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  • was previously Curious Kurona !! just changed to mytho . will purrobably be updating my profile picture too , tho idk if i wanna hold onto at least that for a little while longer ..
    i really dont even recognize myself anymoare . i mean i do , but .. im not really liek this anymoare . my name , my profile picture-- i want to change it , but at tha saem tiem im nostalgic for it / ill miss my brand . what to do .. ive had this account since 2014 . i dont wanna move and keep this as an archive , i wanna stay . ill purrobably change things around tho , later . also @ prospective rp partners reading this : i have proper grammar and punctuation and stuff while in character lol this is just how i feel moast comfortable typing normally . im not trying to be quirky or smth im just brainweird let me live
    Welcome back! ^D^ Maybe you'd like to make a nostalgia sort of section in your "About" for your old brand?
    did i redo my interest check? yes, yes i did. rtfyghujoi my last one just felt so old and off, i HAD to revamp it ;w;
    ppl really out here adding the 'lgbt friendly' tag to their threads but refusing to rp with trans muses,,,, i see yall,,,
    ugghh,,, depression sucks,,, its like

    me: i wanna rp!
    depression: did you say you wanted to lose interest and motivation in pretty much every rp you start?
    me: no, i-
    depression: okie dokie artichokie, whatever you say :)
    Yeah, I've been there so many times before.

    It's taken me several years of therapy, finding the right meds, and building a support system for myself to dig myself out of the dark hole that made it hard for me to do anything, including RP.

    I hope you can find what works best for you as soon as possible, and get back to enjoying your hobbies.
    Malozing Malozing thank u so much for ur supportive msg, angel <3
    yo... im tired of all this itty bitty font. "looking for partners!" none that have bad eyesight, i guess. im not gonna keep zooming my [desktop] screen in and out every minute to read yalls posts. if i cant read your interest check im just gonna scroll past ya, sorry not sorry. also: what are these ppl thinking when they have like, a stark white background and light baby blue font??? fuck me i guess
    Tip: press the "reply button" to automatically quote the whole post. If you turn the rich editor off, that quote will leave the code raw (meaning you can essentially read the post as if uncoded)
    so like... what happens when you 'ignore' someone? is it like blocking them? can they still see your posts? cause i have certain ppl i dont want interacting with me, lol
    The forum software unfortunately doesn't support a true blocking system. We've wanted one for a while now as well. Instead what you can do is change your privacy settings;
    This will allow you to select who can see your profile, pm you, etc. If you set it to only allow people you follow (while still limiting) you can see their content but they cannot see your profile...
    ...or send you PMs.
    WIFI FINALLY BACK!!! will get back on my responses l8ter cause its past 3am but,,, thank goodness!
    cod: u absolutely cant start another rp rn u have like 5 going on and u need 2 study! my self destructive ass: hm... interesting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    ggg i still have to reply to like 2 other ppl but its late/early and im McDying. will finish up later, srry 4 the wait!!!
    me: i have an exam tomorrow that i havent studied for and i have gotten 0 hours of sleep. me: time to drown myself in rps lol
    me: why wont anyone rp with me? also me: has like 300 people ignored/blocked
    ive already blocked/ignored a whole lotta people, so i doubt ill find them again, but maybe ill start reporting some of the more severe stuff the next time i see it!
    You should not feel bad or feel like you've done anything wrong because you don't want to roleplay things like that, let's get that out of the way. You are not the bad guy. If you feel uncomfortable block them, but if anything goes against the site rules report it. You will be saving someone else from having to experience that type of negativity.
    Noble Scion
    Noble Scion
    Maybe try group RPs?
    GAH sorry for the delay! im going to metrocon and got tied up in preparations. its currently rlly late but ill try to reply tomorrow!
    How'd it go!?!?!
    it went really well! we walked to a gas station and i got a colouring book :3
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