Your IQ is what?!?


Senior Member
Character Sheet is below. Please only post original characters, don't borrow from the TV show!

You may play more than one character!




Appearance Description: (1+ paragraph plus pictures)

Personality Description: (1+ paragraph)

Backstory: (2+ paragraphs)

Special Talents:
Are they a prodigy? At what? Are they a human calculator? Etc.

Or- are they gifted at recognizing social interactions and behaving accordingly, if they’re not a genius but someone there to help.

Talents are not restricted to just one person, but character diversity is awesome!

That being said, here is the up to date list of characters.

  1. Tabitha Evans (@Freddie)
  2. Walter Ettore (@Zelda18)
  3. Fiorella Ambrosi (@Before The Sun Sets)
  4. Remy Abney (@kira blackthorn)
  5. Lucien McCall (@kira blackthorn)
  6. Elsie Emore (@Myla)
  7. Nemm Lightender (@TurtleGod)
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  • PDVD_002.png

    Name: Tabitha Evans

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Demisexual Biromantic

Name: Walter Lucas Ettore

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance Description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c310011bb_SOCUTE.gif.9fa7afa262b7d2cb9d43b50639e52aa9.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59088" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c310011bb_SOCUTE.gif.9fa7afa262b7d2cb9d43b50639e52aa9.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Walter is fairly tall, standing at 6'3. He has long, curly black hair that he's constantly pushing out of his dark grey eyes. He tends to have an unkempt look about him, mostly due to his messy hair and the loose fitting clothes he prefers to wear. Walter has a mischievous, almost devilish look about him- like he's always plotting a prank. He has an olive complexion and dark, thick eyebrows that are often furrowed in thought. Walter has one dimple in his left cheek and a crooked smile, along with slightly pointed ears and canine teeth.

Personality Description:

Walter could be best described as eager and impulsive. He says exactly what's in his mind the instant he thinks of it, which gets him into awkward situations quite often. Socially, he likes to avoid any sort of serious conversation by keeping up a stream of jokes. His impulsive nature causes him to make poor decisions, but his natural optimism and happiness allow him to laugh off his troubles. The downside to his personality is that he has trouble taking anything seriously, which can be irritating to others. He also tends to be a bit naive, always thinking the best of others and refusing to think of most things in a logical manner.


Walter was born in an average suburban neighborhood to a quiet Italian-American family. He is the only child to his parents, who are both computer technicians. He did averagely well in school, though he showed no interest or talent in computer science like his parents. He had no trouble making friends, but his friendships were shallow and he was lonely throughout most of his childhood.

At age 13, Walter's mother insisted he learn to play the piano. Although he resisted, he was forced to take lessons twice a week. He showed amazing talent and within six months he had mastered playing and was writing his own music. He was put into several musical programs and began performing at local charity events and such. Though he was incredibly gifted at playing the piano, he found playing other instruments difficult. The only other instrument he managed to master was the harp, though he didn't show as much aptitude for it as he did piano. He was deeply interested in the scientific side of music, learning the frequencies of musical notes and discovering which frequencies sounded best together. He developed almost an obsession for writing music, spending a majority of his time writing and rewriting his music until he deemed it perfect.

Special Talents:

Aside from his musical ability, Walter is average at most everything academically and skill-wise. The only other talent he might possess is one for putting his foot in his mouth or getting himself into trouble.



  • SO CUTE.gif
    SO CUTE.gif
    528 KB · Views: 87
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Must we add a picture AND describe their appearance? It seems quite useless to show you what they look like then tell you what they look like in the picture again.

I don't really see why JUST describing it would be bad.

@TurtleGod I've found with my characters that I sometimes have a very clear idea of what I want them to look like, but I can't find an image which fits exactly that, so providing an image for quick visual reference and then elaborating helps a lot.

For example- if you want your character to have freckles, or some birth mark, but can't find a suitable image. Or the hair is different.

In addition, I mostly meant their style- not necessarily physical characteristics. How they dress, are they often smiling, etc.
Freddie said:
@TurtleGod I've found with my characters that I sometimes have a very clear idea of what I want them to look like, but I can't find an image which fits exactly that, so providing an image for quick visual reference and then elaborating helps a lot.
For example- if you want your character to have freckles, or some birth mark, but can't find a suitable image. Or the hair is different.

In addition, I mostly meant their style- not necessarily physical characteristics. How they dress, are they often smiling, etc.
I understand why you prefer to do this,

but I really wouldn't like to do the image.

I used to be in love with using images,

but then I realized I was using anime images that were already used in many other roleplays.

I just want my characters to be unique.
TurtleGod said:
I understand why you prefer to do this,
but I really wouldn't like to do the image.

I used to be in love with using images,

but then I realized I was using anime images that were already used in many other roleplays.

I just want my characters to be unique.
I was more concerned that you wanted to use ONLY an image- if you would like to just provide an adequate description, that would be totally fine!
It's so sad because I deleted my character to respond, thinking my character wouldn't be good enough with no image.
TurtleGod said:
It's so sad because I deleted my character to respond, thinking my character wouldn't be good enough with no image.
Sorry!!! Please post a character, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!!!




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Nice to meet ya


N A M E :

Fiorella Orina Ambrosi

N I C K N A M E S :

Fi-fi, Rella, Rina. (Feel free to call her any nickname you want)

G E N D E R :


B I R T H D A Y :

May 9th (Zodiac Sign: Tarus)

A G E :


H E I G H T :

5' 0"

E Y E S :


H A I R :

Mocha Brown

D E S C R I P T I O N :

Fiorella Ambrosi is your everyday teen with long chocolate waves flowing down past her shoulders and caramel eyes that are are forever filled with light and life. Fio stands at a under-average height for her age at 5'0", and was often teased about her height throughout her childhood. Her body has a build between petite and athletic due to her generics and proudly walks around with her healthy sun-kissed skin.

S E X U A L I T Y :

Dig a lil' Deeper
P E R S O N A L I T Y :

Meet Fiorella! Your everyday Italian artist! Fio finds herself at piece when she's creating something visually beautiful or breathtaking with her own two hands. She could careless about the mess she may make in her environment as long as her work is flawless in every shape and form. Her imagination is always running freely throughout Fios mind, she can't control it! She often finds herself lost in thought. At the most bizarre/unexpected moments Fiorellas mind drifts of to her land of dancing daydreams where she stays until someone or something drags her back to reality, but most of the time...the thing that brings her back to the real world is a face plant upon a set of stairs or simply dry wall. Yes...Fio is a complete clutz. She can barely walk for 5 minutes without stumbling along the way, it's simply another part of her nature that she just can't control. She's friendly, a bit of an airhead, supportive, stubborn, head-strong, and of course a bit of a hot-head. Fiorella can be rather fierce and sharp with her words when angered, so be aware of what triggers her to flip the script!

My Rise and Fall
S T R E N G T H S :


Fiorella was always taught that if you stand in the shadows and slouch over with your head hung low then you'd be trampled upon by the society of today. She is never one to let her weaknesses show instead she puts forth all of her strength and faces all of the worlds obstacles with a smile.


What good is it to talk in circles or lie when you can simply express yourself then and there! theres less issues and bullcrap to deal with later and you can get all the issues out the way now? Fiorella has thought this way every since the first time she was lied to by the boy she once thought once her best friend, one of the people she placed her valuble trust in, only for that bond of security, trust, and compainonship to be shattered due to one persons stupidity. She could never shake off that feling that she felt pierce her heart like a sharp shard of glass ripping through the air, the discomfort and pain always remained, and Fio never wanted anyone to feel the same pain she felt over a lie. She feels that its better to be brutally honest than to stand around and lie to someones face when you know that in the end some day the truth will come out and sing.


Although Fiorella enjoys knowing that she has support from all those close to her, Fiorella shows that she is capapble of taking care of herself, she isn't one who enjoys burdening others with her struggles and often keeps her troubles to heself. She deals with life as it deals with her, she simpl takes on whatever the road has to offer with a strong heart and mind.


Fiorella doesnt know the meaning of the words give up, when they are groupe together, she's always one to work hard to acheive her goals and doesnt quit until shes made her greatest dreams a reality.


Fio is rather artistic when it comes to pen, hair, makeup, fabric, paper, paint, charcol, and color! She simply lets her imagination run wild as she creates a new and unique work of art, she was simply born to be a artist.


The Ambrosi girl is never one to let someone feel left out of the fun, she's the kind of person that opens her arms to make new friends. She fails in shying away from people no matter how cold they may act towards her, she still tries her best to make new friends and meet new people, while trying her best to draw a large red line between realizing what people are merely her acquaintances and her small close knit circle of friends.

W E A K N E S S E S :


Fio seems to have inheirted her stuborness from her family, not a single person in the Ambrosi family knows how to give up on their original thoughts or ideas. Attempting to get her to change her mind is impossible, even if all of hell froze over the young woman would still be holding on tightly to her first opinion.


She never thinks twice, she doesn't think at all for that matter! Fio simply acts half of the time. She's one for always getting in trouble for acting upon her impulses, but she could careless to be quite frank.

Fashionista (A devil)

When it comes to clothing and makeup Fio never fails in becoming a beast when she finds a flaw somewhere in somenes outfit. If she catches you in anything outdated she will become a different person and appear as if shes been possessed until she completely transforms you even if that means plucking your eyebrows or waxing away your leg hairs she won't hesitate or batter a eyelash once before jumping into action.


If you've ever entered Fiorellas private space, you would think that she's either been robbed or a tornado ripped through the place...that is until she skips inside the room happily and tosses all the crumpled paper balls of failed sketches onto the floor with other papers and pieces of fabric or supplies scattered about. She tends to be disorderly with her room due to her only being there when she's absorbed into her work or asleep. Most of the time she's out of her messy room breathing fresh air and not remembering that she has to clean her room before her massive piles of paper and scraps of fabric join forces to come to life and destroy her for simply tossing them aside.


Fio can't remember a name or even distinguish her left from her right without looking at her hands for that matter! She's a complete airhead who for some reason can't really retain any knowledge except for visual art related subjects. Ask her for a brief history on Chanel or Michelangelo, and she'll right you a book, ask her for directions to the nearest restroom and she'll need a GPS and her left hand to make an L shape for her to help you figure it out. Don't ask her to remember anything for you, your better off writing it down yourself.


Fiorella as stated before is a complete clutz who can often be found walking into walls, or people, falling down a set of stairs and landing on either her face or bum, or she can even be found stumbling with every few steps. ~Sigh~ What can we do, the only thing that could possibly cure her of her clumsiness is hypnotism but she probably won't be able to pay attention long enough.

Welcome to my world
L I K E S :

? Fashion

?A challenge


? Sketching and Painting

? All music genres except for Classical (Favorite Genre - Rock)

? Kids

? Parties

? Her family and friends

?The occasional bottle of vodka she wakes up next to

? The beach

? Sewing

? Reading the daily horoscopes

? Complete silence (with the exception of music) while she's creating something 3 dimensional

D I S L I K E S :

? Bugs (Esspecially mosquitoes and big beetles)

? Being short and having people tease her about her height

? Liars

? People who toy with other peoples emotions

? Horror movies

? Being Clumsy

F E A R S :

? Being betrayed again

? Dying a painful death only to be forgotten by all those who shes close to at the moment

? Having bugs crawl all over her

? Never accomplishing her lifelong goal

T A L E N T S :

? Using her hands to create a work of art (sculptures, clothes, sketches, etc.)

? Making different accessories and doing makeup

? Cooking Italian dishes without burning down the house!

I N E P T I T I E S :

? Remebering to do things without a list

? Lying

Q U I R K S :

? Staring at people

? Tapping her fingers to a unknown tune

? Asking the most random questions as soon as they come to mind

S E C R E T S :

? Fio is Dyslexic, but has learnt how to deal with it over the years

My Past, Present, and Future
B I O G R A P H Y :


Everyday Me!













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I'll be reviewing characters tonight- just hang tight!!!


Zelda18 said:
Name: Walter Lucas Ettore
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance Description: View attachment 135677

Walter is fairly tall, standing at 6'3. He has long, curly black hair that he's constantly pushing out of his dark grey eyes. He tends to have an unkempt look about him, mostly due to his messy hair and the loose fitting clothes he prefers to wear. Walter has a mischievous, almost devilish look about him- like he's always plotting a prank. He has an olive complexion and dark, thick eyebrows that are often furrowed in thought. Walter has one dimple in his left cheek and a crooked smile, along with slightly pointed ears and canine teeth.

Personality Description:

Walter could be best described as eager and impulsive. He says exactly what's in his mind the instant he thinks of it, which gets him into awkward situations quite often. Socially, he likes to avoid any sort of serious conversation by keeping up a stream of jokes. His impulsive nature causes him to make poor decisions, but his natural optimism and happiness allow him to laugh off his troubles. The downside to his personality is that he has trouble taking anything seriously, which can be irritating to others. He also tends to be a bit naive, always thinking the best of others and refusing to think of most things in a logical manner.


Walter was born in an average suburban neighborhood to a quiet Italian-American family. He is the only child to his parents, who are both computer technicians. He did averagely well in school, though he showed no interest or talent in computer science like his parents. He had no trouble making friends, but his friendships were shallow and he was lonely throughout most of his childhood.

At age 13, Walter's mother insisted he learn to play the piano. Although he resisted, he was forced to take lessons twice a week. He showed amazing talent and within six months he had mastered playing and was writing his own music. He was put into several musical programs and began performing at local charity events and such. Though he was incredibly gifted at playing the piano, he found playing other instruments difficult. The only other instrument he managed to master was the harp, though he didn't show as much aptitude for it as he did piano. He was deeply interested in the scientific side of music, learning the frequencies of musical notes and discovering which frequencies sounded best together. He developed almost an obsession for writing music, spending a majority of his time writing and rewriting his music until he deemed it perfect.

Special Talents:

Aside from his musical ability, Walter is average at most everything academically and skill-wise. The only other talent he might possess is one for putting his foot in his mouth or getting himself into trouble.
Accepted and I love how his abilities are limited/he can't do everything perfectly- makes for an interesting character!

@Unknown Sanity accepted as long as you change his personality to make him a tad less like Sherlock!

@Before The Sun Sets accepted just finish the bio section!
Name: Remy Abney

Age: 17

Gender: female

Sexuality: heterosexual

Appearance Description: (1+ paragraph plus pictures)


At 5'6 and 150 lb Remy doesn't seem that threatening even with the strange faux hawk she usually styles her hair into and the clothes she wears. You know the classic baggy jeans, combat boots, rock logo t shirt, and leather jacket. Yet, her lilth lightly muscled build and short statue work for her. Especially in a fight. The scars covering her hands and body from jumping fences and knife wounds should tell you that much though. Even if her laughing blue eyes make you think otherwise.

Personality Description:

Tough as nails Remy isn't one to back down easily. Rather it's to a challenge or fight. A fact that has gotten her into trouble more times then she can count. To bad she doesn't care. All She cares about is expressing herself. Rather that is threw playing guitar or spray painting the side of a building. She is just lucky she is fast enough to run away from the cops and witty enough to talk herself out of most situations where she can't use her fist. Usually by confusing them. All in all she is a rebel with an artistic side, though only her friends know her friendly kind side. The one rarely shown under sarcasm.

Backstory: (2+ paragraphs)

Remy has had it rough. Her parents consisted of a bi poler chick that swoops into her families life before dramatically leaving it, time and time again, and an alcoholic father that cares more for the bottle then his own kids. Luckily Remy's elder sister was there to take care of Remy and their three siblings. She made sure they went to school and had food in their stomachs most nights. More then most could hope for.

When her elder sister turned sixteen and got a job things steadily got better, meaning Remy didn't go to bed hungry every night and had semi decent clothes. It was around that time that Remy realized she couldn't let her sister do it alone. So she began doing what She could to help her family get by. Which for an eight year old meant babysitting gigs and stealing.

This went on for a couple years and at 20 her sister filed for guardianship of her siblings. It was granted and soon after she got a better job. One that aloud her to send them to a better school. It was there Remy met her mentor, Sophia, the schools art teacher. A woman all the students liked for her carefree but strict attitude and with a love for strange art. Remy picked up a love of art from her and using it began to express herself. It was quickly obvious then that she had a talent for art, especially abstract. A year later Remy found a guitar at a garage sell and impulsively bought it. She taught herself to play and even though she struggled with other instruments she was quick to pick it up.

She was sad to leave middle school but know she had a new way to express herself and for that she was thankful. At 16 she got a job at Hot topic and devoted herself to her art. Even if she didn't do so in a way that was always legal.

Special Talents:

Remy excells in art, especially abstract art. She is also known to be a genius with a guitar and very good at stragety, from years running from the cops and fighting, not to mention she isn't to bad at math and has an advanced level memory. Though she remembers pictures and such more then words.
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[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]
Name: Remy Abney
Age: 17

Gender: female

Sexuality: heterosexual

Appearance Description: (1+ paragraph plus pictures)


At 5'6 and 150 lb Remy doesn't seem that threatening even with the strange faux hawk she usually styles her hair into and the clothes she wears. You know the classic baggy jeans, combat boots, rock logo t shirt, and leather jacket. Yet, her lilth lightly muscled build and short statue work for her. Especially in a fight. The scars covering her hands and body from jumping fences and knife wounds should tell you that much though. Even if her laughing blue eyes make you think otherwise.

Personality Description:

Tough as nails Remy isn't one to back down easily. Rather it's to a challenge or fight. A fact that has gotten her into trouble more times then she can count. To bad she doesn't care. All She cares about is expressing herself. Rather that is threw playing guitar or spray painting the side of a building. She is just lucky she is fast enough to run away from the cops and witty enough to talk herself out of most situations where she can't use her fist. Usually by confusing them. All in all she is a rebel with an artistic side, though only her friends know her friendly kind side. The one rarely shown under sarcasm.

Backstory: (2+ paragraphs)

Remy has had it rough. Her parents consisted of a bi poler chick that swoops into her families life before dramatically leaving it, time and time again, and an alcoholic father that cares more for the bottle then his own kids. Luckily Remy's elder sister was there to take care of Remy and their three siblings. She made sure they went to school and had food in their stomachs most nights. More then most could hope for.

When her elder sister turned sixteen and got a job things steadily got better, meaning Remy didn't go to bed hungry every night and had semi decent clothes. It was around that time that Remy realized she couldn't let her sister do it alone. So she began doing what She could to help her family get by. Which for an eight year old meant babysitting gigs and stealing.

This went on for a couple years and at 20 her sister filed for guardianship of her siblings. It was granted and soon after she got a better job. One that aloud her to send them to a better school. It was there Remy met her mentor, Sophia, the schools art teacher. A woman all the students liked for her carefree but strict attitude and with a love for strange art. Remy picked up a love of art from her and using it began to express herself. It was quickly obvious then that she had a talent for art, especially abstract. A year later Remy found a guitar at a garage sell and impulsively bought it. She taught herself to play and even though she struggled with other instruments she was quick to pick it up.

She was sad to leave middle school but know she had a new way to express herself and for that she was thankful. At 16 she got a job at Hot topic and devoted herself to her art. Even if she didn't do so in a way that was always legal.

Special Talents:

Remy excells in art, especially abstract art. She is also known to be a genius With a guitar.

Name: Lucien McCall

Age: 18

Gender: male

Sexuality: bi sexual(leans toward males)

Appearance Description: (1+ paragraph plus pictures)


5'8 with a lanky build lilth with muscle and covered in tattoos it's no wonder most see Lucien as another punk. The long windblown way he styles his brown hair and clothes doesn't help either. However each tattoo tells a story which is all Lucien cares about. He doesn't care what others think of him because he knows those he cares about don't care about his appearance.

Personality Description:

At first glance Lucien is your everyday punk. Covered in tats with a cigarette hanging from his lips. Suffix to say most don't take a second glance. However those that do find he is an enigma. He smokes, likes to have fun, and isn't afraid to toe the line of what's illegal but he doesn't do it to a degree that most teenagers do. He doesn't drink and he doesn't do drugs. However that's usually all most people discover about him. Its the ones he let's close that see the gittery fingers and nervous shuffling a result of his ADHD. Which keeps him from making many friends and keeps constantly moving unless he focuses it into something. A feat he accomplishes with anything revolving cars and technology. He is much smarter then He looks.


Lucien's parents were high school sweethearts but when his mother fell pregnant his father split, leaving his mother to care for him on her own. She did the best she could even after her parents disowned her. She worked three jobs to pay her way threw collage and get Lucien a babysitter. At least until Remy's sister took over as his babysitter and she only had to pay twice as much. After that Lucien became like another member of Remys family and the two were thick as thieves even after his mother finally finished collage and got a good job as a nurse. One that allowed her to send him to a good school away from Remy, at least until she joined him.

While her attentions turned to art he found himself with a fascination for video games. One that drove him to learn more about technology. He found himself picking up hacking, which helped both him and Remy during report card time.

At sixteen Lucien got a job at an autoshop where he learned about cars and found it was a good way to focus his attention when video games and hacking didn't do It. Pretty soon he even gained a passion for the hunks of metal. Now he is attending a local collage with the hopes to one day open up his own auto body shop.

Special Talents:

Lucien is a whiz with technology, which means he's a math genius by default, and has a love for cars that strived him to learn all he could about them.
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[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]
Name: Lucien McCall
Age: 18

Gender: male

Sexuality: bi sexual(leans toward males)

Appearance Description: (1+ paragraph plus pictures)


5'8 with a lanky build lilth with muscle and covered in tattoos it's no wonder most see Lucien as another punk. The long windblown way he styles his brown hair and clothes doesn't help either. However each tattoo tells a story which is all Lucien cares about. He doesn't care what others think of him because he knows those he cares about don't care about his appearance.

Personality Description:

At first glance Lucien is your everyday punk. Covered in tats with a cigarette hanging from his lips. Suffix to say most don't take a second glance. However those that do find he is an enigma. He smokes, likes to have fun, and isn't afraid to toe the line of what's illegal but he doesn't do it to a degree that most teenagers do. He doesn't drink and he doesn't do drugs. However that's usually all most people discover about him. Its the ones he let's close that see the gittery fingers and nervous shuffling a result of his ADHD. Which keeps him from making many friends and keeps constantly moving unless he focuses it into something. A feat he accomplishes with anything revolving cars and technology. He is much smarter then He looks.


Lucien's parents were high school sweethearts but when his mother fell pregnant his father split, leaving his mother to care for him on her own. She did the best she could even after her parents disowned her. She worked three jobs to pay her way threw collage and get Lucien a babysitter. At least until Remy's sister took over as his babysitter and she only had to pay twice as much. After that Lucien became like another member of Remys family and the two were thick as thieves even after his mother finally finished collage and got a good job as a nurse. One that allowed her to send him to a good school away from Remy, at least until she joined him.

While her attentions turned to art he found himself with a fascination for video games. One that drove him to learn more about technology. He found himself picking up hacking, which helped both him and Remy during report card time.

At sixteen Lucien got a job at an autoshop where he learned about cars and found it was a good way to focus his attention when video games and hacking didn't do It. Pretty soon he even gained a passion for the hunks of metal. Now he is attending a local collage with the hopes to one day open up his own auto body shop.

Special Talents:

Lucien is a whiz with technology and has a love for cars that strived him to learn all he could about them.


Estelle "Elsie" Emore

"A creative adult is the child who survived."


  • Full name:

    ?Estelle Emore












    ?132 lb

    Special Talent:

    ?Her ability to hand-draw portraits to the tiniest detail.

    Ethnic Group:





    ?Often annoyed by people comparing her past self, to the person she is today.

    ?Has a tendency of losing small stuff. (Ex. Keys, pencils, phone,hair ties etc.)

    ?If she gets mad at someone and she painting, she'll splatter paint at you.

    ?Quiet most of the time.

    ?If she's in a room by herself that has other people in it and decides to draw a portrait of one of them. After she's done drawing it, she will go up to them quietly, give them their drawing, and leave doing the whole process without saying a word.

Name: Nemm Lightender

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Appearance Description: He has light brown hair, with some faint blue in the back from a time he fell backwards into a bucket of blue permanent paint. His hair is straight but very messy, sticking out at random places. He has Heterochromia iridium, and he has one amber colored eye and one green colored eye.

Personality Description: Nemm is the type of person that's least expected to be depressed. He's always happy, but he usually doesn't show it, keeping to himself and hiding his excitement, but sometimes his excitement just explodes out of him and he becomes a social butterfly for the duration of the explosion. When it's over, he turns introverted again, confusing the people he associates with. In terms of friends, he won't approach you, but if approached, there's a possibility of friendship as long as there's little if any signs of aggression.

Backstory: When Nemm was born, his two eyes, two different rare eye colors, stunned the doctors. He was soon after taken to his new home, despite the doctor's pleads. His new home, a china store. They didn't need to babyproof the store, because fortunately, they had a spare room to keep Nemm in so that he didn't break any china and injure himself. When he got older, he moved out of the room and into another nearby room: the storage room. He used his wits to make a makeshift bed. Every night his father would wake him up with
clings and clangs.

Once, Nemm decided to investigate, using rope and a makeshift crowbar to get in through the vents and spy on his parents. Of course, the crowbar lived a short life, breaking on its second use. He lowered himself, and saw that the room just a few steps away from his was a workshop! He started using it every night, tinkering and building his first machine, a miniature robot that could move its arms with the press of a button. He was eventually found out by his father, but his father actually encouraged him to get into inventing. Nemm realized he also needed to step up his game in the sneaky department, so he tried camouflage and learned that he was amazing at it. The family soon moved out of the china store and got their own home, but they still ran the china store for the money. With a new house, Nemm had a bigger room and a workshop of his own, and it was now he making the
clings and clangs. Unfortunately, he wasn't very social, and had no friends, never approaching anyone. His father started getting jealous of his inventions when he invented an automatic soap-maker, and his mother just didn't understand him and his father. Nemm invented in secret after that, digging a basement in his room to use as a workshop because his old personal workshop was boarded up by his father.

Special Talents:

1: Has sudden strikes of genius, similar to many famous inventors such as Leonardo da Vinci or Einstein. Usually these strikes of genius will come in months, but sometimes it takes longer than that, and it almost never happens in less time.

2:He is also very light, makes his own gear, and moves quietly, making for quite the thief or spy. He can lower himself into a room and not be located unless the certain person he's spying on looks at him.

3:He can do almost professional grade camouflage and blend in well, but he can be spotted from up close if looked at directly for thirty seconds.

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