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  1. Proficiently Awkward

    Multiple Settings Unicorn Hunting: A Search for the Perfect Long-Term RP Partner

    Unicorn Hunting: A Search for the Perfect Long-Term RP Partner The title says it all - I’m looking for an absolute oddity in this day and age. A writing partner that matches my tenacity for character creation, lengthy descriptions, and deep dives into plot / world building. I’m an old-school...
  2. Proficiently Awkward

    Fantasy 'Feral' RP. Animal societies and world-building. (Literate. Detailed.)

    Looking for a literate, detailed RP partner to hash out some feral animal based plot lines. Full world-building, politics, social issues...just with a 'Watership Down' like flare. I'm looking for something gritty here, rather than lighthearted - here is a list of a few writing prompt ideas: -...
  3. Proficiently Awkward

    Multiple Settings A Proficiently Awkward Partner Search (Detailed. Literate.) to play around in. Mad Max / Post-Nuclear Apocalypse Pre-History/Earth’s Children Series/Clan of the Cave Bear/Horizon: Zero Dawn-ish*** Feral - Real animals with complex societies.*** (Bonus if you've read Ratha's Creature, Firebringer, The Sight. That is the sort of...
  4. Proficiently Awkward

    Multiple Settings 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙'𝖘 𝖆 𝖉𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑 𝖙𝖔 𝖉𝖔? (𝙙𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙙, advanced)

    I'm an oldie - in my 30's. But I've got quite a bit of experience RPing under my belt! I can be verbose as hell and love explicit detail when writing. If you're interested in seeing if our styles mesh, I would be all to happy to send you a writing sample and chat with you a bit. I'm looking for...
  5. Proficiently Awkward

    Fantasy Let's Create

    ...LARPing. I would consider myself a fairly advanced writing partner - I enjoy challenging themes and subject matter and I'm not easily put off by *most* concepts. If you'd like a writing sample, I would be happy to oblige! I usually post anywhere from 3 to 10+ paragraphs, though I value...
  6. Proficiently Awkward

    An Awkward Attempt at Partner-Searching

    @Malkon For some odd reason, I've been missing replies to this posting - feel free to shoot me a PM if you wanted to discuss anything RP related!
  7. Proficiently Awkward

    Fandom Horizon: Zero Dawn

    ...a short list of exactly what I'd be looking for, as far as a partner goes - I enjoy finding like-minded, compatible folks to generate plot with. * Original character concepts ONLY. * Detailed, literate RP. (My posts generally range from 500-1,500 words) * Plot building. Lots! * Doubling. *...
  8. Proficiently Awkward

    Fandom Tale as Old as Time [MxM]

    Nifty idea!
  9. Proficiently Awkward

    His Dark Materials Based RP?

    Feel free to shoot me a PM if you'd like to discuss a RP.
  10. Proficiently Awkward

    Realistic or Modern Here we go...again

    Sure. I always love hearing ideas.
  11. Proficiently Awkward

    Realistic or Modern Here we go...again

    Moulin Rouge. o.o Now there is something I've never seen someone want to RP out before. I am...intrigued.
  12. Proficiently Awkward

    An Awkward Attempt at Partner-Searching

  13. Proficiently Awkward

    Fantasy Write with me! Looking for a partner for brainstorming/role-play

    Fairy abduction is a nifty angle. What sort of thing did you have in mind for that? Sidhe? Or all manner of mythological stuff? Red Caps? Kappas? Phoukas? I'm sort of a Celtic/English Mythology nerd. If you wanted to brainstorm, I would be game. I am in the same boat as you - I like talking back...
  14. Proficiently Awkward

    Multiple Settings Always looking! Long posts, realistic characters, tons of ideas. (Please ignore post count + dates)

    I'm always in the market for a good post-apocalyptic RP. I'm a detailed, literate writer who likes nothing more than to create rich stories and settings. If you'd like to collaborate on something together, feel free to shoot me a PM. I'd be more than happy to submit a writing sample.
  15. Proficiently Awkward

    Fandom Lyraen's Fandom Search △⃒⃘ ➵ ϟ (ATLA, HP, THG...) Ignore Post Count!

    If you're still on the search for partners, feel free to shoot me a PM. I would be thrilled to possibly collaborate with you on just about any of your topics, though I do only play original characters. If you want to chat about plots and the like, message me.
  16. Proficiently Awkward

    Fandom Looking For Partners! Fandoms And Originals Inside [Closed]

    I'd love to collaborate on a medieval fantasy or science fiction plot with you. I'm a detailed, literate RPer - and I've been in the game about 18+ years, now. Eek, dating myself. In any case, I'd be delighted to send a writing sample should you be interested. If you're still looking, feel free...
  17. Proficiently Awkward

    Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist RP Search

    Nifty ideas. I don't typically play canon characters, but this is intriguing the heck out of me. Especially the kidnapping bit - the angst. -chuckles- Hit me up via PM if you want to discuss ideas more and see if we'll make a compatible pair.
  18. Proficiently Awkward

    Fantasy Magic, Alchemy and Sparkles

    I would be thrilled to sit down and chat at you about story ideas! I'm an old hat at RPing and I'm always on the lookout for good partners who are willing to put in equal effort toward story and plot. If you'd be interested in talking a bit to see if our styles and goals are compatible, shoot me...
  19. Proficiently Awkward

    Realistic or Modern Advanced Lit RP Partner Search

    I would be interested in coming up with some ideas with you - dystopian settings are definitely a favorite of mine. If you're looking for detailed role-play and believable plot development, hit me up.