Search results for query: *

  1. Tom-Pen

    Futuristic The Frontier: A Space Western Character Factory

    Name: Atom Aliases: None as of yet. Gender: Male (Robotic). Race: Robot. Age: 29 Appearance: Role: Treasure Hunter/Smuggler Personality: Atom is a daring, rouge like character, full of wit and charm. Humorous and outspoken in a relaxed environment, but understanding of when and where to hold...
  2. Tom-Pen

    Realistic or Modern The Dead Hills - Out of Character Chat

    Perhaps the town is a good place to bump into my character? Dying (no pun intended) to get into this RP.
  3. Tom-Pen

    Realistic or Modern The Dead Hills - Character Sign Up

    Name: Christian Melavick Sex: Male Age (minimum of 18): 22 Appearance (Realistic picture ONLY/face claim and short description): Christian is 5 foot 9, 155lbs, with an average build. He is noticeably fit, but well off the mark of an athlete. In short, you can tell he eats light, as food...
  4. Tom-Pen

    Realistic or Modern The Dead Hills - Out of Character Chat

    Curious if you will be letting more people join anytime soon? I'd love to get in on this if I could, there's nothing better than a good Apocalyptic Survival RP. Anyway, keep posted, and thanks!
  5. Tom-Pen

    Fantasy A Tale of Three Houses - Characters [Invite Only]

    Princess Kint Warrior Princess of the Sothern Isle Age: 15 Personality: Kint is dignified, but hot blooded. Fearless, but young and brash, and prone to biting off more than she can chew. Her words can be cruel, but it is with her words alone that her cruelness - for which there is little -...
  6. Tom-Pen

    Fantasy A Tale of Three Houses - Characters [Invite Only]

    Dana Carthian "Former" Knight of the Brotherhood of Leonis Age: 20 Personality: Dana has a good nature about him, and is most often kind and pleasant toward others. He is at times, however, reluctant to take action (whether helping or fighting) as he has yet to understand himself and his...
  7. Tom-Pen

    Fantasy A Tale of Three Houses - Characters [Invite Only]

    Lyle Schills Alias: The Bookman Age: 41 Personality: Lyle is a sneaky, snake-tongued, worm of a man. The kind of man (if one could call his sort a man) that would cut your throat for copper coin, with not so much as an inkling of remorse. Weak of will, but full of cruel determination. Bio...
  8. Tom-Pen

    Fantasy A Tale of Three Houses - Characters [Invite Only]

    Sot Black or Turak Black Daughter of Karth Black Age: 20 Personality: Sot Black is brave - like her father - but more inclined to rush into things without thinking them through. She is a go getter, and strives to be all that she can, within both the clan and the world as a whole. She is...
  9. Tom-Pen

    Fantasy A Tale of Three Houses - Characters [Invite Only]

    Karth Black "Bear Clan" Warchief Age: 56 Personality: Karth Black is a fierce man to be reckoned with. His mind is sharp like a sword, and ever thoughtful. He plans his moves in advance, and never rushes into a dangerous situation. His forethought - paired with his strength - is what...
  10. Tom-Pen

    Fantasy A Tale of Three Houses - Information/Workshop [Invite Only]

    The Mountain Clans The people of the mountain clans mercilessly raid and pillage the towns and holds of the Northern Expanse. In part for the supplies they need, and in part for the hatred they have of the Southern folk. The clans folk live in the mountains and forests of the North, the...
  11. Tom-Pen

    Fantasy A Tale of Three Houses - Characters [Invite Only]

    Name: Fiona Stilts Age: 19 Personality: Fiona is kind, and sweet, but rebellious to the core. She takes every chance to prove her worth, and never backs down from a challenge. Her mind and soul long for freedom from the mundane life of a noble lady. She wants adventure, danger, and the...
  12. Tom-Pen

    Fantasy A Tale of Three Houses - Characters [Invite Only]

    Adaline Stilts (Formerly Adaline Row) Age: 42 Personality: Adaline is a caring, but not overly affectionate, mother. She is ambitious, and determined to persuade her husband (Lord Barton Stilts) to pursue a life of wealth and fortune. She can be cold and deceitful to quite nearly anyone...
  13. Tom-Pen

    Fantasy A Tale of Three Houses - Characters [Invite Only]

    Name: Lord Barton Stilts Age: 54 Personality: Lord Barton is the sort of man to put justice first, before all else. He is energetic, and radiates a youthfulness well bellow his years. Smart, thoughtful, and quick-witted. Ambitious, prideful, and eager for the opportunity to show his...
  14. Tom-Pen

    Fantasy A Tale of Three Houses - Information/Workshop [Invite Only]

    House Stilts and HeartHill Lords of HeartHill [Insert House Banner] House Stilts The Stilts family can date their noble lineage back nearly 200 years, to the time before the 2nd Grand Rebellion, when they were first granted Lordship over HeartHill. Despite the family's long noble history...
  15. Tom-Pen

    Fantasy A Tale of Three Houses - Characters [Invite Only]

    Aron Stilts Nickname: None Age: 24 Personality: Aron Stilts is an enthusiastic young man with rebellious opinions. He is generally good natured and kind. At times he will let his emotions dictate his actions, despite what is necessarily right or just. Bio: Aron Stilts is the only son, and...
  16. Tom-Pen

    Fantasy A Tale of Three Houses - Characters [Invite Only]

    Gregory Newall Nickname: The Sorrowful Knight Master-At-Arms for House Farwyck Age: 31 Personality: Gregory is a troubled soul with a broken heart; his mood is most often somber. He is slow to anger but, merciless and unkind too those who find the time. His morals were once sound but have...
  17. Tom-Pen

    Futuristic Free Merchant Blues Secondary Info

    Is this still open? I read through the IC thread and wanted to see if I could jump in before things progressed too far.
  18. Tom-Pen

    Realistic or Modern Bite Me CS of raiders). Most who know The Pack will dislike him, distrust him, and possibly want to kill or imprison him. He has no medical skills. *Bio: Sid was just a normal guy, working 9 to 5 at a local Auto Shop, fixing cars. When shit hit the fan, he found himself completely unprepared...
  19. Tom-Pen

    Realistic or Modern Bite Me CS

    (Is this still open? I read through the posts and can see it's well underway, but how would you feel about a character coming in late?)
  20. Tom-Pen

    Fantasy The Warlands Character Sign-Up

    @Darth Gangsta Right, my mistake, I just edited my CS now.