Other What is your favorite season...and why?

Which season is your favorite?

  • Spring

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  • Summer

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  • Autumn

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  • Winter

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No Good, Two-Timing Dame

It's an awfully slow day for me today, so lets get chatting. What's your favorite season, and why? I'll start. <img alt=" :D " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" title=" :D " width="20" /> For me, autumn. That sense of sleepiness, the rain, the beginning of the refreshing cool and the leaves changing are so beautiful. You get Halloween, one of my favorite holidays, as the trees start to get more and more skeletal and the world falls into grey. A close second is spring, as everything slowly wakes up. Of course we also have a lot of wildflowers where I live, which helps. Anyone else?

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My favorite is Winter, which may or may not have something to do with Summer being my least favorite ( :P )

Basically, the way I see it is, when it's cold you have the option of bundling up - Layering more stuff on top of you to keep yourself warmer. When it's hot, you don't really have any choice but to wear less. Which is something I'm not too inclined to do :/

Though, if I was female...

Another reason I like Winter is because I like to think of the outdoors having three base looks. During the day, during the night, and during Winter. The snow makes everything prettier (^.^)
LegoLad659 said:
My favorite is Winter, which may or may not have something to do with Summer being my least favorite ( :P )
Basically, the way I see it is, when it's cold you have the option of bundling up - Layering more stuff on top of you to keep yourself warmer. When it's hot, you don't really have any choice but to wear less. Which is something I'm not too inclined to do :/

Though, if I was female...

Another reason I like Winter is because I like to think of the outdoors having three base looks. During the day, during the night, and during Winter. The snow makes everything prettier (^.^)
Winter used to be my favorite too. I dunno what changed...I think moving to Texas. It's just so bloody mild, it's boring. xD I LOVE the cold too.

Trust me it isn't as great as you may think. Flesh sticks to things you never thought was possible, including itself, and it's SO ANNOYING TO PEEL YOURSELF OFF OF THINGS OH MY JESUS
Even though I have never actually experienced it technically, Winter. The idea of a cold season interests me, as I am getting pretty tired by just simply a really hot summer.
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Also because it's not too hot and not too cold, at least here. It's just a pleasant chill. :]
I don't know if I could pick a favorite.

Where I live we experience all of the 4 seasons in full, with winters that fall below 0*F and summers that can get up to 100*F.

All the colors are really nice, except for that time in spring where the ground is all muddy because of the melted snow.

Summer is a break from school, and winter has no bugs.

If I had to pick one season to live in forever I might pick winter. I enjoy warming myself up more than trying to cool myself down... which I guess seems like a weird thing to say. But I'd much rather pile blankets on myself, cuddle up, wear hoodies all the time and take hot showers than suffer through the heat and the bugs.

So I guess that make winter my favorite? Haha, I dunno.
Yay autumn! I miss winter so much. Snow, staying inside from the cold drinking tea, video games under piles of blankets, getting chilly outside and rolling into a heated house to thaw off...grah! So many good memories. Major jelly of y'all living places that actually have real seasons. xD
Autumn is my favourite season for a bunch of reasons:

  1. My birthday
  2. Halloween
  3. Leaves turning colours
  4. Not too hot or cold
  5. Canadian Thanksgiving!
I love autumn because my birthday, it's the coolest in terms of temperature, and the leaves changing color is pretty cool. -u- I also feel the most calm during that season too.
I'm going to go with Autumn because of Halloween, the weather, and pumpkin spice everything!
I like every season for their unique features, but if I had to pick one I'd say autumn. I really like that it's cool without being freezing, the air turns crisp, and the leaves change >w< Also hot apple cider....need I say more?
Autumn... because it makes me think about how vulnerable everything is.

Then again, I've always been conflicted between that and winter because there is such a peaceful stillness when a landscape is covered in snow. Not necessarily when it's snowing, but just after a snowfall, when everything seems so serene, quiet and stationary. I guess I like both of these seasons because they inspire me to have many different thoughts.
It is a close tie between Winter and Fall. Although I have to say that Fall takes the cake only because it rains way more in the Winter time and it looks extremely dull and depressing. Summer is just way to hot and humid and I can never dress up because as soon as I walk out of the house my hair is frizzing. Spring is extremely beautiful but the beauty quite doesn't compare to that of fall.
I love Winter the most, the snow, the warm coffee, book in hand, the sound and the feeling of Christmas. Omg everything just feel like home.

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