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Fantasy The Tyrant King ( Closed )

The physician slowly entered the room. "I-I'm just the physician around here.." He replied. "I fear the princess was infected by a supernatural but it's too soon to tell..." He slowly sat in a chair, nervous as all hell.


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The king fainted to the sight and scattered in the dark with not a light to his face. "You dare to define these claims? Send my "Adviser or Ill be handing the morgue to work on you...understood?..." He pointed to the door and shouted "Go Now!...begone and return with the requested adviser or I will take one of your most precious things from you...." The King peered down at the mans hands.

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Lia Evermore

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_mlk7quXGCK1qd7h1xo2_500.gif.eb4858dd27c70c838379421cab8b98d2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60706" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_mlk7quXGCK1qd7h1xo2_500.gif.eb4858dd27c70c838379421cab8b98d2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lia laughed. "haha yeah I guess it would do us some good." Lia then noticed the doctor coming down the hall looking quite nervous. He came up to them scything that he thinks a supernatural got to her. "What?" She looked at doctor in shock. 'How could that have happen?' She wondered to herself. She looked at Leyra. "Strange isn't it?"

@Duke the Impossible



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Leyra Fylken

"Very strange indeed Lia, I've seen the princess yesterday and she was completely fine. Besides, the night guard haven't reported anything strange, yet." Leyra said whilst she remained calm. Sure it was strange that princess Vera might've been the target of a supernatural, but it couldn't have happened here right? They always made sure nothing happened unnoticed in the palace, unless some of the guards were getting lazy again. "What I'm more worried about is what the king might do..." Lyanna said softly. Leyra gave her a sharp look and Lyanna cast her eyes down and remained silent. "Perhaps we should investigate what the night guard has to say about last night?" Leyra said as slid a finger over the crossguard of her blade. Not that she meant anything with it, it was just a small thing she did when she had been standing still for too long.

Ace was walking the halls of the castle when she heard a group of people talking about the Princess being attacked by supernaturals, she approached the group slowly her eyes narrowing at the mention of guards slacking off. "where is the Princess now" she asked in a monotone voice. Ace would have to inform the king if this rumor turned out to be true and if it wasn't she would be the one tasked with killing the source of the rumor. @animegirl20 @Duke the Impossible
"Sir...I-I wouldn't know where they are...I just came to inform you of t-the possibility of your sister..." He trailed off once more, fear clear in his eyes.


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Lia Evermore

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_mlk7quXGCK1qd7h1xo2_500.gif.d652f732f4efeac573f06d391d11ca32.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60727" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_mlk7quXGCK1qd7h1xo2_500.gif.d652f732f4efeac573f06d391d11ca32.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lia thought for a moment then she took a look at the clock in the hall. "Well yeah that might be a good idea. Listen go question the guard and if you find out anything make sure to tell me everything. I'm going to the king now to see if he has anything he needs us to do I'll see you later." She walked down the hall to the king's chambers. Every morning she would go to his chambers and he would give her his orders for the morning or day. She was always a little nervous because she never knew what mood he would be in. She knocked on the door. "Sir It's Lia may I come in."




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Leyra Fylken

"I will commander. See you when we both are done." Leyra said to Lia before turning around and facing Ace. "Where she should be when she's sick..." She said to Ace before giving Lyanna a nudge and they both walked away. She never had a true moment of peace and rest ever since she joined the king's knights. She looked at Lyanna's face which was still clear of scars and bruises. Leyra would die before supernaturals would do anything to the last family member she still had, she would keep her safe at all costs even if it meant burning half the kingdom in the process. And now that the princess seems to have been a target of a supernatural she has to be extra vigilant. She slammed the door open of the barracks where the men slept who kept watch the last night. "Gentlemen! In the light of a possible supernatural attack on princess Vera last night I will have to ask you to give full reports of the last night's watch! You will give them true and whole, understood?" She said to the men who almost jumped awake at her almost furious entrance. "Classic cousin..." Lyanna whispered.


@Mr Swiftshots

"What?" Gareth said, attention turned back towards the elf. A small sense of ergency had entered his voice. What the elf had said may or may not have been true, but better safe then sorry. "What direction? What is their number? Did it look like they knew of our position, or preparing to march? Damn it, why in the name of the gods did you not say that first?" As he pressed for answers, he slowly began to talk faster and faster. "You, soldier," he said, grabbing a passing imp by it's shoulder, "Find the captains. Tell them to gather their troops. Form pikes in a solid circle, archers in the middle, until further notice." And with that, he sent the imp away. He was possibly over stepping himself, giving orders and not going to the commander first. But he believed acting quickly was the best course of action, though he hated doing so.

@Jess Buck @Shadowmancer
"L-Lia?...It's felt like forever.."` He looked in the corner of his room getting up with a "Ugh...." His eyes opened up in the dark "What do you have to offer me? and where is my DAMN ADVISER!" He raged and something was thrown in the darkness and something fell over in the dark room.... He looked at the ground and his eyes disappeared in the darkness.. His aura gave up a dark upset presence and the last candle by him blew out from a gust of wind.



Raphir's golden eyes tore from Elliot to Gareth as the man frantically asked him question after question. A stern, look washed over his sharp features as he thought about how quickly he had been written off just moments before.

"A man in charge who writes off those he places in his army is bound to loose his power as a leader..." He looked at Gareth, his pride still burning from his previous remarks as he crossed his arms over his chest. Perhaps Raphir was stepping into the arrogance and egotism that elves were typecast to be, however he cared not and spoke his mind. He felt that someone should.

"Commander, I fear that, while they do not appear to know your location, they will soon." He straightened. "When they made camp I did not hesitate to continue my search for you. While I do not doubt that this army could leverage a crippling blow to Alexander's forces with an attack, we could not withstand a second wave. Your men are hungry, but well rested. I believe that if we move further south, across the Gildron River and into Faery territory, we have a better chance." Raphir knew that this was indeed a risk. The Faeries were not exactly the most kind or carefree of supernaturals. Even toward those who were not of the human race they did not take as kindly to. They had even been known to torture the stray fawn or imp that trespassed. For this reason, this was one of Alexander's final frontiers as many a man had fallen to their charm into violent death. "Perhaps..." He paused, shifting his weight, knowing his proposal was risky. "If we could persuade them, our army would grow tenfold. Alexander is still a threat to them...their numbers will dwindle if his campaigns and raids continue."

@Beowulf @Jess Buck
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Lia Evermore

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/600full-poster.jpg.faa7c3da5cc7ec4aa97d76d82dcbfea6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61106" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/600full-poster.jpg.faa7c3da5cc7ec4aa97d76d82dcbfea6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lia was silent for a minute not wanting to upset him. "Sir I came to sake was there any tasks you needed done at the moment." She said it in a stronger tone then she felt. She noticed earlier when first spoke how different his voice was then sudden anger bursted through. She decided to take a few steps in his room. She was hoping he wouldn't throw anything else. It was extremely dark now and all you could see was his dark looking eyes. Was she scared out of her mind? Probably. Would she show it never. She stood there completely still waiting for him to speak.




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"Lia....My sister is gone ...that is the rumor..I fear the worst..." He stood up as the floor creaked. A rat ran and scattered for life. The king stood looking at her coming closer with every creek "You are my trusted first in command...a good friend...kill that man go off to find my sister, take a knight/guard as then you return bring my royal adviser to me for his death... " The man trembled as he looked at her. If she had paid attention she would recognize the man as the kingdoms barber. He plied for his life and mercy at her hands as he clapped his hand together

KIll the man [Yes/No]


Lia Evermore

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/600full-poster.jpg.f567b5a2641cc7060b6f55b6a0ddf726.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61124" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/600full-poster.jpg.f567b5a2641cc7060b6f55b6a0ddf726.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Lia stood perfectly still as the king came closer to her. Her eyes whiten when she was given her orders. She looked at the man then back at the king. She thought for a moment. She couldn't kill this man he had done nothing wrong. She decided to ask though she wasn't sure if the king would get mad for asking. "Sir may I ask what this man has done/ I'm not saying I won't dis obey your orders I am only asking out of pure curiosity." Yeah that ought to do it. He wouldn't get mad at that right?




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His face....his face raged...it seemed frustrated in pain and a vein grew its way across his face. He spoke no words and stood up. He smiled and started to put his golden rings on his fingers. He then took to a small cabinet in his room. "I Always admired your curiosity...but you have me mistaken....I am your king....we aren't friends like it was when we were YONG!..." He took a glass of wine out of the cabinet and poured two glasses delicately. "I want to know how many people are in my pocket... and how many question me.."
A candle was lit.
He threaded over to the woman and took his hand and raised it high. "Now....after this we will drink and you will do as I ask....or.." he looked at a small knife upheld on a wall next to a boar. He then took his hand and raised it with all rings on all fingers custom and uncustom and (ATTEMPTED) to smack her across the room with his hand. The man on the ground shrieked.

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Krasny and his Crimson Wolves rode into the capital, they had just finished a job the king gave them and we're going to retrieve their money. Krasny and a few of his men rode to the keep, while the others stayed at their favourite inn.

He saw the Kings servant, he had their gold, and another job. "Hail Krasny Volk" he said "here's you're pay. The king has another job for you as well. He wants you to investigate what happened to princess Vera"
Ace made her way to the Kings quarters moving silently and swiftly.When she reached the door she witnessed the Kings outrage, it was nothing new to Ace as she witnessed this behavior on a daily basis,she stood silently in the doorway patiently waiting for the king to finish or speak to her. Ace looked at the man on the floor and pondered whether or not she should kill him. After a few seconds Ace came to understand the most logical course of action would be to kill him , Ace looked at the king then back at the man, she placed her left hand on the hilt of her katana awaiting the order from the king.


Lia Evermore

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Tenjou.Utena.full.1598654.jpg.b9867246f0c966213bc300559628a708.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61441" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Tenjou.Utena.full.1598654.jpg.b9867246f0c966213bc300559628a708.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Lia knew they weren't friends anymore and she didn't need him to reminder her who he's was. She was well aware of everything and he was just making her lean to the other side more and more everyday. Lia stood there unmoving as he walked over to her. She was scared but she kept and serious look on her face. She looked at the man she didn't want to kill him. He had done nothing wrong. She couldn't do it. Her eyes widen a bit when he raised his hand to slap her but suddenly she heard someone walk up to the door. She looked behind her to see Ace. Lia sighed maybe now he wouldn't hit her but she would see in a moment if he changed his tune.


@Mr Swiftshots



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He paused In mid air. "I Don't remember inviting a third party..." He looked at Ace. then back at Lia. His mouth muttered (You could barley make out)"you vah-led-mi" He opened the door. "You sneaky corner rat you..." He grinned at his assassin. "Take care of this thing....." The man on the ground looked at the shadow behind the door. "Now Lia do as I requested...." He turned to Ace "Ace....after your done taking the life of this....this very good innocent man...kill my adviser. I will rally the Nobles and select a new adviser.." He brushed passed Ace "And give some humiliation to Lia..Hope that isn't to much..."


@Mr Swiftshots
Ace approached the man while drawing her Katana, she griped the mans hair firmly with her right hand.Ace pulled his hair so that he was making eye contact with her , Tears began to flow from the man's eyes, in one swift movement Ace decapitated him. Blood now covered Ace's black clothing ,she stood holding the mans head by its hair, as she turned to Lia. "you call yourself a soldier yet you cant kill a man....disgraceful" Ace said in a soft tone approaching Lia "he was quite a good looking man wasn't he" she said holding the head out in front of Lia's face."kiss it...passionately!" she ordered.

Lia Evermore

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Tenjou_Utena_full_1598654.jpg.e1f33eb70b48f7dc289347d4ae3682ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61488" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Tenjou_Utena_full_1598654.jpg.e1f33eb70b48f7dc289347d4ae3682ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Lia very slightly sighed a little when he didn't hit her. But in the end she couldn't help that poor man. The king had Ace take care of him. Lia stood there not fletching when the man was killed. It wasn't right and here she was letting it happen. She felt pathetic and Ace telling her she was a disgrace didn't make her feel any better. But what happen next really pissed Lia off. Did they really think she was going to kiss that head. Ace was out of her mind and so was the king. Lia still had the same look on her face and was standing in the same position. She looked at Ace then the King then back at Ace. "Since your so disgusting enough to think of it why don't you do it." Lia said to her in a very calm tone. Then she turned around and headed out the door. Hopefully neither of them would stop her and just leave her be. She glanced back at the king and let her disgust and sadness show then continued out the door.


@Mr Swiftshots



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Ace grabbed Lia on the shoulder spinning her around to face her again. Ace shoved the decapitated head's lips onto Lia's holding her in place with her lips locked.

"do not question your king" Ace boomed.after a few moments she pulled the head away from Lia "is that understood" she asked dropping the head on the floor letting it roll on the floor. "now do as you were ordered i wont be so merciful next time."

Lia Evermore

Lia stood there for a moment in shock with her eyes whiden. She then looked at Ace. " I question whoever I please you don't give me orders." She stood there giving her a challenging gaze. "And if I'm correct I'm actually of a higher rank then you. Now don't get me wrong I'm for the king but don't be telling what I should or shouldn't be doing." She then quickly left the room without another word. She was pissed and upset and she was doing everything she could not to cry. But if you would to look at her you would think her day was like any normal day.

@Mr Swiftshots

After being in the hallway for quite some time the King saw her walk past and grinned

He then inserted his attention to Ace. He applauded her "Good-Good You never seem to make a fool of yourself or me.." Help your self to some wine then get out of my room.. I trust you won't poison my wine cabinet" He told Ace then disappeared down the stairs. He wondered the halls in search of his brother, his adviser. Before she left the king took her shoulder and spoke whispering in her ear from behind. "I don't like your little witty attitude nor do I fancy the way you wouldn't comply...now gather a few men and sattle up some horses we are going to go see the "Warlock". He paraded off.

(The following names received a message unless the king told you your task. already. It came as a raven and was sent out to you in a scroll)

@Barbas (We are coming for you)

@Mr Swiftshots (you need to get out of my room)

@RedZombieWolf (You need to gather men)

@tsundere (I am looking for you)


@animegirl20 (You sattle the horses and go and get "RedZombie"
Upon receiving the message from the king, Galdur waits for the king to arrive while preparing a little surprise for the king should he try anything.

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