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Realistic or Modern Highschool Bites {OOC}

Okay leave rest unanswered...
It's a library . . . . . . . . they'll have newspapers, books, and computers. Archives would probably date back beforethe start of 2018 but I'm sure there would be an article about whatever it is you need an article for
I uh, I don't know. I don't see how that would provide a common ground for all of us to interact. However, we could say that our characters have the same lunch, gym, or study hall. Or we could split it half-and-half.
I uh, I don't know. I don't see how that would provide a common ground for all of us to interact. However, we could say that our characters have the same lunch, gym, or study hall. Or we could split it half-and-half.
When is lunch time? At 10:55 - 11:30?
seems to depend on school size/amount of pupils according to the internet
but yeah like he said, we might have in RP same time or split to 2 groups lunch, gym and study hall, i want to know when lunch is. (don't know how gym is going to be with different grades.)
Hey guys I will post Chris' post today after work and was just curious if it's okay for him to be a bartender somewhere (maybe a bar or club or something like that)?
I was also curious if we will have to go in detail through every period or just some of them (since Rodrick will go back to school for second period)?
I uh, I don't know. I don't see how that would provide a common ground for all of us to interact. However, we could say that our characters have the same lunch, gym, or study hall. Or we could split it half-and-half.

I like this idea and I think it's a really natural way for all of our characters to meet!

Idk where everyone is from, but jinkx jinkx is right. Most American high schools are pretty big, so there are usually 3-4 different lunch periods during the school day to accommodate for the amount of students. They usually aren't split up by grade either, so having all of our characters in the same lunch period can work regardless of what year we're in.

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