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Realistic or Modern Here we go...again


More like burnt popcorn.
First off, ignore the genre tag for this thread. I am looking for more than just modern roleplays.

I've been reading a lot of these roleplay partner adds and some of them are quite impressive. If you are looking for an impressive introduction into my life with an equally impressive BBcode layout, I'm sorry to have misled you.
This isn't that kind of movie.

I will, however, add a couple points about my roleplay style and if you come to find yourself interesting in having me as a partner we can then begin the mundane 'Hi, how are you, my name is Dr. Pennyhopper' routine.

Fair? I think so.

Let me set it up somewhat neat for you all:


Way back in the day, when yahoo instant messenger and MSN were tops of the roleplaying norm, I would often play female characters. Now, in the fast new age of the modern technology that is forums I tend to only play male characters. Why? Maybe it has something to do with a deep seeded subconscious need to be more masculine? The world may never know. I can and will play a female character if the need or want arises. In fact I still have a few female characters that I was never able to bring to full potential. Alas, a story for another day.

I am a detailed roleplayer. Not always the best writer, but a detailed one. So I would very much hope for the same courtesy from my partner. I don't always match post length, just being honest. You could write two paragraphs and I'll give you a novel, just depends on how hungry I am and how motivated/interested I am in the roleplay. Don't let it intimidate you. I won't ask you do to more than you are capable. After all if you are not having fun, and the roleplay becomes a chore, there is a problem. Which brings me to my next and final point.

Please, if you are no longer interested in the roleplay and want to start a new one. Tell me! I am incredibly easy going when it comes to stuff like that.


Here are my pairings.
I don't actually have a plot in mind at the moment, but we can always build one, or the classic ' wing it' scenario.

ProfessorxStudent ( I've done a lot of these roleplays they can always be fun)

Detective x Criminal ( Includes murderer, rapist, petty theft etc etc)
Good ol' arranged marriage
God x Human ( or goddess )
Ronin x Hime
Samurai x Samurai
Murderer x Victim
Dream Walker x Dreamer
Stuck in a Dream
Prince x commoner ( and princess)
Duke x commoner
Prince x Prince or Princess ( Medieval or Modern)
Knight x Prince/Princess (Medieval or Modern)
Witch x Prince/princess /Knight ( Medieval or Modern)
Witch x commoner (Non-magical) ( Medieval or Modern )
Millionaire x Not so millionaire

Dark and scary
Romance ( Duh)
Slice of Life

I can't think of anymore pairings but you get the idea, I'm open to a lot of things. So If you have one that's not on the list just ask.

So I don't usually do fandoms or Canon characters but here are the exceptions to the rule.
Moulin Rouge -ish
Final Fantasy
The Last of Us

I think that's it..might be more. Who knows.

Side note: I have no restrictions on gender pairings. As in, MxM MxF FxF Cat x Dog Anything. It's all kosher.
Oh boy, Hi!

I was wondering if you wanted to do something with me! And I would want to either do:
Arrange Marriage
Murderer x Victim
Prince x Commoner
Witch x Prince
Witch x Commoner

I was quite interested in a few of your pairings, and genres. Maybe we could sort something out?
My eye caught on:
Prince x Commoner {princess}
Prince x Princess
Arranged marriage (maybe we could mix prince and princess into this one?)
Millionaire x Not so millionaire
Slice of life
Last of us (setting, so on)

I know that's a lot and I cant really choose between them so maybe we can sort something out?
Hey there! I must say i found your forum quite intriguing.
I would love to put our heads together and come up with a role play we could both enjoy.
Please feel free to message me, or I could always message you.
Hi! I'll be quite interested in the pairings:
Professor x student
Witch x commoner
Can't seem to decide between the two, maybe have them mixed up, who knows? ^^
Either way I'd love to rp with you PopcornandCaramel PopcornandCaramel
It is my favorite movie of all time and I recently visited Paris in May and seeing the real Moulin Rouge inspired me to fall in love with the drama and romance all over again!

If you're interested I can lay out the idea for you in PM.

Proficiently Awkward Proficiently Awkward
Oh lord there's so many replies here!! You must be busy!! If not too much lol send me message wouldya!? I'd love to write with you!!
oh, i'd love to rp mxm witch x prince with you? maybe we cld even mix it with some moulin rouge themes. if you're still looking, send me a pm! :*
I'd love to do some of these! And I'm down with being the female. Anything with royalty or teacher/student dynamics, I'm down for :)

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