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Fantasy Naruto Era of Peace

Kuma braces again and tried to mix his air fist with his circle guard but only managed to block one or two with air the rest hit him
Kasai breathes heavily after using that last Jutsu feeling the full effects of heat exhaustion falls to one knee and says "I need to take a break"
"yeah I need to work on that, I'm fine but I was starting to feel it a bit, how has your training been going?
"My training is going great I can now currently people with my hands and I think I can increase the duration of my drug use." Aiolos said with a chill shrug.
"My training is going great I can now currently people with my hands and I think I can increase the duration of my drug use." Aiolos said with a chill shrug.
Kasai sits down and says to Aiolos "that's good, I was able to control Kuma pretty well as a human puppet"
Kasai sits down and says to Aiolos "that's good, I was able to control Kuma pretty well as a human puppet"
Kuma sits near both of you and says “I learned some control and improved some of my endurance.”
There was the sound of a flute just one note played as it echoed over the field. Suddenly there was a cacophonous racket as a murder of crows broke from the surrounding trees flocking into one area and forming the shape of a man. The man became clear wearing the typical gear of a Jounin however he had a flute collapsed hanging from his side, a guitar on his back and his head band was worn on his arm with the symbol of music notes. "hello kids I'm going to be your Sensei."
There was the sound of a flute just one note played as it echoed over the field. Suddenly there was a cacophonous racket as a murder of crows broke from the surrounding trees flocking into one area and forming the shape of a man. The man became clear wearing the typical gear of a Jounin however he had a flute collapsed hanging from his side, a guitar on his back and his head band was worn on his arm with the symbol of music notes. "hello kids I'm going to be your Sensei."
Kasai looks great interest at the man he stands up and introduces himself "My name is Kasai Raion"
There was the sound of a flute just one note played as it echoed over the field. Suddenly there was a cacophonous racket as a murder of crows broke from the surrounding trees flocking into one area and forming the shape of a man. The man became clear wearing the typical gear of a Jounin however he had a flute collapsed hanging from his side, a guitar on his back and his head band was worn on his arm with the symbol of music notes. "hello kids I'm going to be your Sensei."

Kuma looks at the man not sure what to think and says “I’m kenji kumo it’s good to meet you”
Kasai looks great interest at the man he stands up and introduces himself "My name is Kasai Raion"
Kuma looks at the man not sure what to think and says “I’m kenji kumo it’s good to meet you”
Aiolos dipped his head in respect and said "I am Aiolos Orochimaru, pleasure." Their sensei smiled and said "it's nice to meet you I am Opus Hamlin leader of the Hamlin clan. I haven't met anyone from your clan-" with that he pointed to Kasai " but you two I've heard of your clans and have even had the pleasure of meeting the beast of the mist. Now we're going to do a little training to see where you're at and how I can use you all."
Aiolos dipped his head in respect and said "I am Aiolos Orochimaru, pleasure." Their sensei smiled and said "it's nice to meet you I am Opus Hamlin leader of the Hamlin clan. I haven't met anyone from your clan-" with that he pointed to Kasai " but you two I've heard of your clans and have even had the pleasure of meeting the beast of the mist. Now we're going to do a little training to see where you're at and how I can use you all."
Kasai's smiles and says "my clan is fairly small but we are known as skilled puppet masters"
Aiolos dipped his head in respect and said "I am Aiolos Orochimaru, pleasure." Their sensei smiled and said "it's nice to meet you I am Opus Hamlin leader of the Hamlin clan. I haven't met anyone from your clan-" with that he pointed to Kasai " but you two I've heard of your clans and have even had the pleasure of meeting the beast of the mist. Now we're going to do a little training to see where you're at and how I can use you all."

“You’ve met the master?@
A thick swath of fog approaches the entrance to the village. As it dissipates, Makoto's lithe form begins to take shape. Strolling through the entrance, makoto looks down at her blade with disappointment as not a drop of blood can be found. "It's a shame this test had to take place here in the Mists, or I would have gotten a sense of satisfaction. It's as if the entire forest was blind in my presence...". Makoto sheaths her wakizashi and approaches the jonin alone amid the crowd of fellow genin.
A thick swath of fog approaches the entrance to the village. As it dissipates, Makoto's lithe form begins to take shape. Strolling through the entrance, makoto looks down at her blade with disappointment as not a drop of blood can be found. "It's a shame this test had to take place here in the Mists, or I would have gotten a sense of satisfaction. It's as if the entire forest was blind in my presence...". Makoto sheaths her wakizashi and approaches the jonin alone amid the crowd of fellow genin.

Kuma turns and faces the approaching girl stairing curiously
Kasai's smiles and says "my clan is fairly small but we are known as skilled puppet masters"
“You’ve met the master?@
Opus nodded thoughtfully " I don't use puppets and no one else in my clan does so I guess we just haven't met. As for her yes I've met her and even fought with her. There was this family that had been kidnapped by some monsters and well... When we finished with them they thought we were the monsters."
A thick swath of fog approaches the entrance to the village. As it dissipates, Makoto's lithe form begins to take shape. Strolling through the entrance, makoto looks down at her blade with disappointment as not a drop of blood can be found. "It's a shame this test had to take place here in the Mists, or I would have gotten a sense of satisfaction. It's as if the entire forest was blind in my presence...". Makoto sheaths her wakizashi and approaches the jonin alone amid the crowd of fellow genin.
There was the sound of a flute playing and Opus turned to look at her with a smile "hello you must be the last member of my team. Come tell us your name and what you can do."
Opus nodded thoughtfully " I don't use puppets and no one else in my clan does so I guess we just haven't met. As for her yes I've met her and even fought with her. There was this family that had been kidnapped by some monsters and well... When we finished with them they thought we were the monsters."

Kuma stairs at him with shock and respect
A thick swath of fog approaches the entrance to the village. As it dissipates, Makoto's lithe form begins to take shape. Strolling through the entrance, makoto looks down at her blade with disappointment as not a drop of blood can be found. "It's a shame this test had to take place here in the Mists, or I would have gotten a sense of satisfaction. It's as if the entire forest was blind in my presence...". Makoto sheaths her wakizashi and approaches the jonin alone amid the crowd of fellow genin.
There was the sound of a flute playing and Opus turned to look at her with a smile "hello you must be the last member of my team. Come tell us your name and what you can do."
Kasai's curiously look at the girl and at Opus as he wondered why it took the girl so long to get out of the forest.
Opus smiled "guys i saw you all training and decided to step in now you guys will find that your chakra and stamina have been refilled so come at me with your best."

Kuma looks at his injuries and finds them gone and that he feels full of energy and smile “ok let’s go” as he does a step punch straight at opus
Kuma looks at his injuries and finds them gone and that he feels full of energy and smile “ok let’s go” as he does a step punch straight at opus
Opus just smiles and the punch hits him causing him to burst into a murder of crows before coming back together to form Opus once more. "That's the spirit."
“What the hell”
Kuma uses his air punch to try and surprise him
Opus whistled and dispersed the air from the punch. He then pulled out his flute and began to play a melody. The sound carried and then wolves came out of the trees and rushed at Kuma.

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