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OOC Little Talks

I think our main thing post-rescue is to get out safely? I suppose "out" could mean "to Darran," for some of us?
The whole rescue operation was a huge sidetrack. Actually, it was the sidetrack of a sidetrack.

See, the last time the Chosen were on track with their main quest was when they cleared Raziel's temple in the mountains above the drakkar capital and spoke remotely with the angel himself. This is covered by the main quest "The Amaranth", if you look at the quest list. It was then decided that the Chosen should go meet with the Resistance in their HQ, guided by Violet.

The first sidetrack was when the portal mistakenly took them to the nearby city of Dunn, due to the general area having been shrouded in some sorcery by the greater demon Nemar whom the fellowship (Maggie <3) finally killed three days later. With that done, they were about to resume their plan to meet with the Resistance.

At which point Dina was abducted by Xenthriss, and the party forced to travel to the capital to rescue her. I say forced, but this was a unanimous decision among the Chosen. The exceptions were Sanya Sarkov, who elected to stay behind for his own reasons, and Henvei, who had been exploring a ruin in the wilderness outside of Dunn and was thus unaware of the new crisis (though he eventually arrived to Alicante of his own accord, as you've witnessed during the banquet).

Now, as soon as Dina is rescued, the Chosen will simply return to their original quest, which is to meet with the Resistance. So that's the "post-rescue" thingy, assuming a safe escape that is. While I do understand your concern, Dann, I feel obliged to point out that Auri hasn't even learned what it is that Bann Teagan is asking of him :P

So (and pardon me, I am viciously tired but I mean this ever so nicely), what do you need from me? Should Auri accept?
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To be completely honest, I fully expected Auri to accept. Or at least to ask what's expected of him. I'd have explained the how right away, and maybe I should have, but I decided to break my post in two in order to give Auri a chance to say something.

I suppose that can be a double-edged blade - splitting a post in multiple pieces.

You don't do it much in Sharseya, and sometimes so much happens and gets said that I have no idea how to incorporate my character's actions into it. All's said and done, yet my character would have held her hand up right there in the beginning, and maybe what she'd say would have changed the rest of your post. So then I have the choice of either doing what I've seen you and Kaerri do a lot: quote multiple parts of a previous post and address them one by one, or simply ignore everything but the conclusion. The former annoys me because it breaks immersion, and the latter sucks because it means missing opportunities to RP.

Yet posting everything at once does make things go faster, and leaves less room for confusion perhaps. I guess I confused you by splitting my post and making it seem like Auri's got to make some kind of key decision here... When in truth, he could as easily keep quiet and let Bann Teagan continue speaking.

To me, breaking up a longer post, especially dialogue, is preferable to dishing it all out at once. It may slow things down a little, but it presents more opportunity for interaction. More space to RP. Obviously, only if the players are interested. My approach is more like writing a book, whereas I understand you're used to playing your RPs as if they were games. So I guess that's another difference.

To conclude, you might have Auri prompt Teagan to continue, take the chance to RP a little - or I'll simply deliver the rest of the post *woof*
Wolf, you are terrific! Would you mind if I copy/pasted your Sharseya-related text to the Adventurers' Table and reply there? This is just what I was asking for. =)

I am having a rough morning. I can address both games later today I hope. =)
Well, of course. Feel free to quote, expand, and redistribute what I wrote as you see fit. It's for educational purposes, I take it? :P *woof*
Yes! What you have posted is a perfect example of the kind of feedback I need.

PCs often improve by raising questions to other PCs. Sherwood asks, "Wolf, am I annoying?" Kaerri responds, "I think Luna can be annoying. Sherwood is fine." Wolf sez, "What Kaerri said! Plus, here are my other feelings."

DMs don't have it so easy. There is only one of me. There are only so many ideas I can bounce off of PCs lest I give something away that I don't mean to. Often, especially during my research phases, I'm left to my own devices. I don't always see things from a player's perspective and I need to.

So, I think it's fantastic when I receive detailed and constructive criticism like the type you have just applied, and that betters me as a DM.

Whew. =)
Furthermore, it gives the PCs at my table a deeper look into my intents and actions. I believe this understanding serves to bring us closer together.
It increases the joy and fun for all involved. =)
That's all nice... and I am glad to have helped... But I'm curious to know if you're planning on posting or if you'd like me to just go ahead and write Teagan's response as if you did?

I for one would love to finish this chapter in 2018 (especially since I remember saying back in Fall 2017 how I'm confident we'll finish it in early 2018 :))
If, for the sake of efficiency, you'd rather go ahead and post, that's fine with me, Wolf.

Auri is most certainly interested and has many questions. However, he is otherwise in the back of my brain at the moment.
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Okay, well, since it's about time for me to go to sleep and you guys are still burning daylight, I suppose you've got time. I keep forgetting you guys live in the past, and therefore still have time even when over here the sand's all run out! *woof*
Whew. What I thought was going to turn into a 9 hour stretch of sleep turned instead into a nap. My ever-restless mind woke me and I figured, "Hey! If I am up anyway, let's get that post done!" =)

Jack Elarithon Jack Elarithon You still with us, Bubba? =)
download.pngJust to make sure we're on the same page, this is an approximation of the current scene.

The magenta dot represents Auri and Teagan, standing at the threshold of the north wing. The teal dot is Maggie (now part of Elias' group). The groups are far enough apart that a quiet conversation wouldn't carry between them.

I think you understand that there are two groups and that Maggie joined the other one, but I'm confused that Auri seems to be telling her "of course you may", which is weird because he's not himself with Elias' group, which is the group that Maggie's asked permission to join. Make sense?

So I take it that Auri is trying to wave over Maggie to join him and Bann Teagan (and you've already supplied us with what happens in that case, which makes me think you know Kaerri well enough to know she'll have Maggie do just that :P)

I don't know where Jack is, I haven't seen him on Steam or Discord lately, but I will try to get to him. I let him lay low since there was nothing for his character to do but wait, and he didn't seem eager to keep posting anyway, but I better rouse him *woof*
Thanks for the map!

Your assumptions are close. Auri saying "of course you may" was in response to Maggie's earlier question to him. I felt by not responding, Maggie would not feel as inclined to join them. Put another way, Maggie requested; this was just Auri's response.

Until now, I don't recall seeing a distance giving between the two groups (although I am perfectly capable of having missed it). I figured Auri is a *big* drakkar and his voice would carry enough to get Maggie's attention.

Re: Waving over. Yes, Auri is attempting to do just that.

Re: Jack. Mrph! I hope he is all right.
Right, Maggie was talking to the group around the brazier, not to Auri (because she didn't want to interrupt). Now that she's been seen and invited, though, she'll head over. I don't have brain to post right now (picked up a head cold, yay) so if you want to go ahead with the scene, Wolf, that's fine, I'll write up Maggie later.
Okay then, I went ahead and posted under the assumption that Maggie does indeed join Auri and Teagan, just to speed things up a little *woof*

Now, Dann, you can either have Auri decide right away or ask more questions (IC or OOC), but what I can tell you is that to an accomplished diplomat like Auri, that would indeed be a sound plan. Doesn't mean it's perfect, though. There are always concerns and implications, not to mention possible consequences. But in this case they're nothing that even plain Wolf and Dannigan (who don't command the knowledge and experience of their characters) couldn't anticipate.
Good to know! What kind of consequences could Auri anticipate coming out of this?
Just thinking out loud...

On one hand, it's a genuine good deed, and Auri's a good-aligned character. Plus, if Daskárd really goes AWOL and cuts ties with Asgard, then Auri's political career hits a dead end anyway, so perhaps it doesn't matter. Doubly so if he decides not to return home.

The only negative consequence that I can think of is that someone might resent Auri for allowing this girl to escape the country, if they were to connect the dots and figure it out. I mean, in this revolutionary scenario, a young human noble stuck behind the lines in the drakkar capital would be considered a high value asset, as a hostage if nothing else (though worse fates could befall her). This could be a small problem or big problem, depending on how Auri's involvement is seen. Under a radical racist government, he might be labeled as a human sympathizer and encounter difficulties should he decide to go back home and pursue a domestic political career. Or he might simply bear the grudge of some drakkar noble who had already set his sights on the girl as a trophy.
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Plus, if Daskárd really goes AWOL and cuts ties with Asgard, then Auri's political career hits a dead end anyway, so perhaps it doesn't matter. Doubly so if he decides not to return home.

That's the kind of thing I could imagine reasonably taking Auri out of the game. I just can't imagine his entire country needing him and him not being there for them. Wow. I mean, he has a love for the Resistance of course, but he has loved his country far longer and more deeply. Just thinking out loud here too, really, not drawing any lines. Who knows what the future has in store?

Thanks for explaining this, Wolf! I think Auri will help Bann Teagan.
M-hm. Just remember that Auri's love for his homeland is one thing, while this new shift of power within it is another. I doubt Auri would have any love for the kind of drakkar that are taking charge at the moment. So while the Resistance is more concerned with restoring Asgard and dethroning Ilhirel, rather than solving Daskárd's problems, I think Auri's goals are actually better aligned with the rebels - for the time being, at least.

Here's a free note for you on that matter: Remember Laurolf? I say remember because you only met him in this chapter, so he and Auri (and you) haven't actually socialized much. But, he did reveal himself as one of the Runemasters of Knalga back at Auri's residence - one of the paragon leaders of the dwarven kingdom. My point is, with the other Runemasters either dead or having taken the side of the enemy during the short but bloody dwarven civil war (incited by Ilhirel), Laurolf is now something akin to a prince in exile; responsible for his people yet currently unable to do much.

Well, Auri may not be *that* responsible or important, but if he has such a strong desire to help his country (more than I realized, maybe?), then he should slowly start to understand that he's about to find himself in the best possible position to do just that - better than any other drakkar in the world. I am, of course, talking about Dina. She's the rightful heir to the throne of Asgard - provided that her claim is recognized by the Resistance, the rebel's cause of restoring the kingdom will become synonymous with installing Dina on the throne. But Dina wasn't raised a princess. She's from a humble background, traveling with the Chosen who are guiding and protecting her...

And once the war is resolved and Dina crowned queen of Asgard, she most certainly won't forget those who helped her on the way, right?

So Auri's falling in with the Chosen/Resistance could ultimately benefit the Drakkar race a lot more than anything Auri could do as an individual, be he ambassador in the capital or otherwise engaged back home. Ponder that. Auri would (and Laurolf is) *woof*
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So, if Jack does not post, how do we go about rescuing Dina?
Watch out! The Wolf Rawrrr is on the prowl! =)

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