The Tyrant King


Ten Thousand Club
Character Sheet: (May adjust order of cs to your liking and leave out whatever you don't need.)


Species: (only for supernaturals)




For the king or against: (this can change as the rp goes on) (please tell why)


Appearance:( you can put appearance where ever you want)






Married/lover/crush: (Can change as rp goes along)
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Name: Edmund Craite

Role: Royal Court Noble

Age: 23

Gender: Male

For the king or against: Against, because the King is a tyrant, who oppresses the poor, and supernatural. Edmund is a man of fair laws, and justice. He is also rather

ambitious, and wants to be king.


Excellent battle commander.

Unrivaled tactician.

Good swordsmanship.

Incredibly charismatic.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-22_22-57-57.jpeg.cefd368adeb5ddc18bbf6425f08f4187.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58238" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-22_22-57-57.jpeg.cefd368adeb5ddc18bbf6425f08f4187.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Family: None living.

Friends: ... None... ._.












Occupation: The ruler of a powerful house.

Bio: House Craite found it's rise to power at the hands of the king before the current one. And were made an official noble house, due to the coin Edmund's father possessed, enough so that he could buy the status as nobility. Yet even from then, Edmund's father was a brilliant diplomat, and a sly thief, the man filled his pockets with gold by turning others against each other, and through many a illegal activity, though the king never acted, or just did not know.

Of course, he soon died, and his son, was then groomed for kingship, just as Edmund's father soon left the world, of course, Edmund was never taught anything. And became a cold, self taught man of honor, and fairness. Unlike his father, and his king. House Craite's vast wealth was all inherited by Edmund, who used that wealth to create an enormous, and formidable army. Through slow expansion, of unconquered land, north of his city. Soon enough, Edmund was in possession of an enormously large amount of land, with more soldiers, and money than most other nobles.

Yet he never did plan to help the king, rumors suggested rebellion. Which was ideal, as Edmund despised the tyrannical king, who hunted the supernaturals to extinction, and did nothing to fix the country, Edmund saw this as an opportunity to leap for the crown himself.

Married/lover/crush: None currently.

Name: Arys Volstar

Role: Royal Court

Age: 55

Gender: Male

For the king or against: For, Arys was always a loyal subject to the Royal Family, and even before the current king's crowning, did Arys try to help, and advise the boy on ruling... Of course, it didn't help much, the King has his flaws, but Arys remains loyal, trying to help him rule through the dangerous time of rebellion.

Powers/Skills: Master of the Court, Sly, Manipulative, Persuasive, Sharp-tongued, Incredible strategist.



Family: Arys' family are low born, and unknown to him.

Friends: Many among the court.








Occupation: King's Advisor

Bio: Arys was alone as a child, disowned by his parents who couldn't afford to take care of him. Instead he was forced to survive by thieving, and lying, before he began to learn information, and smart-words were worth far more than a few coins. After years he slowly snook his way up the ladder of importance, first by gaining the coin to become a noble, then by making himself a valuable ally, and known at court.

However he was finally noticed by the previous king himself, of course, the king asked for advice from a large number of nobles. But Arys' proved to be far better, and the king named him advisor. He served loyally, and properly, until the king passed away. But for his own reasons, decided to aid in raising the new heir to the throne, who had many flaws, and despite Arys' best efforts, he was unable to cure the current king of his ways. Though continues to try.

Married/lover/crush: None.



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Name: Nessa Loske

Role: Nurse to rebel army.

Age: 22

Gender: Female

For the king or against: Against. She doesn't like hearing stories of terror and bloodshed. She's a person who loves to help people, so why would she want suffering to continue? Nessa wants to do her best to help the rebels rise against the king and it is why she decided on becoming a nurse for them.

Powers/Skills: Nessa has the power to heal although it is, of course, limited. She is poor, which means that she could only buy the smaller spells. She has gained some potions but will only use them in the case of emergencies for there are only a few in her possession. Her skills include the ability to withstand stress under pressure, for she has dealt with many situations where she had to be quick. Her calm demeanor also helps others to relax, which she considers a skill, and she has developed quick reflexes. A good runner thanks to her long legs, so she believes that she can get to wounded soldiers without too much trouble.


Family: She has a brother who's going to be fighting alongside the rebels, although they don't have much of a connection.

Friends: No friends. She knows she'll be too busy for that.

Personality: Nessa is usually a calm, collected individual. She speaks in a soft tone, and feels that she's seen it all so doesn't let much upset her. She knows that being visibly upset or distressed when dealing with patients can make things worse, thus preferring to keep those types of emotions inside. This young woman doesn't even seem to have a temper, although there are times when stress is so high that she, like all humans, would snap. Usually she looks tired, especially now that the rebels are beginning to show their anger. She can become very absorbed in her work, although she is not very social. Nessa never really looks that much into people, which can be strange considering how good she is at taking care of others. She just doesn't look past health needs, although is polite as could be which never helps when it comes to decision-making.

Occupation: Nurse.

Bio: Nessa actually used to help her father manage his blacksmith business, though she soon found that she was better at taking care of people than she was at helping him in his trade. She left home to pursue the occupation of nurse when she heard that her parents planned to marry her off to some man, and ended up in the poorer part of Avalon although she did find that she loved to help others. Due to there being witch blood in her family, she was able to cast spells and the like which helped her with her occupation. Nessa ended up hearing rumors of a rebellion and decided to travel a bit in order to find out if she could be a part of it, for business was slow since nobody had the money to pay her for her services. Stories of supernatural creatures being killed, even right in front of the public, made her feel angry towards the king who had taken over. It was terrible seeing the towns scattered on the most outer section on the kingdom and how poor they were, how it seemed that the royal family was doing absolutely nothing for them.

She met her brother along the way, noticing that he had also fled home in order to join in rebellion. The assassins killing off the supernaturals had murdered his innocent lover, which had left him stuck in a blind, terrible rage. Having felt ever farther from her older brother, Nessa left him with a light hand on his shoulder and a soft goodbye. It was something she could not help him with, she knew, although she did wish that she could have reconnected with him. She did not have the ability to write so she could not send him letters, nor did she have to money, so she lost contact with him then.

Married/lover/crush: None at all.

Name: Julian Stahl

Role: The king!

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Skills: His skills vary, really. He was of course given a few years of rigorous battle training by his father and so is not a stranger to combat. However, his father spoiled him and he never really did get to fight on the battlefront. Julian was taught how to command his large army, and is able to think quickly. His reflexes are superb, though his sword-wielding could use some work as he doesn't practice it much. He fails to see the need, honestly. He seems good at making speeches to a large crowd and can write well, but one-on-one interaction is something he never seemed to pick up. His best skill is being a non-caring jerk. Julian seems to think that having friends involves giving them money, so he considers himself to be quite friendly towards the nobles although his money is the only reason they like him. His trust issues have kept him safe, so perhaps being a coward counts as a skill?



Family: He has a brother and sister named Leon and Vera, respectively.

Friends: His royal adviser is his only, it seems.

Personality: There is really one word that best describes Julian: arrogant. He holds himself higher than anyone else, this behavior fixed in by having been spoiled by his father. Julian is quite confident that his ideas, appearance, and decisions are best, and doesn't really accept anything different. He has moments where all he'll do is listen to his adviser's opinions, especially on issues he deems 'unimportant', although he will also secretly rely on advice when it comes to military strategies from time to time. He does not like showing signs of weakness even though his flaws are evident, from his vain views to his trust issues. Julian doesn't really trust many, not even the people that are 100% with him. He seems to suffer from paranoia, which has caused severe lack of sleep. There are nights he'll stay up the entire time just because he believes that a plot is afoot. He seems more stable now that he has used the supernatural creatures as scapegoats towards all the problems in the kingdom which he doesn't feel like solving, but he's still antsy and his health doesn't look all that great. There are glimpses of sadism in him, based on the tales he likes to have told and the jokes he'll laugh at, and his social skills are very poor. Other than public speaking, there is an apparent lack of interest everywhere else. His favorite responses are curt and dismissive, as if he doesn't even care for the conversation. His temper isn't that great, either, as if he's an explosive volcano, especially when disagreed with.

Occupation: He's the king, he doesn't need an occupation!

Bio: Julian was born as a twin with his sister, so they shared a bunch of memories together. As they got older, however, they began to spend more time apart. He was to become king someday, after all, so his father decided he couldn't spend his days clinging onto his sister. He had poor social skills even as a child although was a lot less arrogant than what he grew up into, and his father did his best to try and teach him the personality a king should have. All he accomplished was managing to make Julian push his sister away and become quite self-centered. He also had a younger brother back then, though would mostly ignore him too no matter how much the smaller child craved attention. Still, as years passed, Julian started to revel in his brother's idolization. That was even the only reason he'd talk to him. He was that selfish and arrogant, and the feelings even bloomed into his later years.

At 21, his father passed away. Julian felt an overwhelming sense of power when he took the throne, which caused him to develop even more loose screws. He pushed back his siblings even more and fired the majority of his father's staff for no apparent reason, bringing in people he thought would support him and his goals. Julian learned not to have to depend on anybody, especially remembering the lecture his father had given him relating to his sister and the way he had always clung on to her. Their relationship never did improve, seeming to grow worse when he ordered the mass murder of all supernaturals. He used them to achieve his own goals, despising them because of the powers they had. He's still doing that even now, too busy looking behind his back to deal with everybody else's problems. He believes that they can figure it out themselves, that they are weak if they need one guy to improve everything. Even so, the talk of rebellion is making him very uneasy.

Married/lover/crush: He has had many lovers, since a multitude of women in the kingdom would just love to get their hands on the money he has.

Vera Stahl

  • Species



    King's Sister





    For the king or against

    Vera has always been against him disrespecting the supernatural races. She believes no one should be treated the way they are, no matter their race.


    Aside from enhanced physical capability, senses, and healing, she is extremely intelligent and knows a thing or two about combat.



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I'm not done my other character's bio yet, it should be up either later tonight or tomorrow!


Name: Leon Stahl

Role: King’s brother

Age: 22

Gender: Male

For the king or against: For the king, because he is his brother and he has always admired him, believing him to be able to do no wrong.

Powers/Skills: Academically knowledgeable, basic combat skills from lessons, comes across as trustworthy and charismatic.


Family: His older siblings Julius and Vera.

Friends: He doesn’t have anyone that he would consider a friend, although he has many acquaintances.

Personality: Leon has always been friendly, care-free, and well-mannered, with a strong need for peace and harmony among himself and the ones he is close to. He doesn’t like to get into arguments, hates making important decisions, and tries to be the peacemaker when he can. He is quite sheltered, and this can cause him to be naïve and overly-idealistic. He can be unintentionally insensitive towards things that he doesn’t understand, particularly the supernatural. However, he never intends to be malicious. Despite how he may seem, when he needs to think seriously about a situation Leon can be intelligent and shrewd.

Occupation: Prince

Bio: As the youngest child in the royal family, Leon was never given the same amount of attention compared to his older siblings – especially his brother. Despite this though, he never felt resentful, as he didn’t want the responsibilities that came with being a ruler. Instead, he took to staying in his room and reading all sorts of books – particularly ones about history, which he found very interesting. Growing up, Leon always admired Julian and his older sister for their confidence and competence, and still does.

Married/lover/crush: None.
Name: Elliot Rose Buchanan

Species: Vampire

Role: Leader of the Rebel Army

Age: She looks about 25 or 26, but he is around 26,000 years old

Gender: Female

For the king or against: Against. Ella and hes family have been living in this land and kingdom for centuries and never, not once, has there ever been a king this harsh, and cruel to the supernatural population. Elliot had brother and when the king killed her brother that was the last straw. Elliot is fed up with his tyranny and will take it no longer.

Powers/Skills: Elliot has incredible strength and agility. Not only that but she's a master of tactics and has keen senses. She was basically built for battle.



Family: She had a twin brother Peter but he was captured and killed by the king. She now takes care of her sister-in-law Myella and her nephew Victor.

Friends: Anyone who is against the king.

Personality: From anyone looking at the rebel army from the king's side, they'll tell you Ella is a ruthless tyrant who's out to kill the whole of humanity and take over as Queen of the supernatural race. But anyone who really knows Ella and has met her and knows of her cause, can tell you that's a load of horse shit. Elliot is one of the most kind, caring, and sensitive people you will ever meet. She leads her army with stern and fair principals.

Occupation: Leader of the Rebel Army

Bio: Whilst Ella was growing up, she was always the quiet one. She never spoke much and she followed her twin brother, who was far more confident and outgoing then she, around like a lost puppy. And when the new king came into power it was no different. Her brother took Ella and his family into hiding until a few years into the King's rule when someone confronted Peter about starting up a rebellion. Peter agreed, tired of living in hiding. Things were going well for a while, until Peter became cocky and reckless. Peter was captured by the king's guards. The king used Peter as an example and displayed his execution for all to see. It was that day, when her brother died, that something awoke in Ella no one ever thought was there. Ella vowed she was avenge her brother's death and take care of his family. She took on the role of leader and has been leading the army since. She doesn't know if she'll take over as Queen when they finally dethrone the king, but she does know that she will never let there be a king like him again.

Married/lover/crush: For now, all Elliot is worried about is getting rid of the king. She has no time for relationships.

Name: Jessabelle Marie Cadenzas

Role: Noblewoman

Age: 23

Gender: Female

For the king or against: Against. Jessabelle is close with the supernatural community but the new king has come into power everything is changed and he's killing innocent people. He has to be stopped.

Powers/Skills: Jessabelle is extremely persuasive. She's cunning and quick witted and is easily able to bend people to her will.



Family: She had a fiance at one point but he mysteriously disappeared once the new king started hunting down supernaturals. She has a sister Alejandra and a brother Mateo. She has a niece on her sister's side named Sofia and a brother-in-law named Marco. Her parents died a few years ago.

Friends: She has many acquaintances through the royal court and throughout the kingdom.

Personality: Jessabelle is a very outgoing and friendly person. She's kind to others and she has a caring soul. However she will not hesitate to murder you if you've done something wrong or hurt one of her friends. She's kind to you as long as you are kind to her and her friends.

Occupation: Head of a large estate.

Bio: Jessabelle grew up in her large estate with her family. Although she grew up wealthy and privileged, she always did her best to help others who were in need. While she was young, she gave to the poor often and she hung out in the slums of the kingdom where most of her friends lived. Including the supernatural community. She found many friends within the supernatural community whom she's kept all her life. Including her ex-fiance whom was a faerie. (Very different from fairies) She loved Xavier, her fiance, with all of her heart. But when the new came into power he had to flea to not be killed. She was devastated to let him go but she knew if she didn't he would die at the king's hands. Xavier fled the kingdom and is now living in a safe kingdom, far away from harm. He and Jessabelle still send each other letters and are close friends. Years have passed since then and Jessabelle as grown tired of this nonsense. She is resentful towards the king for sending her love away from her and she plans on seeing that he pay for what he's done. She has no desire to be Queen, but she wants the king gone, and gone for good.

Married/lover/crush: Jessabelle can't mourn her ex-fiance forever. Recently she's been secretly in cahoots with the Nobleman Edmund Craite.
Name: Gareth Bryson

Role: Second in command of the knights

Age: 26

Gender: Male

For the king or against: He is for the king, because he is highly honor-based and swore his loyalty to him when he first became a knight.

Powers/Skills: Has been training hard in combat since he was young. He also knows quite a bit about archery and horseback riding.



I couldn't really find a good image but I figured I should include one. I'm picturing him more mature and strong looking with brown hair though.
Family: His parents are minor nobles, but he hasn’t spoken to them much aside from brief visits and letters since he left to train as a squire (and eventually a knight) as a child.

Friends: He is on good terms with most of the other knights, but he doesn't quite think of them as friends.

Personality: Gareth is a serious minded and reserved man who has a strong sense of loyalty and honor. He is highly respectful to his superiors, often to the point of coming across as overly formal. Because of his focus on loyalty, he will always follow commands given to him by his higher-ups, even if he is uncertain that it’s the right thing to do. He isn’t a ‘bad person’ and wants to protect the innocent, but knows that following orders is the most important thing he can do. Gareth often has trouble interacting with others in a casual manner and comes off as awkward or too stiff.

Occupation: Knight

Bio: Gareth grew up in a family of minor nobles, and it was always expected that he become a knight. From a young age, he began training as a page, then a squire, and finally became a knight. He proved himself in battle many times, and eventually became the second in command, a position that he is satisfied with.

Married/lover/crush: None.
Name: Galdur Magus

Role: Warlock

Age: 43

Gender: male

For the king or against: (this can change as the rp goes on) (please tell why) For, because he gets to conduct gruesome experiments on captured supernaturals.

Powers/Skills: Skilled necromancer, alchemy, knows basic destruction spells .

Appearance:( you can put appearance where ever you want)

Family: None

Friends: None

Personality: Obsessed with gaining knowledge and conducting experiments, takes joy in seeing physical and mental pain inflicted on his prisoners, highly intelligent, will become angered if his experiment is interrupted or if one of his prisoners escape, will do anything to achieve his goals.

Occupation: Court wizard, chief interrogator.

Bio: Originally a member of a minor noble family, Galdur quickly distinguished himself as a skilled warlock and alchemist after spending many years studying with other warlocks and conducting multiple experiments. When Galdur reached the age of thirty, he joined the King's army where he distinguished himself as a highly competent and loyal soldier. After three years of service he was appointed to be the court wizard by the previous king.

Married/lover/crush: (Can change as rp goes along) None

"I don't care if I am woman. I'll prove to you that I can be as strong and cunning as man!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_mlk7quXGCK1qd7h1xo2_500.gif.fe0b68f0efcf9a4be1fffcf89f9c4c29.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58865" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_mlk7quXGCK1qd7h1xo2_500.gif.fe0b68f0efcf9a4be1fffcf89f9c4c29.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Lia Evermore


Knight: 1st in command

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/600full-poster.jpg.2f7d8be8c5d9c4ccbbfe18efbc2325e8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58866" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/600full-poster.jpg.2f7d8be8c5d9c4ccbbfe18efbc2325e8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





For the king or against:

She is struggle between both sides abut for now she is for the king. Mostly because he was someone that she believed in and looked up to whole hardly. Plus she doesn't want to lose her position she has come to far to risk it now.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Utena.Tenjou.544579.jpg.8c0cc671ef6c77708af31fe547f70ff4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Utena.Tenjou.544579.jpg.8c0cc671ef6c77708af31fe547f70ff4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Sword fighting

Battle Commander



Father (Dead)

Mother (lives in town)


Leyra Fylken

Lyanna Fylken


Lia is a adventurous, tomboyish, and free spirited girl who looks up to her father and wants to become a knight. She has very pure heart and just wants to do whats right and help other people. Lia is also courageous and believes anything is possible and lets that guide her whenever she faces any challenge. She is independent, very determine and will never give up or let anything get in her way.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Shoujo.Kakumei.Utena.full.1420393.jpg.f5b22b2bba256536a777a25c665a8239.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58868" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Shoujo.Kakumei.Utena.full.1420393.jpg.f5b22b2bba256536a777a25c665a8239.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


The King's Knight


When Lia was young her father was one of the king's knights and was very well respected. For a time she and her mother lived a noble lifestyle until one day her father was killed during battle. Lia was 7 at the time. Then her life took a drastic change. Her mother ended up having to work as a servant in the castle because the money that use to come in from her father had stopped. Lia was very hurt by her father's death she had looked up to her father a lot and wanted to be just like him. Lia had worked with her mother in the castle as a servant girl. The friends she had when she was a noble all ignored her now so she had to make new ones. But is was hard for her because some of the servants girls didn't like playing with her. They said she played ruff like a boy. Then boys wouldn't play with her much either because she was girl. But she did end up becoming friends with Prince Julian. Julian had noticed that she was always alone and started hanging out and playing with her. Soon enough she became attached to him and looked up to him a lot. Lia's dream to become a knight was slowly fading as she started to learn that women and men had certain roles and that women couldn't become knights. But Julian encouraged her to dot it anyway and prove them wrong. So she went for it. It just got harder from there. She trained really hard and got a lot of backlash for it. During that time Julian was distancing himself from everyone and was starting to change and during that time she was completely alone. After everything she went through they could not deny how good she was. She was beating all the boys at combat and sword fighting. When Julian finally became king she became a knight. Some int went by and the king was starting to get death threats and one night a highly trained assassin snuck into the castle and Lia happened to be on duty. Right before the assassin could get to Julian Lia fought him and then and captured him single handed. King Julian ended up putting her as 1st in command. She was happy that her old friend was the one granting her this but as she looked at him she didn't see the old friend she once knew she saw someone different. When she got the position the men weren't happy and the worn talked about her behind her back. She didn't care she had gotten a great honor but for some reason it didn't feel very fulfilling. But luckily she did happen to meet girl named Leyra Fylken who like her struggled to become a knight. They became friends and Lia wasn't alone anymore. She also Lyanna Fylken, Leyra's cousin who seems shy. She is now in confusion in what to do. Will she stay with the Tyrant king or betray him?


She's not sure of her feelings



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Okay, a bit of a work in progress. Just let me know if anything needs to be adjusted or changed. :]

Raphir Stonefield

Species: Elf

Role: Rebel

Age: 27

Gender: Male

For the king or against: Against.

No one likes to see their race, their way of life or their brothers in diversity obliterated.

Powers/skills: As an elf Raphir has heightened senses and is more agile than a human. He is skilled with a bow and sword as well as the ability to cast minor illusion spells.

Family: None, that he is aware of. They were all killed or died before Julian's rule.

Friends: Raphir does not make friends easily as his personality is standoffish and rude at times, but he has slowly found brothers in arms as the battle for civil rights continues.

Personality: Reserved and slightly arrogant, Raphir is quick to judge harshly by first impressions and does not take things lightly. He is honorable, but stubborn and tends to rub people the wrong way. Most only see his undesirable mannerisms, but those closer to him find that he truly cares for people and only distances himself from relationships for fear of loosing them.

Occupation: Currently none - he is in search of Elliot and a position in her army.

Bio: For most of his life, Raphir and his family lived peacefully outside of the kingdom. His father was a hunter and his mother sold the game and leathers. At the age of 14, Raphir's family was brutally attacked. His father slaughtered while his mother was raped and kidnapped all the while being left for dead in a pool of his father's blood inside the burning remains of his home. Seldom did anyone hear of such pillaging to be happening under the king's rule during that time, but it happened nonetheless and Raphir became hardened toward anyone of nobel blood. At the age of 23, when Julian came into power, Raphir and his wife were forced to live in hiding. For two years they escaped the blood bath, but soon, they were discovered and she too was stolen from him.

Relationship status: Raphir does not find that romance is for his kind in such days, nor does he feel like it is a priority while war is at hand.


Raphir stands at an average hight among his peers with broad shoulders (for an elf anyway) and leaner muscle. He is strapped with leather armor to help him stay light on his feet and carries a thin, double edged sword sheathed at his hip. He has shoulder length blonde hair and scars riddle his tanned skin. He stands proudly and does not hunch, but rather each step he takes is purposeful and precise.
Name: KylRyn Thrallfodder

: Currently serving within the castle walls preforming homemaking services.

: 23

: Female

For the king or against
: Kylryn supports the king because she feels that their opinions of the unnatural are mutual. Eradicate all things unfamiliar and strange and your way of life cannot be threatened...or so she hopes.




: Yes.

: yes.


: Castle servant.


Relationship Status
: Kylryn desires King Julian. Whether it be his power, authority or ...lack of selflessness and depth of genuine ability for compassion, she is attracted to him.
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"I'm a knight built for battle and what not, not some damsel in need of a knight!" ~Leyra Fylken



Leyra Fylken







For the king or against:

Is for the king since he pushes a strong agenda against the supernaturals who have caused her great grief in the past.


- Master at the way of the sword, bow and warhammer.

- Can use both the sword and the bow from horseback.

- Excellent horserider.

- Inspiring courage into comrades.

- Planting fear into hearts of her enemies.


She was born to peasant parents, but lost them when still a toddler to a non-human raid. Also had an uncle and aunt but they died as well. Also a cousin who's still alive, Lyanna Fylken.


- Lia Evermore

- Lyanna Fylken


Leyra is a stubborn girl who never gives up when she takes up a goal even when it seems impossible. She can be quite a sweetheart and kind person especially to children, but she can become a mean wrothful person when dealing with non-humans or humans who belittle her. Also she values her independance as a individual and will never give up until her goals are accomplished.


The King's Knight


Leyra Fylken was born to simple peasants and had a relative safe home until a non-human raid killed her parents when she was two. Somehow she managed to get out of there and landed in the care of her uncle Tivarr and his wife. She learned that her parents were butchered and vowed revenge. She started her training at the age of 9 and whatever her uncle and aunt tried, she couldn't be brought to reason to stop with it. At the age of 16 her uncle and aunt died and she became responsible for her cousin Lyanna. By this time Leyra had already become a master with weapons and made her cousin her squire. She then almost literally started fighting her way up until she started to attract the attention of the king who knighted her at the age of 19 because of her prowess, courage and most importantly her unwavering loyalty. Somewhat later she met Lia Evermore who happened to be the only other girl in the knights. Naturally they befriended each other.


-none as of yet-



Lyanna Fylken







For the king or against:

For the king, because she is inspired by her cousin's devotion to the king.


- Can decently fight with sword and a shield.

- Is good at helping with armor and maintaining it.

- Can read and write like a proper person.

- Learned how to deal with pushy men from her cousin.


Her uncle and aunt died before she was born. Her parents died as well. Her cousin Leyra Fylken is still alive.


- Leyra Fylken.


Lyanna is a brave young girl who isn't afraid to get a bit bloody thanks to her cousin. She's very shy though, especially when she likes the person in question. She also has a thing for strong people who stand for their morals. Although her cousin hates non-humans she doesn't feel the same, she thinks some of them aren't that bad but keeps quiet about it because otherwise her cousin would get angry and start ranting again. Although she is a warrior and a squire, she is a very gentle person who loves helping people.


Squire to Leyra Fylken


She was born and raised by her parents until they died shortly before her 11th birthday. After that it was her cousin Leyra who raised her and made her a squire and taught her how to fight instead of teaching her to be a proper future wife for somebody. When Leyra became a knight it was like paradise for Lyanna as there were good looking knights aplenty, but the real deal was when she saw Lia Evermore. Somehow she was smitten about another woman than her cousin being a knight. But since she's shy when she likes people she barely manages to say hi or bye to her.


- Crush on Lia Evermore.
Aerowen Mayris Graves




Lady in waiting to Princess Vera





For the king or against:

Aerowen is strongly against genocide and this brutal treatment of innocents. The King is brutish and thickheaded in her mind.


She has the vampire hypersense and aside from that, Aerowen is a experienced theif and liar, better than anyone you'll ever see and she is a incredible street fighter.


Dojik Graves- 8 year old brother that works in the kitchen

Javier Graves-27 year old brother that works in the stable


Dysis and Leon Stahl


Aerowen, to put it sweetly, is a freak. To tell the honest, blunt truth, a menace. She flips through moods incredibly fast, her feelings right now will most likely not be the same as her feelings in 10 minutes. Her opinions are steadfast and strong though, a little too strong some might say. She is stubborn and relentless, never one to give up the high ground and hates being watched over constantly and told what to do. Aerowen will never Aerowen, to put it sweetly, is a freak. To tell the honest, blunt truth, a menace. She flips through moods incredibly fast, her feelings right now will most likely not be the same as her feelings in 10 minutes. Her opinions are steadfast and strong though, a little too strong some might say. She is stubborn and relentless, never one to give up the high ground and hates being watched over constantly and told what to do. Aerowen will never be thought of as quite or meek and even the way she stands gives away the fact that she is incredibly cocky, self confident and dangerous. The raven haired girl is untrustworthy at first-second and well, third too but somethings like a traumatic experience or a long lasting friendship will bind her to you. And once she's bound, you have a friend that has your back from all sides and will defend you to the best of her ability. She is oddly sweet and motherly but tries her best to conceal it. Aerowen is exterermly flirtatious Aerowen, to put it sweetly, is a freak. To tell the honest, blunt truth, a menace. She flips through moods incredibly fast, her feelings right now will most likely not be the same as her feelings in 10 minutes. Her opinions are steadfast and strong though, a little too strong some might say. She is stubborn and relentless, never one to give up the high ground and hates being watched over constantly and told what to do. Aerowen will never be thought of as quite or meek and even the way she stands gives away the fact that she is incredibly cocky, self confident and dangerous. The raven haired girl is untrustworthy at first-second and well, third too but somethings like a traumatic experience or a long lasting friendship will bind her to you. And once she's bound, you have a friend that has your back from all sides and will defend you to the best of her ability. She is oddly sweet and motherly but tries her best to conceal it. Aerowen is exterermly flirtatious with everyone and anyone, regardless of gender of sexuality. Her personality and body traits are naturally charismatic and she's definitely used her skills with flirting to a advantage.


Lady in waiting to Princess Vera


Aerowen and her brothers were born to a young noble and a street prostitute, a complete accident. Her father left immediately, pretending not to know anything about his kids or baby mother yet he kept tabs on them to make sure they were safe. When she was 2, Aero found her mother, lying in a dirty gutter with her throat slit. Sobbing, she'd scream for Javier, for her father , or anybody. Finally, her brother came and dragged her away, leaving their mother's body in the gutter. Aero's father arrived soon after and used his connections to transfer them to the castle where the children got jobs. From then on, Aerowen grew up with the royal family, getting very close with all of them. Dysis, in fact, seemed like a sister to her, the two never seen separate.

Relationship Status:

Aerowen has had illicit relations with some royals but never a steadfast relationship.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.04cb1e65941f9c51b303c3cded4a4f16.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59803" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.04cb1e65941f9c51b303c3cded4a4f16.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has a ring of red around her pupil and iris.



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"Do not laugh at a live dragon, and talk calmly to a enraged dragon"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.404ec9f2b8d0fbfdb2509f4ceac6fb10.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59800" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.404ec9f2b8d0fbfdb2509f4ceac6fb10.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.37cbe5ea58fa54aee8054ed8dd0a07d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59801" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.37cbe5ea58fa54aee8054ed8dd0a07d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Kira Heart


Captured weapon of war.


Unknown but looks 16 when in human form



For or against the king:

Against, but has been captured for hundreds of years with high class magic.


- dragons rage:

this skill increases any supernaturals strength and all body movements by 75%

- transformation:

He can go in and out of human and dragon form


Do to Kira's metal like skin physical attacks do not work on him. (Only damaged by magic)

-Increased body:

Do to Kira being a dragon he has incredible strength and speed, with giant stamina, and is able to fly in his human form.


No family does not remember and they are dead.


None, the king and his subjects treat him like a weapon nothing more nothing less.


King of dragons/is a slave right now.


Kira was bid in a different kingdom with three brothers, he was the fourth of all the prince's but was different in color and size while all the other royal family was blue with the exception of his mother which was blue. He was pure red people speculated he is the carnation of the worlds rage, but the royal family went on with they're normal lives. Later on in the life of the prince the king and queen were deciding who the next successor will be so they chose that the next king would have to fight for it, so after a couple of days of fighting in a bloody match Kira won but spared all his brothers so he would not kill family. So after Kira took the crown the dragon kingdom was flourishing until a war came with the humans and he was captured with hundreds of high class trapping magic and was forced to be a weapon.


None yet.



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Name: Gareth Bryne

Species: Werewolf

Role: Rebel Knight.

Age: 27 but looks far older. War does that to a man.

Gender: Male

For the king or against: He's a super natural, so against.

Powers/Skills: Swordsman of the Old Ways. The knights now a days are being taught something inferior. They are being taught about things such as honor and a code of conduct while in battle. What a load of rubbish. In battle, there is no code, and there certainly isn't any honor. And while they are taught their rigid forms, he flows across the battlefield like water or the wind. And thanks to his superior strength compared to humans, the heavy armor of a knight and two handed sword of a Knight of the Old Ways does not slow him down drastically.

Decent tactician. He knows how a battlefield works, don't expose your flanks, keep the archers in the back, and make sure that the pike line does not break. He is an inspiring sight to the men following him, seemingly unruffled by even the worst of strategically disasters. He will calmly work to fix that problem, and knows that no plan goes as expected. As his master told him, "A plan is good until the first sword is drawn. Then it'll need to be changed."


Family: But of course. His mom died due to old age, but his father is still kicking, old fart.

Friends: He has a group he usually hangs around with.

Personality: He's a nice guy. If you need help with something, odds are he'll help you. But he does have his episodes. Often during these flashbacks to battles gone by, he gets rather violent, and often screams orders to nonexistent underlings.

Occupation: Officer in the Rebel army.


Married/lover/crush: (Can change as rp goes along)
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Beowulf said:
Name: Gareth Bryne
Species: Werewolf

Role: Rebel Knight.

Age: 27 but looks far older. War does that to a man.

Gender: Male

For the king or against: He's a super natural, so against.

Powers/Skills: Swordsman of the Old Ways. The knights now a days are being taught something inferior. They are being taught about things such as honor and a code of conduct while in battle. What a load of rubbish. In battle, there is no code, and there certainly isn't any honor. And while they are taught their rigid forms, he flows across the battlefield like water or the wind. And thanks to his superior strength compared to humans, the heavy armor of a knight and two handed sword of a Knight of the Old Ways does not slow him down drastically.

Decent tactician. He knows how a battlefield works, don't expose your flanks, keep the archers in the back, and make sure that the pike line does not break. He is an inspiring sight to the men following him, seemingly unruffled by even the worst of strategically disasters. He will calmly work to fix that problem, and knows that no plan goes as expected. As his master told him, "A plan is good until the first sword is drawn. Then it'll need to be changed."


Family: But of course. His mom died due to old age, but his father is still kicking, old fart.

Friends: He has a group he usually hangs around with.

Personality: He's a nice guy. If you need help with something, odds are he'll help you. But he does have his episodes. Often during these flashbacks to battles gone by, he gets rather violent, and often screams orders to nonexistent underlings.

Occupation: Officer in the Rebel army.


Married/lover/crush: (Can change as rp goes along)
I just noticed that one of my characters has almost the same name as yours, first and last :P Would you like me to change my character's name? I'm fine with doing that, as I haven't posted yet.
I don't care. One of our characters can comment on the similarities. But if anyone should change it, I think it should be me. I haven't even been accepted yet.
Beowulf said:
I don't care. One of our characters can comment on the similarities. But if anyone should change it, I think it should be me. I haven't even been accepted yet.
now you are sorry thought i did :P


Name: “My name, translated to human tongue, is Emyrinth of the Crimson Flames…but you can just call me Emyrinth or Emyr if you prefer. I don’t care either way.”

Species: “I am a dragon…or at least I was a dragon. Now I’m human…sort of.”

Role: “I was a friend and confident of the former king. Now I am one of many prisoners. Fortunately I still have some friends in the court I think…otherwise I’d probably be dead. I'm currently in the deepest part of the dungeon, sealed away so only a powerful mage could visit me. Or the king himself. Or anyone who manages to break through the magical enchantment.”

Age: “201. Fairly young for a dragon.”

Gender: “Male”

For the king or against: “I am against the new king. The reasoning should be obvious. He arrested me and is currently hunting my kind. I also find his prejudice appalling and feel sympathy for the other supernatural creatures, but I don’t hate the new king because he’s my first friend’s son.”

Powers/Skills: “In my dragon form, I’m roughly 10 meters tall and 15 meters long. Huge, compared to humans, but pretty small compared to others of my kind. I breath red flames. My hide is thick and my scales resistant to most basic forms of magic. It’s tough to pierce with a normal weapon, given my size, but possible with enough force or repeated prodding at the same spot. Water spells are my weakness. Unfortunately, when I was captured, I was put under a powerful curse that forced me into a human form so many of my natural abilities are locked away.

Thankfully the spell couldn’t lock away all of my abilities. My knowledge for one. The dragons of my species specialize in one type of magic. In my case, it’s fire magic. I can bend and control fire more easily than the average human mage. I can also speak the dragon language to communicate with my kinsmen…though my pronunciation sucks due to my human vocal cords. For a human, I’m unnaturally strong and fast due to my dragon blood. I also know a bit of swordsmanship from watching the previous king…Alright, fine. I suck at swordsmanship, but I’ve been around humans enough to know which end to NOT hold at least. My supernatural strength makes up for my lack of skill. My blood still retains its magical properties so it can still be used by humans as a potions ingredient or to gain a temporary increase in strength/durability/speed. The whole dragon blood granting immortality thing was just some fable a superstitious human created when they saw that dragon blood can temporarily boosts a human’s durability. I really hope the new king doesn’t try eating my heart."

Family: "I probably have a mother, but I’ve never met her."

Friends: "The previous king. Some members of the court who knew about me and didn’t hate me."

Personality: "I’m a friendly guy. I dislike fighting. Didn’t even put up much of a fight when the humans captured me because I didn’t really want to harm them. Though I am against the new king’s policies, I’m incredibly loyal to my friends, and the new king is my friend’s son, so I don’t want to kill him either. I’ll admit, I’m probably a bit too curious for my own good…which was how I befriended the old king. I enjoy learning new things and actually don’t mind being trapped in a human body because it gave me an opportunity to try many things…such as human food. The only really regret is that I’m no longer able to take to the skies. I also regret being imprisoned, since it’s pretty lonely being stuck in prison with no company. If I die it will be because of my impulsiveness and curiosity. I rarely ever get angry, but when I do, I’m like a storm."

Occupation: "Uh...semi-willing prisoner…"

Bio: "I was born alone, hatched from a volcano where I guess my mother must have hidden me as an egg. I basically raised myself utilizing my natural dragon instincts. Unlike humans, I didn’t need a parent to teach me the ropes. Flying came as naturally to me as breathing fire. Food was whatever smelled nice. I’ll admit to not being the nicest dragon back when I was a kid. I’ve eaten humans before and burned villages to the ground. It was only natural that I would get gravely wounded at some point. That was how I ran into a young, eccentric prince who treated my wounds. He became my first friend and we would secretly meet to chat. Perhaps it was his eccentricity that rubbed off on me. I stopped hunting humans and razing villages. Unfortunately, like all humans, the prince, who had then become a king, eventually passed away. His son took over the throne and for some reason, which I will not mention, despises supernatural creatures. I was captured, without putting up much of a fight, and cursed with a spell that turned me human-ish."

"No one. As a dragon, I don’t think I can mate with any other species. However, since I was turned into a human, I guess it might be possible…though I have no plans of testing it out. I have no idea what kind of child would be born from a union of a human and a dragon(turned human), but I can’t imagine it would live a very happily life. Though, I can’t deny that I’m a little curious…"
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Name: Ace

Role: Assassin

Age: 21

Gender: Female

For the king or against: Ace is fighting For the king at the moment.Ace has always worked for the king, she never met her family, she was trained to be an assassin since she was the age of four.Ace was recently sent to assassinate a family but when she returned to the king he informed her that she had just killed her own family, Ever since that day Ace has started to see the error in her ways.

Powers/Skills: Ace is extremely skilled for a human due to experiments she underwent during her training.Ace's katana Murasame : Murasame is a poisonous blade that can kill a person with only one cut. Once the sword pierces skin, it injects a lethal poison into the victim, killing them within seconds.

Family: Deceased


Personality: Cold,distant,merciless and emotionless .........its a facade


Bio: Ace was taken as a child and trained to be the kingdoms top assassin. The training she went through was extremely though and left her emotionally and mentally scared . In order to become the strongest and most effective assassin she had many experiments done on her increasing her agility,stamina,stealth and swordsmanship beyond that of a normal human.She completed the training after five years and began executing assassination assignments at the age of nine.Ace was recently sent to assassinate a family but when she returned to the king he informed her that she had just killed her own family, Ever since that day Ace has started to see the error in her ways.

crush: none yet

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