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  1. GenericHenchman

    Other Something fresh, something new.

    ....Also, I just realized this doesn't *quite* belong in general discussion.
  2. GenericHenchman

    Other Something fresh, something new.

    That's, umm-well I'm sure it was cathartic?
  3. GenericHenchman

    Other Something fresh, something new.

    <p> First there was fantasy, then there was sci-fi. Too crazy? Why not try slice-of-life? How about school? NO!? TOO COOL FOR THAT SHIT!? Well there is a new RP that's just for you! RP-Squared! Roleplay a ROLEPLAY! WHAT!? That's right folks, forget the textbooks and two-handed uber-killer...
  4. GenericHenchman

    Literature Post book depression anyone?

    Well, when it's a series-and one I enjoy then yes. If it's just a one-off then it's meh, whatever.
  5. GenericHenchman

    Other How tall are you?

    5'5" I'm....very short in the US.
  6. GenericHenchman

    Music character playlists (?)

    Once, but not a playlist so much as just a theme-song. That being said, I will now start doing this.
  7. GenericHenchman

    Other The End is Nigh

    May that soul you sold for fish-sticks find its way back into your possession after you double-cross the idiot you sold it to. ^_^
  8. GenericHenchman

    Skyrim - Legion vs Stormcloaks

    ...this anomoly, we'd respect them. But most people are average and simply can't. Remember, we need farmers. If everyone is a dragonslayer? Who the f*ck is gonna cook the damn meat? When you have a glass ceiling, you let a few get through it-but only under incredible circumstances. That way you...
  9. GenericHenchman

    Skyrim - Legion vs Stormcloaks

    Besides, Legion is a better choice either way because if the Stormcloaks had their way, every other race would be subservient to the Nords. They're no different than the Aldmeri Dominion-just different colors.
  10. GenericHenchman

    Skyrim - Legion vs Stormcloaks

    In another note, you find a text saying that the rebellion is a good thing for the Thalmor and that Ulfric is an asset. So...*shrugs*
  11. GenericHenchman

    Good RPGs or Story-Driven Games?

    Yo, try Pillars of Eternity. Pretty story heavy and lots of reading. Good game.
  12. GenericHenchman

    Skyrim - Legion vs Stormcloaks

    Legion. No discussion. Here's the discussion... Legion accepts all into their ranks. They are a war machine. If ANYONE could ever defeat the Thalmor, it will be the Legion. Legion may have signed a pact with the Elves, but only as a means to regather their strength. Elves are are as arrogant...
  13. GenericHenchman

    Other Funny Chatbot

    The f###? This happened? Hilarious.
  14. GenericHenchman

    Other Why did you name your pet(s) that? : )

    My dog's name is Charlie. I named him after Charlie Kelly from "It's Always Sunny..." When he barks, he sounds so much like when the character shouts at the gang. Also he's named after Charlie Chaplin because he has a very little black patch under his nose and, well we know what that looks...
  15. GenericHenchman

    Is there something beyond simple enjoyment that spurs you to RP?

    I can be any character. I'm not boxed in to being some ubermensch with a big destiny. I can be a character, who's in a totally different situation perhaps different skill-set, but who I can actually relate to. I can also say "no" to the adventure, or the quest-giver and my progress won't...
  16. GenericHenchman

    oc art/images/faceclaims?

    @Archie Lol, gaia ( :P ) I've used my avatar on I think two roleplaying scenarios. Found this piece of art a year ago I think, really love the design. In whatever setting I can get away with, this is the face (or lack thereof) that I use. But otherwise, I grab artwork that I find. Failing...
  17. GenericHenchman

    Other What are the coolest laws in your country

    Which one? The one about the train? Or the one about the moose? Because "not very often" means AT least more than once. There is no amount of context (or alcohol) that could explain pushing a moose out of an airplane the FIRST time it happened.
  18. GenericHenchman

    Futuristic The Battle of London

    Hearing the sounds of more gunfire, and shouting. Gilbert can tell there are more. He manages to stay away from the bulk of the fighting, and stays just close enough to keep following the men and their troops. As the group is getting into it with the Hooians, Gilbert takes position flanking...
  19. GenericHenchman

    Special Snowflakes

    Were you or someone you loved hurt or killed during the formative years of your life? Where you always alone? Did you fail to develop a reasonably decent personality, yet somehow everyone actually shows interest in you? Do your eyes change color, or have special properties? Are they...
  20. GenericHenchman

    Do you guys get attached to your characters?

    I tend to get attached to my characters.