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Fandom Hidden enemy hxh

Akashi looked at Aiolos I have one that you might like better but let’s get signed up first
Gorah after finally realizing that he lost surrendered
Attilius declared Gorah a friend returning the flow of nen back to the beast and patted Gorah on the back and said maybe next time and he walked towards the exit
Aiolos headed to stage 1 looking indifferent as he was ready to see what his next challenge would be.
As Aiolos walked onto the stage he saw a young boy in a martial arts uniform waiting “this match will be between zushi and Aiolos weapons are allowed, fight”
Akashi stepped onto the stage and saw a man who looked like a clown with a tear drop waiting “now the undefeated Hisoka will be fighting the newbie Akashi
Akashi summoned his cards but as he did they were pulled away and another card came flying at him hitting him in the chest. Akashi cursed knowing he couldn’t use his ability without the cards so he drew his swords and charged cutting down cards but when he reached Hisoka the man was behind him with a card being pulled across his throat.
As Aiolos walked onto the stage he saw a young boy in a martial arts uniform waiting “this match will be between zushi and Aiolos weapons are allowed, fight”
Aiolos would smile and pull out a deck of what looked like ordinary cards "young man what are your goals in life? Have you ever played cards?" Aiolos asked as he slowly approached him playing with the cards and performing tricks.
Aiolos would smile and pull out a deck of what looked like ordinary cards "young man what are your goals in life? Have you ever played cards?" Aiolos asked as he slowly approached him playing with the cards and performing tricks.
Zushi gets into stance and waits
Zushi gets into stance and waits
Aiolos would hold his hands out causing the cards to jump from one hand to the next in a perfect circle. Aiolos would smile and then throw three bladed cards at Zushi. They weren't the fastest he could throw them they were just test shots and aimed for Zushi's face and chest. Meanwhile aiolos didn't stop approaching.
Aiolos would hold his hands out causing the cards to jump from one hand to the next in a perfect circle. Aiolos would smile and then throw three bladed cards at Zushi. They weren't the fastest he could throw them they were just test shots and aimed for Zushi's face and chest. Meanwhile aiolos didn't stop approaching.
Zushi focused and punched all three out of the air only taking minor scratches on his hands as he moves forward slowly while on guard
Aiolos would hold his hands out causing the cards to jump from one hand to the next in a perfect circle. Aiolos would smile and then throw three bladed cards at Zushi. They weren't the fastest he could throw them they were just test shots and aimed for Zushi's face and chest. Meanwhile aiolos didn't stop approaching.
Attilius watches the fight and examines the cards Aiolos uses to determine their purpose
Zushi focused and punched all three out of the air only taking minor scratches on his hands as he moves forward slowly while on guard
Zushi throws three strong fast punches at Aiolos attempting to hit him
Aiolos would collect his cards into their deck and block the first two then with imperceptible movements he would turn it into the Ace of Diamonds and move quickly behind Zushi hitting him in the back of the neck causing the card to disappear from what the audience could see it would look like the card made a shallow cut on his back but he in fact hit Zushi with his Nen card
Aiolos would collect his cards into their deck and block the first two then with imperceptible movements he would turn it into the Ace of Diamonds and move quickly behind Zushi hitting him in the back of the neck causing the card to disappear from what the audience could see it would look like the card made a shallow cut on his back but he in fact hit Zushi with his Nen card
Zushi would drop for a second then slowly get up and punch again despite the pain
But as he throws his punch he collapsed in front of you “that’s match the winner is Aiolos”
Aiolos would clear his throat and kneel down to whisper "meet me outside the tower tonight alone to further your training." Aiolos would then stand and walk away knowing Zushi heard him and that the command would work better now that he was unconscious.
Name: Akuma
Nen type: Emition
Equipment: tactical camo, body armor, guilli suit, two combat knives
Appearance: short red hair, scar over left eye that is blind
Traits: speed stealth stamina
Personality: carefree but serious

Rail handgun
Creates two pistols that fires a single charged nen bullet at rail gun speed

Anti-material rifle
Creates long range rifle to snipe at rail gun speed piercing targets

Rail machine gun
Creates two oozes that fire multiple shots at rail gun speed

Super speed enhancement
Super reflex enhancement

Vector control for a single bullet but if the bullet hits an object after turning it stops
Can’t fire again until the bullet stops

Sticky grenade
Creates a grenade that sticks to a target invisible to people not using gyo and is detonated when I snap within 50 ft
Smoke grenade
Creates a smoke cloud in a 10ft area for 2 seconds
Flash grenade
Creates a large flash of light in a 10ft area blinding any in it
Shrapnel grenade
Sends nen in small beads in a 10ft area
Takes 10 seconds per Grenade and can only make 2 at a time

True camo
Makes my body copy the texture and look of my surroundings as long as I’m still
Takes 1 minute to make

Scouting master
Sends a sonar through the surface I’m touching in a 100 foot area revealing everything there
Can’t move for 1 minute while using

Animal ally
Creates a raven that I can see through its eyes when i chose but can not move during use
Akuma would look at Aiolos and say truely it was but why are we all here if we are only going to fight weaklings
"I'm here to get puppets. Speaking of let's play a game shall we?" Aiolos would look at this duo with a smile.
Attilius would curiously ask "what do you mean by puppets"
“I’m guessing you are a manipulator based on your comment on puppets am I right” Akuma said studying Aiolos
Aiolos would frown and look confused "what do you mean I plan on making puppets, it's a new hobby of mine." Aiolos spoke with a certain level of sincerity but quickly moved the topic. "let's play find the queen and if you guys find her 3 times I'll answer any of your questions."

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