it's SO ANNOYING TO PEEL...
  16. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    She uttered something before we sat, something in a language I did not recognize. It got a quirk of my eyebrow, not that she could see, and a slightly lifted head but I made no further movement. "If you wish to speak in the tongues of our heritage we may, but the journey will be much longer...
  17. AnonymousRaine

    Other What is your favorite season...and why?

    <p> It's an awfully slow day for me today, so lets get chatting. What's your favorite season, and why? I'll start. <img alt=" :D " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" title=" :D "...
  18. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    She tried her very best to get to me. In a way it was endearing as she tried to craft her words to sting. I was sure any other male would puff up his chest, beat it in an outraged howl and leap to her in order to...maim? Kill? Teach a lesson? I would never be sure and I had no care to be. But...
  19. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    "What we agreed upon," I waved an arrow in gesture before it slipped back into my quiver. "Was an even exchange, a cleanly removed arrow and bound wound, in exchange for a direction. What did that get me?" My hand raised to tap two fingers into the side of my neck. The muscle ached -...
  20. AnonymousRaine

    Automaton (AnonymousRaine x Lenaara)

    I let her flinch away and speak her piece, watching all the while in annoyance. "Of course, how could I forget, your people take their destructive pleasures as innocent as they can. There's something poetically telling in that, don't you think?" My face soured beneath the hood, watching the...