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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

Meanwhile in japan
Kaito as jimmy goes on a date with rin
Conan is hidding in the bushes speaking through his earpiece to kaito

Anya explores the hallways of the school
@ anyone who is available that wants to join
Bruce needed help... it wasn't the fact he was stuck... it was just Tim had done all the updates on the trackers in the boys that he didn't know how to disable them.

He sighed and then sat back in his chair at his office... then he remembered something... someone.
Annabelle Smoak had just arrived if not two hours ago at the school... and if anyone was already going to try and hack into his security systems... it would be her with her track record.

He stood up and then opened his trap door. With all the Robins now probably hating his guts... He needed... He almost gagged on the word... help.

Annabelle Smoak grinned as she typed away on her computer. She walk almost through all the security fire walls... they had been a little harder to get though but with every passing moment she was getting closer to finding out who everyone in the school was.
"Well well well... look who got through this crap system Mr Wayne calls security."
She grinned to herself as she was about to open one of the first files on the principle.

"Keep talking shit and you'll regret it." The dark voice came from the dark corner of the room.

Annabelle jumped so high that the laptop went flying on the floor.
"What the hell!!!'

The darkness stepped out into the light to reveal what he was... the Batman.
"I need you to do something kid. But that laptop of yours isn't going to cut it."

Annabelle's fear turned into a grin. No freaking way!!! The Batman seriously wanted her help!!! She was in.
"Sign me up."

(This is mainly to piss off all ex-robins.)
It was painfully obvious that the boy was keeping space between them; whether it would be from his own budding paranoia (an unfortunate side effect to their recreational activities) or the filthy comment that left Jason's mouth, he let it go unspoken. He wasn't going to force Tim to hold his hand like a toddler nor was he going to heard him around. He told Tim to move, and he moved. Plain and simple. If Tim wasn't going to follow, in the interest in the night's course of actions he would threaten him back into that crying mess he was on the floor. Any other time and he would leave without remorse, behooving to keep his wit's about. If the younger Robin really was starting to feel the effects of the drug, there's no telling how loose lipped he would be.

The motorcycle was parked a block down from the bunker to keep their notions discreet (ironic when it's exhaust ripped through the streets and made windows rattle). Popping the stand once his hands were on the bars, he threw a leg over the side and sat down, kicking in the clutch as he did. The path still fresh in his mind he had no doubts in getting them back to the school before someone noticed their absence. He waited not so patiently, revving the motor twice to catch the meek boy's attention.

He had an inkling suspicion that the hesitance stemmed from not only the drug use, but his previous actions. Really, did Tim think that he was going to hurt him on the bike? Jason didn't even know how he would be able to do such a thing without in turn harming himself or the prized possession.

"Are you going to stand there in the rain all night, or can we leave?"

TheSaint TheSaint Tim
Meanwhile in Manhatten at the prison
Superior spiderman swinged over and landed on the wall of the prison, he placed a small bomb device and swing to other side of building as it was going to go off soon
Harry was in his dorm sitting on the bed using his laptop working on a project when he recieved a message on his phone
i have a special assignment for you to complete....

Harry gave a confuse look and text back
i have a special assignment for you to complete....
what is it and who are you?
i need you to send a this virus code into the system....i need to make sure that the others info isnt found out. I am here to help

Harry checks his email and finds the file, he starts typing codes into his laptop, sending the unsuspecting file into the school system

Once opened it shuts the whole system down stopping annabelle from checking the files

LibbyM098 LibbyM098 i completely forgot to tag this few days ago
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Tim had expected to feel exhausted and ruined from the night, instead, he was relaxed, he did have Jason to thank for that.

Tonight seemed to have a theme of firsts for Tim, although they varied a bit on levels of rebellion. He had certainly chosen to dive in headfirst to join the others in their darker aspects, Tim may have done things out of order.

Walking calmly after Jason, Tim was actually enjoying himself somewhat, though there was still a healthy dose of anxiety pushing through him. He needed to get home and try to pretend none of this had ever happened until he needed to make his next home visit.

Questions were still building up inside of Tim, mainly what had convinced Jason to follow him at all. The whole night seemed to be some strange film he’d seen, there was no way he could have really done anything so violent. He was cool and collected, he was calm and in control until he wasn’t.
Tim was disturbed at his own violent streak and the ease at which it arrived the moment his buttons were pushed. The extreme demands of his career had been pushing him towards this burnout for years, the last year, in particular, being the most difficult for him.

A gruff request for him to hurry once more brought Tim back to the present, he hadn’t realized quite how far they had gotten.

“You wanna stop giving me such a hard time? I had a big day” Tim sassed back, though he did climb onto the back of the bike to avoid desertion. Although a long walk back to the academy wouldn’t have been the worst part of the night, Tim felt as though it was entirely avoidable.
One question would come out during their travels, something that had been bothering him immensely.

“Why did you come?”

Tim understood why he had gone to Jason, he had agonized over it but in the end, it had been the best option for covering things up. He couldn’t quite understand why Jason had even followed him, for all he knew Tim could have been leading him into some deathtrap.
Lyth Lyth

Dick gave her a warm smile as he watched her glow.
How could he not show her around... it would probably become one of the most pleasant nights he had, had in a while.

"Yeah sure. I didn't have anything planned and if you want to go on the farestwheel you'll be able to see the whole city."
He pulled his car keys from out of his pocket and then walked beside her down the hallway and heading out towards the car park.

When they got to his Black Lamborghini that Bruce had brought him for his 18th only two months.
He opened the door for her and gave her a soft smile.

"I'm Dick Grayson by the way."
His words came out as smooth as honey and as rich as his dark chocolate eyes.

If he did have any plans for that night... He would have cancelled them all anyway.
To say in the least... Dick was awestruck. And for the first time in a while he felt like a normal teenager.
The inevitable question was asked. His planet of origin. The one place he would never return to at any point in his life. Elliott knew exactly where it was, he turned around and extended a finger towards a faint glow. The star itself cast a bluish light, but from this distance and viewed through earths atmosphere, it just seemed white like the rest of them.

"A long, long way that way, it's the second proper planet from the star. It's called Attilan"

Lyth Lyth

Oliver glanced over at the now pale Clint and then snapped at him. "If I don't we'll loose her! Do you really want a students death on owe hands?"

He kept working on the infection and once he was done he stitched the wound up.

He sat down and sighed heavily.
He was finished... but didn't know how well Lilly was going to be after the ordeal.
Skyla-Joe had given into her blood lust that the voices of the Mirakuru begged for.
She had fought it for so long and now she had given into it.

She looked down at the ten bodies she had drawn the life out of. Drawn her blades across there throats.
They where criminals every single one of them.
Why should she care if they where dead... this city was better off without the drug dealers. How many kids had taken up drugs because of them?
They deserved to die. They deserved there blood to be painting the streets.

Then she saw it one was still alive.
She walked over to him and pressed her heavy boot on the open gash on his stomach.

The man gasped in pain and swore under his last breaths at her.
He lay there... trying to catch a the last breaths of air.
"My boss... He'll come for you."

Joe grinned almost evily under her helmet. If he could see her eyes... her dark, blood hungry eyes.
"Well... let's send him a message."

With that she sliced off his head with one movement and she reached down and soaked her glove in the crimson red that flowed from the criminal.
She walked over to the wall nearby and wrote one name. Crimson dripping from the letters.
Then after that she smeared her right hand down to paint the same symbol that was on the left side of her helmet.

She grinned to herself darkly as she walked away from the carnage she had created.
The smell... that smell...
Blood... it was intoxicating.

She walked back down the dark street and put her blood covered katana back in it's sheath.
She would clean that later.


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Oliver glanced over at the now pale Clint and then snapped at him. "If I don't we'll loose her! Do you really want a students death on owe hands?"

He kept working on the infection and once he was done he stitched the wound up.

He sat down and sighed heavily.
He was finished... but didn't know how well Lilly was going to be after the ordeal.
Clint shook his head:"no."
Lily was still unconsious
He looked at oliver:"what happened?"
Lily stomach growl, wince a bit as she move her hands holding it
LibbyM098 LibbyM098

Oliver closed his eyes and shook his head. "I'm not sure... She was trying to spy on some hidded mansion in the woods... when we both got cought... and they started... I think she's half robot... well... some kind of cyborg... her Father I think... was trying to put some kind of chip in her mind."
He had seen some strange things in Starling City... but what he saw today was something truely different.

Oliver closed his eyes and shook his head. "I'm not sure... She was trying to spy on some hidded mansion in the woods... when we both got cought... and they started... I think she's half robot... well... some kind of cyborg... her Father I think... was trying to put some kind of chip in her mind."
He had seen some strange things in Starling City... but what he saw today was something truely different.
Clint was suprised:"why would she spy on them? A cyborg doesnt seem possible, they dont bleed....that sounds insane, even i wouldnt chip my own kids"
Lily stomach growl more, she start to wake slowly
LibbyM098 LibbyM098

Oliver shook his head and ran a hand through his short blond hair. The scenes of the days events running through his mind.
"I don't know, Clint... I don't know what to think anymore."

He saw Lily started to wake up and smiled softly.
"Hey Lily... How are you feeling?"
Something about Dick’s reaction to her had a light heat coming to Alecto’s cheeks, she liked the way he was looking at her. Another grin as she was invited to something that would take her to see the city, she knew what a fair was but the wheel in question she hadn’t heard of.

“I would love to”

Alecto did have some general knowledge about Earth, she’d done a bit of reading in her time, though her strengths landed in the knowledge of history and geography. The ever evolving social trends were something she’d only gathered basic knowledge on, humans liked to go out and party like most beings in the universe.

The gorgeous black car was certainly something she could appreciate, vehicles were universally beautiful, the sleek design reminded her of the racing crafts from her youth.

“Thank you, Dick Grayson” Aleco said, sliding into the passenger seat once the door had been opened. “I’m Alecto Sol” She said, once they were settled in the vehicle, Alecto quite obviously admiring the interior.

“This is quite the car” She said, honesty coming forth again.
It was in her nature to say what she thought or felt when it was polite, the concept of kindness also being a universal trend.

LibbyM098 LibbyM098

Oliver shook his head and ran a hand through his short blond hair. The scenes of the days events running through his mind.
"I don't know, Clint... I don't know what to think anymore."

He saw Lily started to wake up and smiled softly.
"Hey Lily... How are you feeling?"
Clint thought about it and look over at lily noticing her face paler:"hey are you ok you dont look too good...."
Lily face pales and turn away from them she felt like puking with no food in her stomach and wince:"not good...ugh my body is sore and i need food...."
LibbyM098 LibbyM098
His roommate wasn't at all phased by the transformation that had taken place in their room. He found himself once again how he had managed to get such a chill roommate. Scott had handled Jason's drama surprisingly well, considering that Jason had basically dumped his entire family on them. But dysfunctional boy band was far too accurate a description, it brought a smile to his face, and he made a mental note to label anything related to Jason's drama with dysfunctional boy band problems

Scott was bearing food, which A.J. was thankful for. He had been known to go long periods of time without eating or sleeping while engrossed in a project, and this whole chip dilemma was no different.

"Yeaaaaah....you got that right." He replied, slightly sheepishly, running his hand through his hair (which was still restrained with his school tie.) He probabaly looked absaloutely crazy at this precise moment in time. He'd heard a lot of mad scientist jokes in his years on the planet. So he figured his roommate might as well get them out of the way. "Go ahead, you can say it, I know you want to. I really am a mad scientist stuck in the body of a teenage boy"

"I'm probabaly gonna pull an all-nighter, so if watching me analyse these chips for hours on end isn't your idea idea of fun, then escape now while you have the chance." He wouldn't mind the company though, there was something about Scott that drew A.J. towards to him, he wasn't quite sure what it was, but it was there.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ (Scott)
Lyth Lyth

Dick smiled over at her once he closed her door and then got into his car.
He didn't bother to put his seatbelt on... it was an old habit that he had created as a child being the Robin. He had to get in and out of the Batmoble as quickly as possible so he didn't have time for the useless bit of strapping.

He started to drive off downtown. He was a good drive... thanks to having been thought by Bruce who could pretty much drive anything with a stearing wheel.

Dick grinned over at her when he heard her admirering his car.
"Thank you... I've only had it for a few months now... but it's pretty much my baby."
He did love his car.

"So what made you come here of all places for school, Alec?"
His curiosity of her was now getting the better of him... That and he realized he had already given her a nickname.
Damn it... too fast... don't be like a mini Bruce.

He couldn't but help glance over her star kissed legs... He quickly looked back to the road and forced himself to not keep staring at the poor girl... He didn't want to come off as a creep to the poor girl... it was just... she was so... whelmed.
He closed his eyes for a split second.
Gosh... He was starting to sound like Tim now.

He glanced back over at the gorgeous being sitting beside him and smiled again.
Gosh... How could anyone not smile at the her. She was practically glowing.

"How long have you been on earth for?"
She hadn't been the first martian he had become friends with so asking the question didn't feel awkward to him in the slightest.

He kept driving until they reached the fair at the docks.
The lights from it danced in the night almost as if it where some kind of magic.
Dick had always preferred it to Gotham's fairs... somehow a particular evil clown had alway come to ruin the fun.

Dick pulled up and got out of his car. He then walked around it and opened the door for Alecto.
He remembered Alfred always telling him to be a gentleman. 'Even in the heat of an argument, you can still open the door and pull her seat out for her. It will remind you how much you care for your future girlfriend and remind her why she cares for you.'
He smiled down at her... but the smile was more towards the memory of his child hood. On one had Bruce was teaching him how to beat the living crap out of someone and then on the other... Alfred had been teaching him how to be a gentleman.
Dick had just been able to find the perfect balance between the two.
The self-inflicted mad scientist comment was accurate, clearly A.J. had heard the joke many times before. "okay then mad scientist stuck in the body of a teenage boy." Scott surprised himself by going along with the joke. He hadn't been planning too, but it just sort of came out. It was as if he had lost all his social awkwardness when A.J. was around.

"you're an idiot, you do know that right?" Canto chimed in in his mind. "we could be doing something fun like beating up criminals or flying around the city terrifying the living daylights out of people. But no, you choose to stay and watch this guy pour over data for hours on end. I really didn't think ypu'd be into scientists after everything that happened to us at their hands." "oh shut up, will you? He's not like the other scientists, the ones from back there. He's different" Scott told his other half. "oh this is gonna be a looooong night, just remember I can hear everything you say to him" Canto grumbled.

He dumped the food on A.J's bed, one of the only free spaces in the room. He pulled over the other chair and plonked it behind A.J. He proped his arms on top of the chair back and looked at his roommate. There was gleam of excitemnet in his eyes "Nah, I'll hang around for the night, I'm just as curious about those chips as you are. Plus if you accidentally discover the meaning of life or solution to M theory, then I want to be around for it. So what are you gona do first?"

Concord Concord (A.J.)
Tabitha followed the line of sight Elliott provided, though she wouldn’t quite be able to tell the difference in the stars. She was a little astonished by the idea that he’d come to Earth of all places, though it did seem to be an interesting cross road.

“I mean, you could be messing with me and I’d never know” She said, a light giggle in her words “I trust you, I’m just saying. I’ve never been out there” An almost awkward explanation, Tabitha was hoping she hadn’t come off accusing him of really messing with her.

“What brought you here? The climate?” She was gentle in her questioning, not wanting to press more than she would like to be.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
He blew out anotehr spiral of smoke and considered how to phrase his answer. He wasn't quite ready to tell the full story yet. She of course had absolutely no idea of the events that brought him to Earth.

"If only it was that simple. It's kind of a long story, but basically it was too dangerous for me to stay there. My race aren't exactly the most tolerant people. What about you? How'd you end up in this place?"

Lyth Lyth (Tabitha)
If only the younger could see him rolling his eyes behind the helmet. Perhaps if he tried hard enough, Tim would be able to sense it. "Your big day is going to give us pneumonia if you'd get at it." He chide. When he'd gone out earlier he was able to keep dry longer (getting soaked was inevitable) with the many layers of body armor and kevlar. The thin shirt that he'd been given at the exchange didn't stand a chance in keeping any warmth. He was all too eager to get them out of the seemingly never ending storm, weaving in and out of traffic, back-roads and alley ways. It wasn't until they were at an inevitable red light that Tim finally piped up.

When someone needs help, you help them.

Everyone whom gone under the Bat's training had the phrase drilled into their head. Jason remembered saying it like a mantra as he was run up and down the rooftops during his training. When he was first heard the phrase, Jason thought it was silly. He was so busy trying to scrounge up enough money to have food in his and his mother's stomach - he had no time to be worried about other people and their problems. Help the defenseless, that much he could get on board with. But to just drop everything, just because they asked, no matter how big or mundane? That is what his youth had a hard time wrapping his head around. At this point it was just second nature.

Even when he'd started to defy the family, if anyone seriously asked for help (even if it was as simple as bringing in the groceries that were too heavy for Alfred to carry) Jason was all over it. Perhaps with a mark of sass or a piss poor attitude, but he helped. Even now, it'd been so thoroughly ingrained into his being that he struggled with saying no - including under the guise of Red Hood.

But Jason knew that wasn't why he agreed to help Tim. No, he could have very well told Tim to kiss his ass and rolled over to get some much needed sleep. While the desperation in his eyes were incentive, it was the fact in the matter that Tim came to him to begin with.


The boy that he'd beat within an inch of his life. The boy that made scarce of his presence, and if otherwise he'd approach with caution and distance. He recalled a time that the boy would high tail it out of the room if he entered, going as far as turning around when they'd met in the hallway.

That boy was asking him for help. The boy he tore from his bed in the somber hours of the night, the boy he relentlessly threw punch after punch, kick after kick, thrown into walls and furniture, all the while screaming at him to get back up and fight him.

The boy that very well may hate him to his core.

Bold, entirely too bold of an approach to place the larger hand over the one holding onto his middle (and even here on the bike, Tim was sitting back as far as he could as not to have his chest pressed to Jason's back).

"Because it was you who asked."

The answer was seemingly so simple Jason didn't miss a beat in answering. He kept his hand over the smaller until the green light, gloved thumb brushing over the pulse of his wrist before returning back to the handle bars. If Tim needed any more of an explanation, he wouldn't give any. He didn't ridicule or even lightly tease the boy for the rest of the way back to the academy And even upon their arrival, he made sure the boy was able to climb back up to the roof (and grab onto his arm to steady him when he nearly slipped, keeping his hand on his back after) and into the safety of Jason's empty room.

He made haste of getting out of the soaked clothing and gear, finding comfort once the track pants were back at their low resting point on their hips. Didn't ask a question further, or even address Tim more than throwing a dry shirt in his direction when he'd gone to hang up the jacket.

TheSaint TheSaint Tim
The bomb goes off on the wall of the prison
Silver sable jump from the hole made by the bomb and escapes
Hammerhead escaped as well
Superior spiderman swing away still wearing blue and red suit, thinking to himself as it was evening in manhatten:'why do i feel bad about hammerhead escaping...it doesnt matter now to launch my plan'
He lands inside his octo lab and turns on tv and laptop screens

'Silver sable will now be able to begin the plan nothing will stop us now......if calculations are correct the bombs will go off. It will make spiderman reputation fall and hurt many...' he suddenly was cut off as he has a flashback of uncle ben talking to young peter parker

'See all those people down there...we are equal and care about each other, there are about a billion who live in this city....and they are just like us...have families or friends'

As the flashback ended, superior spiderman lift up his mask....he's crying...?
He place a hand on his face:"why am i crying....i never cried in years....it seems parker memories are still in his brain but that should go away eventually...."
He sits in his chair and checks the time:"by morning the plan will be activated"
/ Peter-Parker \

I yawned loudly as I left my dorm, throwing my bag across my shoulders.

It'd been a pretty rough night. After getting hit by a train and a drone in the same night (long story; lots of criminals involved), I'd been sore for hours on end, and by the time I managed to force myself to get some shut eye, it was 4am.

The last thing I'd expected was to wake up from a few hours of sleep feeling on top of the world. Sure, I healed pretty fast; just one of the many perks of these powers. But after last night, it was basically a miracle. I felt on top of the world as I shuffled through the halls, on the way to my first class.

As I walked, I noticed a lot of students going back to their dorms. Peering in as I strode past, a lot of them had tossed their bags aside, flopped into bed, or just sat down and started chatting it up with their roommates. Things one would typically expect at the end of the schooled day. Weird.

As I glanced through a window, I froze. The sky was streaked with orange and red, and the sun appeared to be retreating below the horizon.

I pulled out my phone in a sudden frenzy. It fumbled through my hands for a moment. Catching it, I read the time on the homescreen.

My heart dropped. It was evening time. Most classes - all of my classes, at least - had ended. I'd slept through my entire second day at school.

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Hearing the way Dick shortened her name brought another smile to Alecto, this seemed to be an Earth trend she’d heard of. Something about the gesture seemed so personal, she glowed some as she watched the city lights flying by. "I like Alec" She said with a small smile.

“I want to help. From what I understand Earth has an incredible concentration of beings wanting to help” Her answer may seem too altruistic to be true. “I also enjoy learning, we don’t have much knowledge of your civilization back home. I want to know why everyone is so invested in this little blue planet” Honesty once more, she wanted to know if it was also worth staying close to this world.

“I’ve been here for about two months now, one of them I spent pouring over base information so I wouldn’t be completely clueless” A small laugh followed her admission, she seemed to be relaxing so quickly around him, despite only meeting a few moments before.

“You’re extremely pleasant company, what brought you to the dark academy?” Alecto asked now, a new blush coming to her as Dick quickly moved to open the door for her. She wasn’t so socially clueless as to not understand just how wonderful he was being to her. The only drawback was her slightly awkward method of flirting, what she saw as telling him pleasant qualities she saw in him.

LibbyM098 LibbyM098

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