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Fandom JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Variable Title OOC

That'll depend on the enemy and how you fight them. At most it'll be Stardust Crusaders level in terms of willingness to use lethal force.

ACHA ACHA Kloudy Kloudy How are you on the character sheets?
I've figured out what kind of stand I want. I think I'll go with something with actual range haha
What’s wrong with the current picture? I thought it worked well for a Jojo character?
Also I’ll invent a reasoning behind it once my backstory is complete, but mainly it has a similar aesthetic to “Star Platinum”, ya dig?
So 2 things so far:
1. Your character's Stand is OP. Please make it less so.
2. You need to write your character's Stand's appearance, not use a picture.
Yeah, been thinking of how to tone it down. Maybe I'll remove the memory rewriting part, and just make it that he can just read a person's thoughts and memories. I'll also try and put more limitations on The Bad.

Also, I did describe Gold Ecstasy in words although admittedly not in that much detail. I'm just using the picture to supplement the description.
Same, though I'll probably have my character's other stand abilities be something he gains as the plot progresses. I'll work on the background asap.
Not sure if I'm allowed to, but I'll post my minor interest here, if not to simply watch. Though, eventual participation would be ideal.

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