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Fantasy Stonequest! OOC

Yup sounds good! Kote should totally join with us tho
The way I see it as the party is leaving Kote has just decided to start doing bard things,

The way Farr would respond is “take this spot, I’m leaving anyway”
I assume Azal would be loud and happy about having a bard join the journey.
Udgirr and Tyr I cannot say.

Either way I think it’s up to SoraHikari SoraHikari I mean Kote if he wants to join The party.

(I also low key find it funny if we go by the stats Farr is a better lute player then Kote, Farr just has no charisma for a singing voice lol)
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Have only came back online, lel.

sygnuss sygnuss Sorry, just had a binge watch on Blood Blockade Battlefront (Kekkai Sensen) during my inactivity. I probably should have made a post in between episodes, but I just wanted to see what happened next. Will be making a post now.
Rurnur Rurnur Are you from Australia amigo? :D

NeonFlow NeonFlow Ah, Kote won't mind what party he joins as long as its fun and adventurous. I have a feel he'll get along quiet well with Azal so I feel like keeping those two together will certainly ensue for some hillarity.

I also noticed that with the stats Farr is a better lute player. I kind of want to overlook that but at the same time, perhaps the two can do a duet some day?
I’m a Aussie SoraHikari SoraHikari

Yea I was going to make jokes at Farr playing well just not being able to sing, and making slight jabs at Kote for having all dat charisma.. aha

And about the parties I basically split them up as whose posted and who hasn’t had a chance to yet aha
NeonFlow NeonFlow Yooo! That's so cool! I've hardly met any Aussies on this site!

Ahah the banter between the two would be fun.

Yeah, Ithought that was case. What made you lean to Kote going into either?
Because Kote just offered to play songs for the tavern, I assumed he had the most choice really.
“Stay here and impress people....
Walk off with strangers in the hope of climbing a mountain...
I’m not sure how to proceed without sygnuss sygnuss to join the characters first quest so I think I’ll get the first bit of banter between Kote and Farr aha
I'm sorry guys I'm actually dying because this is the last week of my course and I have 6 days to finish 8 assignments (I missed 3 weeks while travelling) :ghostxnx::ghostxnx: I can feel my life force being drained outta me. Good news is after this week ends I'll have plenty of time to RP, though. Anyways, I'm going to read through everything and hopefully make my first post later today (was gonna now but I actually have to leave for a family dinner in 10 mins, rip timing)

And ayy I'm aussie too

@SoraHikari That cursed land? Bah! I'm in New Zealand :coolshades:
What's a New Zealand? Isn't that just part of Australia? :P
That makes me feel like I have power. Aha it’s not exactly sped ahead. Every character is still in the starting city/ or hasn’t posted yet
Aha indeed, sorta why the two jobs that anyone will get involve meeting before or at chlokoka, or in the kings throne room.
Why do you have to do this to me! There's too many races to choose from! And by too many I mean Dwarves, Elves, and Beastkin because I don't want to go vanilla flavor human for the thousandth time.
Why do you have to do this to me! There's too many races to choose from! And by too many I mean Dwarves, Elves, and Beastkin because I don't want to go vanilla flavor human for the thousandth time.
Go skyrace, like humans with wings.
Five different types of magic to use.
(Endurance is capped at 6)

Can also make whatever you want if it fits the character sheet
Go skyrace, like humans with wings.
Five different types of magic to use.
(Endurance is capped at 6)

Can also make whatever you want if it fits the character sheet
I've already got an angel-like character going on in a D&D game. I don't want to double. I'm thinking about beastkin but I don't know what kind of animal to use...
Would I be allowed to make a bat person?

Would I be allowed to make a bat person?

yea sure, if you don’t mind could we PM about some stuff regarding that?
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