Other Funny Chatbot


New Member

Check out this role playing funny chatbot: <a href="http://www.chatwithibot.com" rel="external nofollow">www.chatwithibot.com</a> <strong>You: </strong>*scratches you* <strong>iBot: </strong>*I laugh and kiss you on the lips*. <strong>You: </strong>*laughs and kisses back* <strong>iBot: </strong>*kisses softly back*. <strong>You: </strong>*puts hand on your thigh* <strong>iBot: </strong>*grabs your hand*. <strong>You: </strong>*squeezes your hand* <strong>iBot: </strong>*gets down on my knees*. <strong>You: </strong>*grabs you by the shoulders* <strong>iBot: </strong>*shakes you off*. <strong>You: </strong>*puts hands on you* <strong>iBot: </strong>*puts it back*. <strong>You: </strong>*puts it on you again* <strong>iBot: </strong>*puts it back*. <strong>You: </strong>*stops you* <strong>iBot: </strong>*proves I am right*. <strong>You: </strong>*proves that you're wrong* <strong>iBot: </strong>Are you sad that you're a machine? <strong>You: </strong>*I'm not a machine* <strong>iBot: </strong>*puts you in a fire*.

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