Tardy Grade

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  • I'm pretty sure there were a few fans of this show a whileeee back but they may have left post-summer.
    Here's in your memory gents!
    Tardy Grade
    Tardy Grade
    I just wanted to see why people do the whole emote thing. I must admit it is rather enjoyable :3 Nah Man I'm never sad. Not since I started taking twice the amount of Joy every morning
    Tardy Grade
    Tardy Grade
    This scene though. Perfect :3
    Tardy Grade
    Tardy Grade
    His original work? Like a bazillion times dude! Them feels :'3 
    When you make a joke about someone's current circumstance and everyone laughed including the subject but now you feel bad :'3 

    What the fuck conscience?
    Wake up to too early... Go for a 'before-daybreak' jog.

    Get caught in sudden rain a mile away from the dorm.

    Looks like it's going to be a lovely weekend.

    This is one of those moments where choosing to study abroad has proven to be the right decision. Still I would like to have a home to go back to at some point ; -; 
    After much deliberation we've decided to buy our friend a onesie and lava lamp.

    Onesie to cover 'it' all,

    And under his covers find him :D

    Lava lamp is Mordor I suppose.
    "Civil war of the Thrones"; When 3 friends want to buy GoT pillow cases for a mutual pals birthday and the other 5 want Marvel ones.

    Sigh ... ; - ; Whatsapp discusions.
    This is the greatest crossover I never knew I wanted.
    Tardy Grade
    Tardy Grade
    Sadly I'm witnessing the fan made version of it.





    Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi Papi
    *Rocks back and forth*

    Dr. Strange ... Dr. Strange ... [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Dr. Strange ... Dr. Strange ... [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Dr. Strange ... Dr. Strange ... [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Dr. Strange ... Dr. Strange ... [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Dr. Strange ... Dr. Strange ... [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Dr. Strange ... Dr. Strange ... [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Dr. Strange ... Dr. Strange ... [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Dr. Strange ... Dr. Strange ... [/COLOR]
    Congrats! You're the lucky winner of a Halloween battle!

    Only a select few can win this, and I have determined their worth by their power.
    Tardy Grade
    Tardy Grade
    Well ... that's fortunate for me. Especially if it was a fight to the death ;)  
    You could say that.
    Tmw a roleplay partner forgets common courtesy and you can only shrug and write a status message to finalize your acceptance of a lost cause.

    Playing Overwatch till Nov 1st. Seeya beauties later :3
    Salt Lord
    Salt Lord
    Thought I was the only one. :0

    I've already gotten the Junkenstein skin (even though I fucking suck with Junkrat and I'm never going to play him). 

    You gotten anything special from the Halloween loot boxes yet?
    Tardy Grade
    Tardy Grade
    I got the freaky deaky duo. Junk and monster.
    Salt Lord
    Salt Lord
    Junken's Monster kinda freaks me out. I've never been a fan of giant green things like that for some reason. :v

    Mercy's witch skin though <3 
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