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Fantasy The Warlands Character Sign-Up



Gregory Roache







Nirid Armada


Gregory is known throughout Nirid as being the most feared of all the captains. Arguably, one of the strongest captains in Nirid, with sword, fists or Bolter. He often uses fear to lead others, and is fearless himself. In addition, he is the Aramada's best naval strategist, which even the king of Nirid acknowledges. He is extremely clever and intelligent and has even created the first flintlock pistol.Despite being very impulsive and aggressive, Gregory has a good relationship with Logan's children, and takes measures to protect them when Logan can't.


Most of Gregory's youth is shrouded in mystery. He is the eldest son in his family (his brother being Logan Roache) and his family was not well off. Gregory didn't want to to take care of his siblings, but didn't have to because they all fended for their selves. Once a Pirate in the Black Bull Band, he served under the command of Captain McGraw while in Skeice. He later left when he found it that the Black Bull did more than just loot people, they killed everyone, whether they got in their way or not. He and Logan sailed to Nirid the next year to find work.

After the long voyage from Skeice to Nirid, both brothers were treated with disdain and disgust because of their previous criminal pasts. Gregory and Logan were back where they started. Beggars.

After the next few months, the people of Nirid completely disregarded the brothers. Logan had become a mercenary, only working for the kingdom of Nirid and Gregory had joined the Nirid Navy, becoming the captain for his overall skill as a captain in leadership, combat and his naval skills. Equipment:

Cutlass, Flintlock Pistol






The Archivist


Due to the fact that The Archivist rarely takes his helmet off and that no one today has seen his face, it's rather difficult to assume his age or even his appearance. It's safe to assume that he's lived for at least a century withal, and his uparralled wisdom is proof of it. Race:





The Empire of Nirid


Cold, cynical and cunning, The Archivist does not favour violence and combat as he prefers relying on his manipulative diplomatic skills to settle conflict. He is rather arrogant at times and has proved to be quite mercurial, appearing moody and irritable more often than not. 


Being one of the few first sentient beings on the planet, The Archivist had spent most of his life excavating and studying the planet. It was until one point of his life when he stumbled across several Nirid scholars in an excevation did his wandering came to an end. He then became a royal librarian - filling up most if not all of Nirid's history books. Extremely little is known of The Archivist's past ergo making an accurate summary is near impossible. 


An ornamental but enchanted rapier made of rare metals unknown and untraceable to most. 

Elector of Saxony sword.JPG


Possesing a destructive arsenal of offensive magical spells, The Archivist is most well known for his darkfire spells - he is able to conjure spheres, pillars and even various figures and shapes with the rare, alchemic element that is darkfire. He is also more than capable of using many other types of magic - mainly elemental ones. The Archivist also often used nigh aerokinesis to physically augmentate his body, allowing him to fence as graceful as ever. 


The Archivist is so much more than simply a librarian. Being a royal librarian is no more than a title. He is an ambassador, philosopher, scholar, mage and tactician often called to the general or even king's side for assistance. 

  The Archivist had never quite taken sides. He was loyal whenever he felt necessary but couldn't care less if his king was say, overthrown or even assasinated. He never had anyone to grow attached to anyway as the feeling of affection was no more than stranger to him. The Archivist is currently 250 cm tall (he most likely will not grow any taller), weighs 96 kg (again, he most  won't grow anymore as he's reached the  peak of his growth) and possesses an IQ of  219. He also has a penchant for the piano and is quite the virtuoso as he is a composer himself in his spare time. 
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Calculated, Overcautious, Deceitful, Observant, Sadomasochistic (only to the point where it doesn't interfere with his "work")



Hobgoblins being the scourge of all societies forced Vrogak to utilize everything to his advantage. In his eyes the world is out to get him; rather than being a coward and running away, Vrogak took on the challenge to make himself into someone indispensable to a kingdom. In the battle for the Imperial Crown, Vrogak managed to secure a position as a saboteur for Krosten. What better person is better skilled at subterfuge and sabotage than a Hobgoblin. In order to make himself indispensable, he collected a lot of dirt on nobles and has hands deep in the business of Krosten's underworld.

Has a variety of chemical explosions and poisons for his missions.

Two daggers enchanted to stop coagulation and let the wounds bleed indefinitely if left without aid of advanced medicine or magic (of course this requires him to penetrate any armor, and depends on how deep the wound is to actually be fatal)

His prized weapon is his miniature crossbow that allows for four bolts to be shot simultaneously and reloads fairly quickly, but not at the speed of a trained archer.


Vrogak is by no means a true mage but has dabbled in invisibility. His invisibility is imperfect acting more as a camouflage and sunlight renders it practically useless 


Not sure how I should proceed with possible missions for him or set him up to be more of a mercenary than an actual saboteur working directly under the kingdom.


Armor would be black and purple in color to blend in better with the darkness


Talinn Velaryon


[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]20Race:[/COLOR]







Talinn is no airhead when it comes to the ways of the world. She is saavy enough to know how to work the world

of politics, lessons she learnt from her family that she abided by.

Gather your information and know when best

to use it. She also knew to befriend the small folk, for the nobility among men was always skating on thin ice. 

Talinn still keeps her girlish dreams of true love close to her heart. She hopes to someone marry for love instead of whomever 

can purchase her hand in marriage.



Talinn was born to a noble and wealthy house in the human kingdom of Odraria. Her family was rich from trading but new 

to the world of noble politics. As a daughter of her house, Talinn knew she would have to marry to advance her families

Position. While she appeared meek and bidding to the world around her, she was actually more savvy and clever than people gave her credit for.

It was her guiding hand upon her brother inheriting his fathers place that allowed the family to stay in the power they had as well as keep Talinn from marriage until she was ready. 

Life was good for a time, until the plague surfaced. As more and more people began to fall sick and die, they began to hate the nobility more for hoarding the food and supplies that would see many perish. It was Talinns idea to hand out surplus supplies to the commoners that saved her families reputation. 

However Talinns family would not survive the plague and soon after its end only she and an infant nephew remained alive.

Now she must work to protect her remaining family.



Talinn has access to medical supplies and from lessons with healers she can create salves and herbal remedies as well as stitch wounds. She keeps a satchel of these necessities especially with the war ongoing.

She also has a dagger gifted to her nicknamed Thorne, her father had once remarked that she was the Rose of their family and that she needed to wield her thorns.


Talinn has no magic abilities of herself.


Up for a romance plot just PM me
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Name: Christian Wolfe


Age: 24


Race: Human


Gender: Male


Kingdom: Nirid


Personality: Christian Wolfe is the sort of man to help those in need, with little to no regard for himself.  He has a strong sense of honor, and a kind heart, that often influence his actions (for the better).  Despite his kind heart - however - he does hold much disdain, and little trust, for those of the Elven race (especially wood elves).


Backstory: Christian was born in Odraria, son of a soldier.  His mother (who he never knew) died in child birth.  His father taught him the way of the sword and spear, and instilled a sense of honor for his fellow man, and distrust of the clever elves.  Christian took a position with the city guard at the young age of 16.  When his father died at the age of 60, Christian left Odraria (feeling uncertain of the way in which his life was going, and that it was time for a change) headed for Skeice, giving up his place in the city guard.  He has been in Skeice for only a week now, staying at a local inn.  He has no set plans as of yet for his life, but hopes to find some work soon (as his money is beginning to run short).

Equipment: He has a Sword, spear, and shield, wears light Armor with a small wolf skin cloak, and almost no money.


Magic: None.


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(Full size image, resolution is absolute shit just an fyi)

Name: Amelia Rosabeth Frost

Age: 23

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Kingdom: Nirid

Personality: Amelia is a decent lady to be around. She is knowledgeable in many things, very optimistic, charismatic, and skeptical of most of the people she encounters. Her confidence in her own skill is her own eternal fire, her motivation to go on and become a worthy warrior. The bad part of her is that she is quite argumentative when it comes to certain matters and slightly biased towards other races and especially magic users. Never likes to lay back or rest unless it is absolutely necessary due to her ambitious attitude, always wanting to prove herself. She isn't so judgmental, depending on whom she's judging, and she does have a slightly layed back side to her that she never reveals. The worst of all is her temper. A lot of the time her temper gets the better of her and she will lash out at anyone, whomever that may be, but throughout the years she has gotten better and become more calm in situations that would get her mad though it is not recommended to try and tick her off.


Amelia was born in a city by the name of Sronfast, in the cold Northern lands of Nirid. She was taken in by a noble family as of the age of 4 and raised into a noble family where she underwent studying and how to be a proper lady, though that wasn't were she really belonged. At least from her point of view. Amelia wished to be a knight or swordswoman, not some lady who just sat around doing whatever. She longed to see battle and to fight but was denied her request by the family who took her in, which is why she began to sneak out at night and practice. By then she was around the age of 11 and after gathering some coin she went in search through the city for someone that would teach her proper swordsmanship so that she may prove to her family that she was worthy of being a swordswoman. The person she got to train her was a young man, no older than 17, who was well more than trained in combat, it wasn't easy to get him to agree to it but he did eventually after she had pestered him so much it drove him insane, and that night she met up with him just outside of the city and from then on out practiced every night at the same time. Every night for 4 years she would go out at midnight and train with him, learning how to wield a sword, axe, and eventually archery. Even all those times and he never uttered his name until she asked and he replied with his name being Ryder. There came a time that she actually bought her own armor, with Ryder's help of course, which was a set of Falconer Armor, and her own weapons to use.

One day she came she was caught sneaking back inside the house by her mother which left Amelia devastated by the fact she would be forbidden to practice the thing she loved doing, and that is exactly what happened but Amelia, stubborn as ever, refused her mothers demands and begged her to come that night and see her practice. Her mother was shocked by hearing that she had been sneaking out for 4 years right under their noses and in the end said she would go. Midnight came and Amelia led her mother out with her to meet Ryder, who was shocked as well, just outside of the city and once she saw Amelia and Ryder's skill she was convinced enough that Amelia was more than capable of being a swordswoman and gave her permission to finally practice freely not only at night but whenever she wanted to. After hearing this she spent the next few years practicing with the same man, Ryder, day and night until her 19th winter when he claimed he had nothing left to teach her and that she would have to teach herself from then on out because he was leaving. Where he went he could not say but she had never forgotten him.

After a couple years of actually working with the local soldiers along with her step father and brother her own family was attacked by gods knows who but one thing they did know was that it was a magic user. The desecration of her step-father's body were no doubt the workings of a magic user. She had grown up taught that followers of Xrone were evil and deserved to be killed for worshipping a false god, which was the reason why she disliked them, but she never thought of them as murderers until then. As much as she wished to kill the one that killed him she didn't have the time to be looking around for murderers with her being a soldier, so instead whenever she isn't needed she goes out travelling in hopes of finding whomever it is but mostly getting side-tracked with other things. In some instances she has even been followed herself and nearly but she still goes on, unafraid. 

Equipment: Falconer Armor, a steel shield, darkwood bow with a quiver of 20 arrows, longsword (sometimes uses an axe), short sword and a water flask.

Magic: Quote- "Magic is like a wildfire, blazing and out of control. The exact reason why it needs to be tamed."

Other: She is a follower of the Eternal Fire though, unlike some, her family are not strict followers of the religion. (Note: I will have her apart of the dight for the Imperial Crown.)

@Darth Gangsta
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