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Fantasy The Tyrant King

I plan on making a noble woman character. I just have to talk to a few of the people who have already made characters first.
[QUOTE="Jess Buck]I plan on making a noble woman character. I just have to talk to a few of the people who have already made characters first.

um I'm starting monday not matter what so I'm not going to put a number on it. But if you know anyone that would be interested please invite them

StoneWolf18 said:
How many characters at we needing before we can start? Just wondering is all.
Hey i need you to add to your bio how she became a vampire.

Shadowmancer said:
Probably, or just someone who has joined against the supers. :) why?
If your making a girl knight then you need add how hard it was since only men became knights and me and another person are going to be girl knights and we are adding into our bios how we met it so might need to add you into the mix. Mind if I invite you into the pm?
Shadowmancer said:
Not at all. I haven fully decided on her story yet, so thing can always change.
Ok cool hold on


StoneWolf18 said:
Okay then.
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Hey can you help me? Tag EVERYONE even those who haven't posted or finished bios. And tell them we are starting. And tell them don't post until the king does

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