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  • Only during a hurricane can you purchase duct tape, a shovel, a tarp, and a rope and no one questions your motives.
    20 years from now, you might see a commercial that says, "Have you ever been offended by Facebook? If so, you might be entitled to financial compensation."
    Me: I wasn't even that drunk!
    Friend: You threw a mushroom at a kid and yelled, "Grow, Mario, grow!"
    My wife asked me if I knew what her favorite flower was. Apparently "Gold Medal All Purpose" was the wrong answer.
    The fact that they call it the Food Pyramid instead of the Food Triangle implies that there are at least two other sides to it. Maybe chocolate and peanut butter cups are at the base of one of them.
    Tattoos should make you more employable since it shows that you can sit still while someone jams tiny needles into your skin over and over, and that is basically every day at work.
    “Job qualifications?”
    “I’ve taken my shots.”
    “What a hero!”
    Son: Dad, I want to get married.
    Dad: Say 'Sorry'.
    Son: For what?
    Dad: You first say Sorry.
    Son: But what did I do?
    Dad: You first say Sorry.
    Son: At least tell me the reason!
    Dad: Say Sorry first!
    Son: Ok dad! I'm sorry!
    Dad: Now you are ready for marriage, son. Your training is complete. You have learned to say Sorry without any reason.
    I bought a dog once, and I named him 'Stay'.

    "Come here, Stay."
    He's insane now.
    At least you didn't name him "Stains"
    Whever my dog and I play fetch he brings back everything.

    Hes a paranoid retriever.
    I used to get frustrated at people talking in the movie theater until I realized how entertaining it was to bring a squirt gun along with me and then pretend to sneeze.
    Me: What's in the fancy beer mug on the mantle?
    Friend: That's the remains of my Uncle Frank. Its where he wanted his ashes kept. It was his favorite beer stein, and he said it would be funny. I never understood why.
    Me: Maybe so he could be Frank in Stein?
    Friend: Son of a bitch!
    Me, talking to a priest in a confession booth: I just committed all seven of the deadly sins in less than thirty minutes.
    Priest: This I have to hear.
    Me: I was angry and envious of my neighbor, so I lazily seduced his wife and ate all his groceries and didn't share.
    Priest: You forgot Pride.
    Me: No, I'm pretty proud of myself.
    If you are reading this, it would seem that the assassins have failed.
    Ah, so it was you to told me to kill myself
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