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  • Ways to start a conversation: "This plot sort of came to me in a dream once."
    "So I was on the toilet when I thought of this RP idea..."
    Studying for a test on Monday that I'm not prepared for. I'll get around to replies after that! 
    So I got an email today from a program advisor telling me that I might be able to get into the honors nursing program, instead of hoping to get in but being at a disadvantage because of when I would submit my application because of a prereq class I'm currently in. She's trying kinda hard to get me, specifically, and I'm not used to things like this at all and it's wonderful and I've been randomly grinning like an idiot since like 9 am this morning.  

    To my partners, trying to get into the program has been what's been completely consuming me! Apologies! 
    Firstly: I am so happy for yoooouuuu!! Secondly: There is no reason whatsoever to be sorry. This is awesome. Work hard and do whatever you need to--you know I'm in and out for school stuff all the time. Keep kicking butt, and I'll be here whenever you've got time! <3
    So I've been bragging on my two really amazing RP partners here (*cough*Conscious*cough*) to @Stealth The Kitsune and he wanted to meet you guys. So, meet away! I'd tag the other cool lady but she's been inactive for about two months. She gets pretty busy sometimes. Anywho. 'Elloooo
    To my role playing partners, I'm so sorry that it's been a few days. I've gotten super busy and have been running around like crazy. I'll be back asap! 
    Bro, I understand. You're 110% A-okay. ^.^
    Had a really cliche moment with a guy singing and playing the piano in a hospital lobby. I walked away too soon and to add to the cliche, by the time I decided to go back he was gone. 
    My boss was an hour and a half late, I had to wait in my freezing car in the freezing rain, and now my other coworker is playing exclusively modern country music over the speakers. Rip. 
    One of my only flaws is when somebody is teasing for liking something, my only defense is "I LIKE IT" 
    I just found out that a role play pet peeve of mine actually has a name. Metagaming, how I hate you. Like, character A has not met character B but they already know their name when they should not. Or a character solving a mystery in 0.5 seconds because they know information that they should not yet have discovered. Grr.
    My phone changed the world "username" to "uterus." Why? I don't know but I almost sent a pretty awkward message. (The one time I actually proof read something! Lucky me.) 
    Getting my life in order. I've even been happier these days, for the most part. I want to get into writing again so if anybody is still interested in writing with me, shoot me a message? <3
    I'm so stressed out, I've started writing things down, making lists and stuff. You know it's bad if I'm resorting to actually being organized. 
    In the midst of making some decisions for my education/future... I'm functioning like my head is cut off so my apologies to those who need them~ 
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