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  1. Malozing

    Literature What are you currently reading?

    I am now starting on Mythos by Stephen Fry.
  2. Malozing

    Scrapbook Mal's nonhuman children

    Giant photo dump!
  3. Malozing

    Literature What are you currently reading?

    I totally support the idea that listening to audiobooks counts as reading. I can't read traditionally while in vehicles (trains, buses, etc.) because I get major headaches if I do. Audiobooks have been my lifesaver on my commute.
  4. Malozing

    Literature What are you currently reading?

    Finally finished King of Scars. The ending dragged on, in my opinion. I get it was setting up for the sequel, but the dramatic reveal fell flat after the drawing out of the finale.
  5. Malozing

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  6. Malozing

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  7. Malozing

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  8. Malozing

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  9. Malozing

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  10. Malozing

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  11. Malozing

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    No you belong in the group. Writing takes practice. I am not upset about your writing. My critique has no anger in it, and is, like all critique, recommendations on how to improve on the share piece This was a rant about me not understanding your reasoning not about your writing.
  12. Malozing

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  13. Malozing

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  14. Malozing

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    He has a problem with bodily functions and sex act ones in English.
  15. Malozing

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  16. Malozing

    Looking for Writing buddies!

    Here is the link to the Discord
  17. Malozing

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    No! I like you. Don't despair. I had heard about a kid confronting those types of parents. I believe they said "Oh, wow. You're grown-ups who can't tell the difference between make-believe and reality."
  18. Malozing

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    ...I was hoping that he would back out of the group, once we moved onto the topic of fantasy, but he stuck around. Then he mentioned he won't read anything with curse words, and he is learning Japanese so he can watch anime because the Japanese language doesn't have curse words! *sigh* A falsehood.
  19. Malozing

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    According to the person, magic is a no-no. Shapeshifting is magic. Though, in the story I wrote, the shapeshifting was framed as a divine gift from the deity of the moon.
  20. Malozing

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    Wait, you won't read a story with shapeshifting because it is against your religion (some version of Christianity), but you are okay with a story with multiple gods? *facepalm* I don't understand you at all.