Good RPGs or Story-Driven Games?


Humble Blacksmith
RPGs are by far my favorite genre of game because they tend to have the most rewarding storylines/plots to them. Also because my internet is next to worthless, making any actual online mashups impossible for me.

Sadly, from what I've seen at least, this tends to be the case less and less often as new games are beginning to follow the 'online only' trend that I find so bloody annoying.

SO... Anyone have any suggestions on games that can be enjoyed solely from the solo gameplay?

Bioware games are my best example here; Loved Mass Effect and Dragon Age both, just want more games like 'em, haha. (Also interested in any upcoming games I may not be aware of. Battleborn is the only upcoming one I've got eyes on.)

Any help is appreciated!
Well, first and foremost; what platforms do you have to play games on?

Re: Battleborn. I want to like that so bad but after having played the open God man, the dank memes. Injected everywhere. They were always bad about it but it's gotten considerably worse. I'm hoping it's just the section I played since we're clearly not getting Borderlands 3 for a bit.

Undertale. It's an RPG mixed with bullet-hell. It also allows you to not kill everything in sight. A lot of people love it, a lot of people hate it because of the people who love it, and online it's a whole big mess. But the game itself is really good. It's also not online-only like you've been complaining about, so that's a plus too ( :) )

Ammy said:
Well, first and foremost; what platforms do you have to play games on?
Re: Battleborn. I want to like that so bad but after having played the open God man, the dank memes. Injected everywhere. They were always bad about it but it's gotten considerably worse. I'm hoping it's just the section I played since we're clearly not getting Borderlands 3 for a bit.
Gaah, that's a shame. I honestly was hoping Battleborn would feel close enough like Borderlands 3.

As for my platforms, I've been forced to use console, unfortunately knocking out Undertale for me. (My pc is good for little more than writing now-a-days.) With that said, Halo CE turned me into an Xbox loyalist, as much as I hate Microsoft. So Xbox, 360 and the One for my most used.

Played the Elder Scrolls (Akatosh was my first tattoo... No regrets!) and loved them, sad I never got to try ESO.

Also, a hidden gem I might share is Kingdoms of Amular, which seems to get low ratings by a lot of people, but I loved it. Good author behind it, too.
I mean. What kind of RPG's are you really interested in? Action RPG's like Diablo? Turn-Based stuff? Tabletop-styled RPG's like Baldurs gate and (Recently) Pillars of Eternity? JRPG's and such? Strategy RPG's. I have suggestions for all of those. but...

If you have to look for Xbox stuff, there's a much smaller option pool. But still gotta narrow it down a bit.

If you want more action-ish stuff like Elder Scrolls and KOA, there's the really popular Witcher and Dragons Dogma. But I'm not sure if you're asking for more obscure games?
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I suppose action is the most prominent on console, but maybe that's why I can't find many, haha.

I'm honestly not too picky as long as decent offline playability is there. Chrono Trigger is an old favorite of mine (That I forgot about until now), and Dragon's Dogma was fun primarily based off the unique combat.

I suppose I could have said good solo games in general, though RPG's tend to fill that more than other genres. (Even poor Halo seems to be going downhill... Why did 5 only have 1 person per console, and no forge? FML)
Hmm...Right...Well. There's this site for XBOX 360 Reccomendations. Has some good RPGS, but what stands out for me from there if you didn't want to look is uh.. Darksiders, Divinity II, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssey (Heard really great things about that one) There's some Tales of games on xbox. There's Bastion if you haven't played it too. That's pretty much everything on that list. If any of those suggestions help.
Right on. Chrono Trigger is, to this day, still one of the best RPGs ever made.

Sony/PC guy here. Trying to think of some, been a while since I touched an XBox. Lessee...

ESO: Tamriel Unlimited is on XBox One. No monthly fees any longer so you have the opportunity to try it.

Bastion is a downloadable 360 action RPG. Rather short, but with an emphasis on new game+ and trials. Unique setting and tone, really creative stuff. Has the best narrator in the entirety of gaming.

Can see you've already played Castle Crashers.

Tales of Vesperia is a pretty great 360 action RPG. The series is known for deconstructing tropes and playing with clichés in really fun ways. Really lengthy, has a great new game+ mechanic, and since it has four party members in a battle it supports local multiplayer.

I believe Dark Souls 3 has an "offline" mode similar to Bloodborne. Could be mistaken though. If you don't want to deal with constant invasions and like the setting/lore/combat of those titles it may be worth looking into.

Will come back with more as I remember them.

Edit: Oh man I forgot about Nier. Yo, here's my selling point;

. This is the unappreciated gem of last gen, imo.
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Ohh, I think I glanced over Divinity II the other day at the store. I may have to pick that one up, then. (Is completion/knowledge of the first needed or recommended?)

Tales of Vesperia sounds extremely familiar, but I haven't played it. May have to get that as well.

Many thanks mates; Beating Borderlands 2 and the PreSequel over and over was getting rather dull, haha.
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Mount and blade series is pretty good and the Fire emblem series too both are great franchises play
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You can get Metro 2033 for Xbox 360 and Metro 2033 Redux for XboxOne. I personally recommend the original, since while Redux fixed some of the problem such as the stealth, the game is missing a lot of the elements that made 2033 stand out. You can also get Metro Last Light for Xbox One if you want to get the full story (for this one get Redux). Both have good survival combat, and a pretty good story to go along.

Dark Souls (Xbox 360) is also very much story based. Although its storytelling is more obtuse than the standard game. If you like clue hunting bits of lore as you go along a game, then you'll like this one. Combat is also meaty and responsive.

Dishonored (Xbox 360) if you like stealth games. While you are given the choice to murder everything on the level, you can still play it Thief style and leave everyone (including the "bosses") alive. The story itself isn't that interesting (although you can get four different endings) but the lore is pretty good if you take the time to read journals and listen to conversations. Has a very down-to-earth Lovecraft feel to it.

The Wolf Among Us (Xbox 360 or XboxOne). Not much gameplay in this one, but by far the best Telltale game in my opinion. The story is really well done, the setting original, and most of the characters interesting.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Xbox 360). Another well rounded game. You can choose between stealth and action (including lethal and non-lethal) and the levels are designed so you can face situations in different ways (exploration is encouraged). While the characters are pretty bland, the story itself is great.

If you like story driven games try the Zero Escape series.

They're visual novel games with Room Escape Puzzle sequences in-between dialogue. They have multiple endings *with a true ending in each one so the game isn't up for interpretation* The stories are insane and somewhat complicated but figuring it out is the most amazing thing.

One of my favorites is Final Fantasy tactics, it's story is the best I've ever seen in a game since it feels so real. Everyone feels like actual humans who have feelings. The combat and class system are so good. Sadly the game came out on the first Playstation, and it got an re-release on the PsP. It can also be easily emulated on a computer or smartphone.
Not sure if you're still looking for suggestion, but I figured I'd throw in my two cents and say The Last of Us. It's a really, really beautiful game with one of the best stories I've played so far. (:

Plus, zombies.
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If your limited to 360 then fallout 3 GOTY and new vegas dulux or whatever the version with all dlc is called. Are two fun games there is also the pc versions that may run decent on most pcs though fallout 3 requires a few hoops if you hwve anything past vista
I know an amazing Story Telling Game: At first you will be like No. But it is. Its more of a freemode though, But I love the Story In it

Saints Row 3-4 :D
Have you heard of the Xenoblade series, specifically Xenoblade Chronicles? It's an excellent steampunkish RPG on the wii and doesn't have anything to do with online play. Very story driven. It's basically about a boy who wields a futuristic looking sword to take out robots and travels with friends across two dead titans. Yes. Across. Each titan is a world of its own.
Persona 3 and 4 are both incredibly amazing, story-driven games. Persona 3 can be played on the PSP or PS2, and Persona 4 can be played on PS2 or Playstation Vita. Both have a deep, interesting plot, and intriguing characters that develop as you play the game. Both games are for solo play.
If you haven't played it already, I highly recommend checking out The Witcher 3. I went into having read the novels, but not having played the previous games, and it has seriously blown me away with its world and mechanics. The lore is expansive, the combat feels fluid and intense, but the real clincher, for me, at least, is the world. This is the singularly the best world I've ever played in, period. The cities are actually the size of large cities, and they're full of people of all types just going about their duties. Most of them don't care about you at all- and that's immersive, because that's exactly how it would play out in real life. In between the main quests, you can take on contracts (the main character hunts monsters for a living) that really feel like you're just part of this huge, living world, doing your job and trying to survive. All that, plus excellent characters, phenomenal writing and voice-acting, and gorgeous graphics. It's seriously a good game.
Baldurs gate highly recommanded. I actually get to know RPN from a BG forum. Huge fan for many years. The graphic may seem a bit old fashioned among modern games, but personally speaking the story and gameplay made up for that.
As a gamer with seemingly a similar taste in games to yourself, if you love Mass Effect and Dragon Age I really really really strongly recommend any of the Witcher games. It very much follows the story-driven approach Mass Effect had, with large amounts of depth and very significant choice scenarios which do actually effect the ending. The decisions you make in the game are subtle, so you can't easily predict what's going to happen but often they have very good explanations. Trust me, a stranger on the internet, and look into it.
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