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Fantasy Stonequest! OOC

NeonFlow NeonFlow Can I control the guards in my introductory post entering Dunwel? Just a brief halt from them due to monster bias. I wanted to do so myself so that you don't have to attend me, and my character's entrance will be faster. Whether or not they choose to enter The Ragged Dragon will be something you'll have to wait and see.
As long as you don’t do anything openly violent towards the guards or to your character that should be fine.

The toll is five gold coins and is required to all non human races to prove you understand barter etc.
Can’t let monsters into the city yada yada
lol I’m hoping you can improvise a song or story instead of typing
“he sang a amazing tale while strumming the lute”
Of course! What kind of shitty roleplayer would I be if I couldn't even manage to weave a story or verse when Rping a bard.

However, even if Kote doesn't sing a verse or tell a full story, I'll be sure to write a decent passage that properly expresses the emotions he's making his audience feel. Don't worry.
Of course! What kind of shitty roleplayer would I be if I couldn't even manage to weave a story or verse when Rping a bard.
I was going to make the crowd give serious shit if you couldn’t aha
“what cruel sexual things did that boy endure to get the mark of music?”
However, even if Kote doesn't sing a verse or tell a full story, I'll be sure to write a decent passage that properly expresses the emotions he's making his audience feel. Don't worry.

No worries at all, I will ask you write what you attempt to make the audience feel, as controlling a group of Npc’s would be my job as GM, aha
Kote May be the designated distraction within the group
No worries at all, I will ask you write what you attempt to make the audience feel, as controlling a group of Npc’s would be my job as GM, aha
Kote May be the designated distraction within the group

Yeah can do~

Designated distraction is a role that would be hilarious!

Kote: "Guys go! I got this."
*turns to enemies*
"Stop at once you disgusting barbarians. For I am Kote! The Legend! The Nightwalker! The Distraction! The greatest musician you have ever heard! How do you wish to die? By beautiful music that lulls you into Lady Deaths cold embrace? A dance of blades perhaps? And become another tragic victim to incredible Folly? Or perhaps be burned by one that knows the Name of Fire? What say you Barbarians?"
Barbarians: "Wait, did he just say distraction?"
Kote: "No."
Barbarians: "Oh. Ok then,"
Honestly I imagined more of a scene like “play music in the corner, make sure all eyes are on you”
And while kote distracts the crowd the rest of the group does whatever the task at hand is.

But if your bravado in battle is charismatic enough I will admit the chance of making enemies flee is 50/50 aha
Hey, sorry I wanted to post yesterday but I had to sleep early, and can't post today until late, I promise I'm not ditching.
I see the beginning of a beautiful friendship between Farr and Azal aha Rurnur Rurnur

I just wanted to tag everyone and say we have the first side quest locked in,
Side quests will come in two kinds.
The first are random opportunities/misfortunes I will present to characters in certain situations.

The second kind is a more collaborative effort between you and I if you PM me something we can work on it.
Completed side quests will earn you rewards/leveling up

Feli Feli SheepKing SheepKing SoraHikari SoraHikari Computing Magus Computing Magus AmethystRoze AmethystRoze sygnuss sygnuss
The elf friend is indeed a opportunity/misfortune.
I start work in half a hour so if all the characters in the ragged dragon could pause til I get back that would be great.
(Should only be four or five hours)

The elf and king Leo will be in the next post as those two offer a way to chlokoka.
Ayyyy aha

I’m thinking with the way this is going two small parties will form and eventually become the questing party.

Party one being Azal, tyr, Udgirr and Farr maybe Kote

Party two being Ethan, lunara, Stephan, meeko and maybe Kote.

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