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  • Too early for bed, too late/tired to invest in anything substantial...


    I know that the classic escape movie where Sean Connery and Nick Cage seek to escape the infamous Alcatraz prison was and is still great, but a part of me sighs in heartbreaking disappointment at knowing that Dwayne Johnson isn't in "The Rock." :ClosedEyesFrown:
    Indeed.  Alas, I don't believe Mr. Johnson was in the movie business when that particular classic was filmed.  :ClosedEyesCrying:
    That's because he was too busy kicking ass and taking names at the time.
    *Too busy laying the smacketh-down on all them candyasses at the time.


    Alrighty then, just in case I don't get a chance to post this tomorrow:

    Heading overseas tomorrow (technically later today) so going to be gone until around the 7th.  However, got a conference that I'm hopefully helping out right after so going to be more back after that weekend, God willing.  So, peace out (I might be on intermittently but no promises) and have a great Thanksgiving everyone ^_^  
    Hahaha, this is the first time I've actually seen the neighborhood I grew up in show up by name in a fandom.  Well done.

    Hugh Jackman as Snake would be AMAZING! O_O

    But as we know video game movies are usually not good :T

    But cool concept though :)
    All too true.  T_T  If I can't have that, I'll settle for Horror Civil War though.


    or the Perfect Roosevelt Movie:


    Ah screw it, video game movie it is T_T

    These all look pretty good xD
    "You know, we should get rid of split screen multiplayer.  If we do that, we can make the graphics a little shiner, and take 9 months off of quality assurance!  Think of the money we'll save!" -Person who made a huge mistake.
    "I'm trying to fight idolatry and lust,

    being good ain't enough, so in God I trust,

    I got faithh!

    Seeking restitution for all my mistakes!

    Look me in my face homeboy, you see gracee!

    Still unashamed, just in a new spacee!

    I'm just a little more humble now" ^_^
    " We burning down the neighborhoods where we live at
    If we don't own it, well let's do something to change that
    It didn't change Watts, it ain't doing much now
    Watch the philosophers argue while Rome burns down."
    "Heralds of the coming doom, by cry of Raven we are drawn.  This oath of war and vengeance, on blades of exalted iron sworn.  With blood-anointed swords aloft, advance we into dread's dark shade.  Punishment divine unleashed with hate, a wrathful storm of bolt and blade.  Purged with plasma, fist and shell, bring cleansing fire's righteous breath.  For the Emperor, Knights of Caliban!  The Lion's anointed Angels of Death!  No Forgiveness!  No Retreat!"
    Great, now I don't even really wanna play another game.  *Sigh* dagnabit Read Only Memory... -_-  
    It's a badly made PC game imo.  Maybe I'm just spoiled by the setting of Shadowrun (originally a PnP RP, but also an RPG series), but the "cyberpunk" world and the overly long expositional dialogue just really really made me wish I didn't even bother playing it, let alone through the entirety of its 10 hour-ish campaign -_-  
    Ah I see. I have never heard of it so yeah. Sorry you played such a shitty game. I am trying to finish Metal gear solid five at the moment xD
    It's cool, just part of being a gamer.  Hopefully a good night's sleep will refresh my game palette a bit in the morning.  Just sort of craving a deep RPG experience now after running through Shadowrun you know?

    Yeah, MGS V is pretty good, though I hear a bunch of people don't like it because the story cuts off a huge chunk or something and they'll never get it filled back up again since Kojima left and Konami isn't continuing with it as much anymore.  Hope you're enjoying it though :)  
    Uh, Read Only Memories just... does not gel with me.  Idk if it's me or something, but to me it's a very... unenjoyable game.
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