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Fantasy Naruto Era of Peace

“I don’t want to hurt you”
Kasai laughs and says "that fine I'm not putting enough strength into my fire attacks to do anything more then get hot just work on your agility and dodge my fire attacks" Kasai then creates five ember clones "I'm sure your eyebrows remember my clones. The explosion they create won't do anything more then take off some of your hair. So let's play a game of tag don't let my clones touch you" Kasai then shoots a fireball at Kumo's feet
Kasai laughs and says "that fine I'm not putting enough strength into my fire attacks to do anything more then get hot just work on your agility and dodge my fire attacks" Kasai then creates five ember clones "I'm sure your eyebrows remember my clones. The explosion they create won't do anything more then take off some of your hair. So let's play a game of tag don't let my clones touch you" Kasai then shoots a fireball at Kumo's feet

Kuma jumps back and starts trying to dodge the clones managing to avoid a couple of them but the stumbling and getting hit by two clones taking his hair off
Kuma jumps back and starts trying to dodge the clones managing to avoid a couple of them but the stumbling and getting hit by two clones taking his hair off
Kasai sighs as he watches Kumo lose more of his hair "it's ok hair will grow back, better your hair now over worse later on keep trying" Kasai creates three more ember clones and sends them after Kumo "atleast this way I can raise my tolerance to heat exhaustion"
Kasai sighs as he watches Kumo lose more of his hair "it's ok hair will grow back, better your hair now over worse later on keep trying" Kasai creates three more ember clones and sends them after Kumo "atleast this way I can raise my tolerance to heat exhaustion"

Kuma slowly starts being able to doge them consistently without stumbling, but that is after all his hair was burned off from the clones
Kuma slowly starts being able to doge them consistently without stumbling, but that is after all his hair was burned off from the clones
"very nice, I do apologise for the hair I can only do ember clones, but let's go ahead and make this a bit harder" Kasai creates 6 more ember clones and send them after Kumo, Kasai heavily sighs slightly beginning to feel the effects of repeatedly using his fire jutsu's
"very nice, I do apologise for the hair I can only do ember clones, but let's go ahead and make this a bit harder" Kasai creates 6 more ember clones and send them after Kumo, Kasai heavily sighs slightly beginning to feel the effects of repeatedly using his fire jutsu's

Kuma curses and continues to dodge and get blown up when he fails until most of his cloths are destroyed
Kuma curses and continues to dodge and get blown up when he fails until most of his cloths are destroyed
Kasai's giggles and says "ok well with that I guess now's a good time for a break" Kasai directs all the clones to leap into the air as he detonates them
“Not used to moving around so much, I was taught to fight in a small area not really moving”
"That's understandable I was trained to keep my distance and take advantage of larger areas"
" It's good to show you guys what can happen when someone forces you from what you know. It's best for you to keep your position no matter what and to press closer when you get a chance as for Kasai you're doing great just need to increase your chakra pool."
" It's good to show you guys what can happen when someone forces you from what you know. It's best for you to keep your position no matter what and to press closer when you get a chance as for Kasai you're doing great just need to increase your chakra pool."
"yeah I need to work on that, I'm fine but I was starting to feel it a bit, how has your training been going?
"break times over" Kasai stands up and creates 15 ember clones sending them all at Kumo from all directions

Kuma gets into his stance and braces allowing all of them to hit him after he winces and stands saying “that hurt but good endurance training”
Kuma gets into his stance and braces allowing all of them to hit him after he winces and stands saying “that hurt but good endurance training”
Kasai's laughs and says "I thought this was more agility training but I see" Kasai creates another 15 ember clones and sends them after Kumo.
Kasai's laughs and says "I thought this was more agility training but I see" Kasai creates another 15 ember clones and sends them after Kumo.
Kuma laughs and says “bring it on”
Kuma gets into circle guard and attempted to block all the attacks but only managed to block half the rest exploded on him

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