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Fantasy Indescribable ~Reboot~ (Closed)

(XD What a massacre)

Graham continued to walk back to the group, turning around one to Adrian, "really now?"

Adrian exhaled, looking off to the side with a grumpy blush. "Shut up. I was just pointing out that y' were wrong, f'r Reaver's benefit. Don't fockin' boost yer ego."

((Mhmmm. XD ))
Adrian exhaled, looking off to the side with a grumpy blush. "Shut up. I was just pointing out that y' were wrong, f'r Reaver's benefit. Don't fockin' boost yer ego."

((Mhmmm. XD ))
Graham smirked, "too late. It's been boosted!"
Graham smirked, "too late. It's been boosted!"

(( XD ))

Adrian shook his head and sighed. "Y'do this on purpose. I swe--AH!" He yelped as Zuzana tackled him into a tight bear hug.
Graham awed, "how cute! Get em' Zuzu!"

Zuzana tightened her hug at that, frowning. "I was so worried about you! I felt something in the imprint but I wasn't sure what it was because all it did was burn a bit." She nuzzled Adrian's cheek before looking at him with a frown. "What happened?. ."

"And why d' ya have Graham's shirt?" Reaver squinted a bit as his yandere side fucking kicked the activation lever.

Adrian's eyes shot wide, pointing to Graham. "He didn't want me t' complain about burning since I lost my own shirt."

The two then blinked.

". . . How did y' loose yer shirt? Did ya flip out like Dipper does when he goes Mad Dog?" Reaver tilted his head, latching onto Graham's half naked body while looking at Adrian, who'd sigh and fill them both in on everything that happened.
Zuzana tightened her hug at that, frowning. "I was so worried about you! I felt something in the imprint but I wasn't sure what it was because all it did was burn a bit." She nuzzled Adrian's cheek before looking at him with a frown. "What happened?. ."

"And why d' ya have Graham's shirt?" Reaver squinted a bit as his yandere side fucking kicked the activation lever.

Adrian's eyes shot wide, pointing to Graham. "He didn't want me t' complain about burning since I lost my own shirt."

The two then blinked.

". . . How did y' loose yer shirt? Did ya flip out like Dipper does when he goes Mad Dog?" Reaver tilted his head, latching onto Graham's half naked body while looking at Adrian, who'd sigh and fill them both in on everything that happened.
Graham nodded as Adrian explained as he rubbed Reaver's back, holding him. "Yeah, it was craaaaazy."
Graham nodded as Adrian explained as he rubbed Reaver's back, holding him. "Yeah, it was craaaaazy."

Reaver blinked a few times, Zuzana rolling up the sleeve to look at Adrian's tattoo with furrowed brows.

". . . Does it hurt now?"

Adrian shook his head, sighing. "Thankfully no." He stated and then yelped when Zuzana punched it. "OWWWW!"

"That's for not having me come with you and scaring the Hell out of me. Thank the Gods for Graham going after you, though he lied too." Zuzana squinted to Graham.
Reaver blinked a few times, Zuzana rolling up the sleeve to look at Adrian's tattoo with furrowed brows.

". . . Does it hurt now?"

Adrian shook his head, sighing. "Thankfully no." He stated and then yelped when Zuzana punched it. "OWWWW!"

"That's for not having me come with you and scaring the Hell out of me. Thank the Gods for Graham going after you, though he lied too." Zuzana squinted to Graham.
Graham whined at the squint, "but he's my king and he told me not to worry you and I have to follow the King's orders!"
Graham nodded as Adrian explained as he rubbed Reaver's back, holding him. "Yeah, it was craaaaazy."
Graham whined at the squint, "but he's my king and he told me not to worry you and I have to follow the King's orders!"

"And it's not like I was expecting t' be turned on, either. I honestly thought I was gonna be safe talkin' t' mam. . ." Adrian looked down, Zuzana gently sighing.
"what do we do now though?" Graham asked.

Zuzana bit her lip, bringing her hand up to gently rub Adrian's back after noticing the returning emotions in his eyes. She sighed, then. "Well, it doesn't seem like there's any use in fixing it, so. . . guess we'll just have to roll with it and plan for the future." Adrian sighed and eventually placed his forehead to Zuzana's shoulder. Zuzana frowned a bit at this, looking to Adrian as she moved and pulled him into a tight hug once again. "What's that sad look for?"

"This is--"

"Shhh, it's not, Adee. It's really not." Zuzana gently turned and softly tilted Adrian's head up, cupping his cheeks in her hands. "Like you said, there was no possible way y'could've foreseen that happening." She smiled gently, and brought Adrian's forehead to hers. "Not only that, but I'm gonna love ya no matter what you are."

Adrian forgot they weren't alone for a moment, smiling gently to Zuzana. "Really?.."

Zuzana smiled a bit wider. "Of course, Adrian! You're my husband, the father to our beautiful children and you're still the dork I fell in love with back in highschool, no matter what."

Adrian released a gentle breath at that, watching his wife's golden/orange eyes. "No matter how many thrones I own?" He whispered.

"Whether y'had a million, or none, you're still my special Wolfie." Zuzana pecked his lips gently before pulling back and closing her eyes to match her smile. "My dashingly handsome man with horrible puns, dark humor and the goatee of the devil."

Adrian closed his own crimson, almost blood red irises as he chuckled gently before that chuckling turned to sobbing as he pulled Zuzana into a tight embrace. "I don't know what I'd fucking do without you in my life, Zuzana. I really don't."
Zuzana bit her lip, bringing her hand up to gently rub Adrian's back after noticing the returning emotions in his eyes. She sighed, then. "Well, it doesn't seem like there's any use in fixing it, so. . . guess we'll just have to roll with it and plan for the future." Adrian sighed and eventually placed his forehead to Zuzana's shoulder. Zuzana frowned a bit at this, looking to Adrian as she moved and pulled him into a tight hug once again. "What's that sad look for?"

"This is--"

"Shhh, it's not, Adee. It's really not." Zuzana gently turned and softly tilted Adrian's head up, cupping his cheeks in her hands. "Like you said, there was no possible way y'could've foreseen that happening." She smiled gently, and brought Adrian's forehead to hers. "Not only that, but I'm gonna love ya no matter what you are."

Adrian forgot they weren't alone for a moment, smiling gently to Zuzana. "Really?.."

Zuzana smiled a bit wider. "Of course, Adrian! You're my husband, the father to our beautiful children and you're still the dork I fell in love with back in highschool, no matter what."

Adrian released a gentle breath at that, watching his wife's golden/orange eyes. "No matter how many thrones I own?" He whispered.

"Whether y'had a million, or none, you're still my special Wolfie." Zuzana pecked his lips gently before pulling back and closing her eyes to match her smile. "My dashingly handsome man with horrible puns, dark humor and the goatee of the devil."

Adrian closed his own crimson, almost blood red irises as he chuckled gently before that chuckling turned to sobbing as he pulled Zuzana into a tight embrace. "I don't know what I'd fucking do without you in my life, Zuzana. I really don't."
Graham bit his knuckles as he held in the awes. "Reaver, it hurts." He whispered.
Graham nodded, "oh so badly. Please do whatever."

Reaver quickly pulled Graham down into a deep, passionate kiss at that.

Reaver quickly pulled Graham down into a deep, passionate kiss at that.

Graham blinked back before kissing him back. He smirked as he separated just inches from his lips. "So is this what you mean by distraction?"
Graham blinked back before kissing him back. He smirked as he separated just inches from his lips. "So is this what you mean by distraction?"

Reaver caught his breath, smirking up at Graham. "Worked, didn't it?"
Graham nodded, "can you kiss me again?"

Reaver snickered. "Weeell, since ya asked so nicely." He pulled Graham down into another kiss.

Zuzana would rock with Adrian a bit, being sure to keep the hug going since Adrian was still practically clung to her. Her lips then pecked Adrian's forehead, humming softly to the music in the background. Adrian then looked up at her after having his head buried in her shoulder for the longest time.

"I didn't think you still liked this song?" He smiled a bit. "We haven't heard Zombie since the concert we went to in senior year. Though, this is the Bad Wolves version, not Cranberries. Gods rest Dolores O'Riordan's soul."

Zuzana giggled. "You kidding? Surprisingly I still like quite a few songs from those days. . . NOT ALL."

Adrian laughed and pulled Zuzana off her feet in his hug as he swayed to the music. "Not that it matters. I'm just glad we like the same things."

Zuzana continued her giggling until she was set down. "Believe me, I'm glad to."

Adrian laughed joyously, resting his cheek on Zuzana's head as he quietly sang along. "But you see, it's not me. It's not my--"

"family." Zuzana joined in quietly, as well. Adrian smiled as Zuzana continued. "In your head, in your head, they are fightiiiing."

"With their tanks,"

"And their bombs,"

"and their guns,"

"And their drones."

"In yer head, in yer head, they are cryyyiiiiiin'~"

The two counted down from three before the chorus, where they wrapped an arm around each others shoulders, then raised their free hands to give the hand-horns before singing like a couple teens at a rock concert. "WHAT'S IN Y'R HEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!?

Adrian cleared his throat and continued, not giving two shits about the crowd the two dorks with good voices were gaining. it was nice, anyways, since everyone raised their lighters. Even Dei and Malvo because of couuurse. "Another mother's breaking heart is taking over."

Zuzana fixed her hair, continuing after Adrian like before. "When the violence causes silence, we must be mistaken."

"It's the same old theme in 2018."

"In your head, in your head, they're still fightiiiiiing."

"With their tanks,"

"And their bombs,"

"And their guns,"

"And their drones."

"In yer head,"

"In your head,"


They locked together at the hands closest to each other before raising their fist of companionship up at the same time as their sign of the horn hands as they jumped back into the chorus, and since the crowd sang along too, that section of the park was filled with people singing.
Reaver snickered. "Weeell, since ya asked so nicely." He pulled Graham down into another kiss.

Zuzana would rock with Adrian a bit, being sure to keep the hug going since Adrian was still practically clung to her. Her lips then pecked Adrian's forehead, humming softly to the music in the background. Adrian then looked up at her after having his head buried in her shoulder for the longest time.

"I didn't think you still liked this song?" He smiled a bit. "We haven't heard Zombie since the concert we went to in senior year. Though, this is the Bad Wolves version, not Cranberries. Gods rest Dolores O'Riordan's soul."

Zuzana giggled. "You kidding? Surprisingly I still like quite a few songs from those days. . . NOT ALL."

Adrian laughed and pulled Zuzana off her feet in his hug as he swayed to the music. "Not that it matters. I'm just glad we like the same things."

Zuzana continued her giggling until she was set down. "Believe me, I'm glad to."

Adrian laughed joyously, resting his cheek on Zuzana's head as he quietly sang along. "But you see, it's not me. It's not my--"

"family." Zuzana joined in quietly, as well. Adrian smiled as Zuzana continued. "In your head, in your head, they are fightiiiing."

"With their tanks,"

"And their bombs,"

"and their guns,"

"And their drones."

"In yer head, in yer head, they are cryyyiiiiiin'~"

The two counted down from three before the chorus, where they wrapped an arm around each others shoulders, then raised their free hands to give the hand-horns before singing like a couple teens at a rock concert. "WHAT'S IN Y'R HEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!?

Adrian cleared his throat and continued, not giving two shits about the crowd the two dorks with good voices were gaining. it was nice, anyways, since everyone raised their lighters. Even Dei and Malvo because of couuurse. "Another mother's breaking heart is taking over."

Zuzana fixed her hair, continuing after Adrian like before. "When the violence causes silence, we must be mistaken."

"It's the same old theme in 2018."

"In your head, in your head, they're still fightiiiiiing."

"With their tanks,"

"And their bombs,"

"And their guns,"

"And their drones."

"In yer head,"

"In your head,"


They locked together at the hands closest to each other before raising their fist of companionship up at the same time as their sign of the horn hands as they jumped back into the chorus, and since the crowd sang along too, that section of the park was filled with people singing.
Graham continued to kiss his baby booooo as Masaur groan and wandered off. "And this is why I need a gun."
Graham continued to kiss his baby booooo as Masaur groan and wandered off. "And this is why I need a gun."

Dei-Loki grabbed Masaru, pulling him back over with the hand that wasn't holding the lighter up, the crowd cheering once the song was through.

"Aaaaaah, this is why it's good t' drop the ability t' have parents embarrass y' waaaaaay back in schooling days." Malvo stated, putting her lighter away as Dei-Loki snickered and shrugged.

"As long as it's a good song and they aren't dancing and pointing us out, I'm fine with it." He put his lighter away, as well. Still holding onto Masaru's shirt. "Aaaaand, since it's dad's birthday I really can't complain anyways, though even if I did I have a few questions that are unrelated so I gotta stick around anyways because THERE. . . was a MASSIVE demonic energy spike and it's piqued my interest."

"He starts singing FFDP, and I'm tying you t' Masaru's back so he can help you leave."

Dei-Loki pouted. "BUT THEY'RE GOOD TOO!"
Dei-Loki grabbed Masaru, pulling him back over with the hand that wasn't holding the lighter up, the crowd cheering once the song was through.

"Aaaaaah, this is why it's good t' drop the ability t' have parents embarrass y' waaaaaay back in schooling days." Malvo stated, putting her lighter away as Dei-Loki snickered and shrugged.

"As long as it's a good song and they aren't dancing and pointing us out, I'm fine with it." He put his lighter away, as well. Still holding onto Masaru's shirt. "Aaaaand, since it's dad's birthday I really can't complain anyways, though even if I did I have a few questions that are unrelated so I gotta stick around anyways because THERE. . . was a MASSIVE demonic energy spike and it's piqued my interest."

"He starts singing FFDP, and I'm tying you t' Masaru's back so he can help you leave."

Dei-Loki pouted. "BUT THEY'RE GOOD TOO!"
Masaru groaned, "i don't care what's going on just get me out of this hell hole!"

Yuki giggled, "i kinda like it. It's cute and sweet."

"I wonder what this place would look like with everyone dead."
Masaru groaned, "i don't care what's going on just get me out of this hell hole!"

Yuki giggled, "i kinda like it. It's cute and sweet."

"I wonder what this place would look like with everyone dead."

Dei-Loki squinted like the weird mama woof beah he was, a demonic flash in his eyes as he ended up gesturing to the teary-eyed baboos clinging to his back. "Everyone, huh?"

Dei-Loki squinted like the weird mama woof beah he was, a demonic flash in his eyes as he ended up gesturing to the teary-eyed baboos clinging to his back. "Everyone, huh?"

Masaru squinted before sighing, "nooooooo. No one at all. Daddi's just saying rude things because he's a bad boy. I won't ever hurt anyone." He then looked around, 'as much as it would satisfy this raging headache.' He thought to himself before looking back. "They're goo-. . . they're ni-. . . they're people. And Daddi doesn't hurt . . . people."

(Wow. Y'struggled HARSHLY)
Masaru squinted before sighing, "nooooooo. No one at all. Daddi's just saying rude things because he's a bad boy. I won't ever hurt anyone." He then looked around, 'as much as it would satisfy this raging headache.' He thought to himself before looking back. "They're goo-. . . they're ni-. . . they're people. And Daddi doesn't hurt . . . people."

(Wow. Y'struggled HARSHLY)

Dei-Loki squinted further in return, discretely popping his knuckles like he was absorbing typical PMS kinda bullshite from his god, but he didn't say anything more as the kids nodded to Masaru and rubbed their eyes.

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