Recent content by Shadowmancer

  1. Shadowmancer

    Fantasy The Tyrant King ( Closed )

    Raphir's golden eyes tore from Elliot to Gareth as the man frantically asked him question after question. A stern, look washed over his sharp features as he thought about how quickly he had been written off just moments before. "A man in charge who writes off those he places in his army is...
  2. Shadowmancer

    Fantasy The Tyrant King ( Closed )

    "Then why are you here if not for vengeance. There must be reasoning behind you coming here and risking your life." Elliot said. "Could hazard a guess." Gareth retorted, eyeing the elf, who in turn gave him a cutting glance. "Do not mistake my intentions," Raphir drew his gaze back to...
  3. Shadowmancer

    The Great Hunt

    Ryic looked above as the crow circled and cawed in almost a taunting way. He glowered and set his jaw at the irritant when he noticed something strange. A glimmer of colour, only for a moment and when he narrowed his eyes to get a better look it flew away. Ryic expelled a tired breath and...
  4. Shadowmancer

    Fantasy The Tyrant King ( Closed )

    "Another one?" Raphir could hear a deep voice inside, weary yet commanding. "Why do all the elves seem to think themselves higher. And privileged enough to see the commander." His pride stung at the loose words the voice spoke. "I'll be right out and have a look at him." Suddenly a large...
  5. Shadowmancer

    Fantasy The Tyrant King ( Closed )

    Sunlight filtered through the trees and birds chirped as they fluttered overhead in the early-morning fog. The air was cool and light was still brushing gently over the forest in calm golden streams as Raphir broke the crest of a small hill at the edge of the woods. He breathed in, the crisp...
  6. Shadowmancer

    Fantasy The Tyrant King

    Hey guys I'll be able to post after work.
  7. Shadowmancer

    Fantasy The Tyrant King (closed)

    So, what's the situation?
  8. Shadowmancer

    Mancer's Monalisas

    One of my characters from another rp site. Character from a story I'm writing. Doodle. Painting. Caution - boobies. Fairy When I used to work for a clothing company I doodled the sale sign. Sketchbook doodle. Photos, painting.
  9. Shadowmancer

    Fantasy The Tyrant King

    Woo! Btw, I've completed Raphir's CS, to anyone who cares to learn more about him. :]
  10. Shadowmancer

    Fantasy The Tyrant King

    Not at all. I haven fully decided on her story yet, so thing can always change.
  11. Shadowmancer

    Fantasy The Tyrant King

    @animegirl20 Probably, or just someone who has joined against the supers. :) why?
  12. Shadowmancer

    The Tyrant King

    Okay, a bit of a work in progress. Just let me know if anything needs to be adjusted or changed. :] Name: Raphir Stonefield Species: Elf Role: Rebel Age: 27 Gender: Male For the king or against: Against. No one likes to see their race, their way of life or their brothers in...
  13. Shadowmancer

    Your IQ is what?!?

    Oh goodie! I can't wait to have some fun. Could I possibly play two characters?
  14. Shadowmancer

    Mancer's Monalisas

    Colours! Horsey! Cup Cakes anyone? ;]
  15. Shadowmancer

    ...and digital art :)

    Beautiful work! I love your style. :]