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Fantasy The Kirkwall team.- interest check/ open and accepting


The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The title is a work in progress for this fantasy rp, it is casual in nature, aiming to be a dark, funny, interesting bit of writing that all players will feel eager to add to.

In a age of black powder and magic, guilds and monsters. The massive city of Kirkwall is where our intriguing story begins... from the tall castle to The lowest slums, Kirkwall has all types of beings existing behind the gigantic stone walls... The majority being human of course.

In every tavern, bar, establishment of adult entertainment... is the same job notice.
Kill Wolftooth.
Reward. Wishes granted.
By order of King Amber.

No sane man dared attempt a quest so dangerous. The rumours spread for years how the guild of champions attempted, and failed against the Wolf-king...
How the the wizard master Shen Anigans lost his hand to the wolf-king...
Even the wall slums whisper of the failings of the shadowhand, a vast network of rogues, thieves and assassins.
However... The two kings of Kirkwall, Leo and Wert Amber knows the monster king is raising a army. They know Kirkwall needs heroes, or at the very least... a team of skilled individuals who could be sent in first before the dark clouds come blowing over the horizon.

If you want to join this adventure, this call for your name to be remembered as legend...
You are some person or sentient monster,

(that can at least disguise itself as a human through hilarious/strategically placed clothes to hide the fact your a skeleton, a lizardman etc etc)

As some person or sentient monster in armour you likely have some skill in defending yourself...
Be that magic or blade, bullet or fist.. the time to have your wish granted is now!
Just a difficult quest and the walk back first...

(More to come, if interest builds a character page and general info page will explain that nitty gritty of it all)

Fantasy - The Kirkwall team. Character page
Characters ^

Fantasy - The Kirkwall team; info
Information on the world, factions, known enemies will be put here^^^
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Interested! Also, I think they meant the length of posts, like paragraph-wise.
Makes sense..

Well Iโ€™m not forcing people to make pages... and Iโ€™d say a paragraph would be bare minimum
This here is a drapht of the character sheet Iโ€™m thinking of. In case any of you want to work on a character

Appearance; (be as descriptive as you want, use any picture you like)

Faction; (not strictly needed)
(you can make up your own if you like, but the three main factions are..
The guild of champions!! Think knights and archers, they are a branch of Kirkwallโ€™s military and guards.
The Magi academy!! Magic users, from Kirkwallโ€™s very own academy or from one of the lands other prestigious establishments that inform how to be better then muggles normal folk.
the shadowhands. Criminal sort, a network of underhanded people, more sneaky and sly then magic or strong. The shadowhand have ranks and titles which all answer to the council of nobody.
Assassins, thieves, rogues... the sort you want nothing to do with, unless you paid for the service.)


(You get up to five main skills, things you are confident in, that can range from combat, cooking, social interactions...)

(You have as many flaws as you do skills, so four skills means four flaws. This can be anything from... old injuries, a complete lack of direction, inhumanly dumb...)
This here is a drapht of the character sheet Iโ€™m thinking of. In case any of you want to work on a character

Appearance; (be as descriptive as you want, use any picture you like)

Faction; (not strictly needed)
(you can make up your own if you like, but the three main factions are..
The guild of champions!! Think knights and archers, they are a branch of Kirkwallโ€™s military and guards.
The Magi academy!! Magic users, from Kirkwallโ€™s very own academy or from one of the lands other prestigious establishments that inform how to be better then muggles normal folk.
the shadowhands. Criminal sort, a network of underhanded people, more sneaky and sly then magic or strong. The shadowhand have ranks and titles which all answer to the council of nobody.
Assassins, thieves, rogues... the sort you want nothing to do with, unless you paid for the service.)


(You get up to five main skills, things you are confident in, that can range from combat, cooking, social interactions...)

(You have as many flaws as you do skills, so four skills means four flaws. This can be anything from... old injuries, a complete lack of direction, inhumanly dumb...)
What kinda guns we got
Black powder, so single shot medieval fantasy type rifles an such
How's the majgickq in this worldยฟ

Was thinking thereโ€™s the generic classes and spells, fire water light dark etc
While all who have magic in their blood can learn, they are usually suited to one or two types of magic.
Say Johnson could learn to manipulate water and throw ice, but itโ€™s always been easier for Johnny boy to throw fire.
Nah mean?
Was thinking thereโ€™s the generic classes and spells, fire water light dark etc
While all who have magic in their blood can learn, they are usually suited to one or two types of magic.
Say Johnson could learn to manipulate water and throw ice, but itโ€™s always been easier for Johnny boy to throw fire.
Nah mean?

Would my magic be fine
Summoning and enhancement (enhancement works on the body only)
There is no such thing as original thought anymore my friend, humanity is too old for that

Was going to rhyme a completely original song to prove you wrong, but king diceโ€™s theme is just replaying through my mind. Nothing is better then that at said moment


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