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Fantasy Lakoria High school| {ooc}


Erika Dubloit
Interacting with: Lily (@Shagranoz)

Erika looked up from her book as the announcements were made. In the time where she was reading, her housemate didn't even arrive. How saddening. She flicked her hand to the side and let the book fall into her personal pile of tomes. She made a mental note to continue reading that later. It had gotten so interesting after all. When she stood up, she almost stretched her limbs out of habit but realized that she had no need to. Swiftly moving out of her room by phasing through the door and into the common room. Right, the others still needed to settle in didn't they? But she'd rather not risk Miss Rosenthal's fury by not going there. Upon rounding the corner, she finally reached the area of their meeting with the other members of House Logica. She was quite disappointed to hear that Hecate wasn't in their house, which was surprising considering the fact taht she seemed so into studying - like what their house entails.

But if she's in Haven, then maybe she has more to hide than what she originally thought.

Arriving at the scene, she spotted only one student there. A pink haired student. She tried to think about anyone she might have known that looked like her, but she was rather sure that she didn't know anyone like her. Floating towards the girl, she waved. "Well hello there. Freshman?" She questioned. That's the only reason why she wouldn't know someone from her own House. After all, Erika prided herself in knowing everyone in her house - and even those outside of it. "Erika Dubloit, pleasure to meet you." She extended her hand at Lily, her form solidifying for the physical contact. Erika landed on the ground since she couldn't float and be solid at the same time.
My character Kyra, btw Erika´s future Dorm Mate, is in the common room too, just to mention. Thought i´d say that since i dont have an interaction as of now.
Awfullysorry, but as I don't see where this is "a bit too much", I will drop out. Would've been cool, but no thanks.
It appears that this chat has gone quiet.

Hey man, don’t worry. Sorry if we didn’t respond earlier, I think you were working during our sleeping hours and we just didn’t see it at the time. We are still accepting.

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