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Fandom Superheros and Villains

[] Azal: The Only []
"No, I'm just trying to ward you away with this aura." The emotion impact of the aura was quite draining to anyone around Azal. Some bystanders began complaining about feeling sick. "Say...you're not a normal human, are you?"

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"no im a cyborg." he said. (hey if you could may you use the reply button)
Emily smiled thinking how nice it must be to live in a city like this for thoses who developed powers. Though she figured it's as well deficit for thoses with out the gift of powers.

Her smiled became smaller as she heard him talk about how much of his life he has spent working on the discovery of powers only to come out with nothing. Though she believed what he has done was not loss, it did gain him abilities.

"My abilities?...well they are nothing showy or special....I can't control the elements, don't have strength or transform into anything...nothing cool like that." She said looking over to the sugar packets on the table "I have the gift of telikanises" she softly spoke with a smile as the empty sugar packets left the table and she piled them all together. "I also have a secondary ability....its called Shabonikinesis...so I can create and controls bibbles.." she giggled "it's really nothing and just discovered it a bit ago, but it's fun and it helps out with my primary power..." she replied with a she. Holding her hand in front of her she softly blew, and a dozen little bubbles floated out towards Ajax. To others around who aren't really paying attention would wonder why the women would have brought bubble to blow inside a cafe.
Jax damn near giggled at the sight of the bubbles. He laughed for a good bit before finialy collecting himself "That's a good ability to have. Telekenisis espically"
He sipped his coffee down again. This time, finishing the small cup.
"I'll have to go soon though. If you have nothing else to do your free to come with to my lab" Jax informed her. Putting more trust into Emily than he does in most others.
He would really want to talk all morning to Emily, but he had things to do.
"Look I'm not joining. I'm no hero. All I do is help Paris when its needed." He heads to the bedroom.

"Nothing" Janus said.
"look man i'm not gonna make you leave paris. we need HL patrols here." Sans said.

(I thought i said no one heard Peter) Peter looked around. He brought the camera view finder to his eye and once again began to take pictures.
[] Azal: The Only []
"Damn." Azal sighed. He couldn't copy a cyborg's powers. No need for that though. "Well, I'm off I guess. You don't happen to uh...have any bus money do you? I can't fly or run super fast all the time."

Musicnotes Musicnotes (Why do I have to use reply? It makes the post look ugly.)
"look man i'm not gonna make you leave paris. we need HL patrols here." Sans said.

(I thought i said no one heard Peter) Peter looked around. He brought the camera view finder to his eye and once again began to take pictures.
"Can I think about it." He asked putting on a green tie and in his arms he carried a black suit jacket.

(oh i thought he was by him) Janus sent another text once he was alone.
[] Azal: The Only []
"Damn." Azal sighed. He couldn't copy a cyborg's powers. No need for that though. "Well, I'm off I guess. You don't happen to uh...have any bus money do you? I can't fly or run super fast all the time."

Musicnotes Musicnotes (Why do I have to use reply? It makes the post look ugly.)
(look at it this way, we have a lot of people on this thread and if you don'r use the reply button more often than no it means more work for us because we have to keep an eye out for your posts instead of just being notified)
[] Azal: The Only []
"Damn." Azal sighed. He couldn't copy a cyborg's powers. No need for that though. "Well, I'm off I guess. You don't happen to uh...have any bus money do you? I can't fly or run super fast all the time."

Musicnotes Musicnotes (Why do I have to use reply? It makes the post look ugly.)
(just easier for us to know who your talking to. at least to me it is) "I can fly." Alex said.
"Can I think about it." He asked putting on a green tie and in his arms he carried a black suit jacket.

(oh i thought he was by him) Janus sent another text once he was alone.
"i won't push ya into it." Sans said. "one that's be rude two it'd be too much work." He said. "job interview?"
"i won't push ya into it." Sans said. "one that's be rude two it'd be too much work." He said. "job interview?"
"no." He said as his phone vibrated, he walked over to it before turning to Sans. "can you get me the box over there?" He pointed to the table where there was a box of macaroons. He picked up his phone.
Jax damn near giggled at the sight of the bubbles. He laughed for a good bit before finialy collecting himself "That's a good ability to have. Telekenisis espically"
He sipped his coffee down again. This time, finishing the small cup.
"I'll have to go soon though. If you have nothing else to do your free to come with to my lab" Jax informed her. Putting more trust into Emily than he does in most others.
He would really want to talk all morning to Emily, but he had things to do.

Emily was quite surprised to see the man full on laugh at her bubbles. At first she felt embarrassed when he started to laugh, though when catching it was an amused laugh she smiled letting out a small chuckle. "thank you, I quite enjoy my abilities" she replied before finishing her coffee cake.
"really?!" she said quite surprised he was inviting her to see his lab "sure! I was just planing to stop by the laybaryand walk around the city...so sure I have the time" she said happily, as she was curious to see his work.
"no." He said as his phone vibrated, he walked over to it before turning to Sans. "can you get me the box over there?" He pointed to the table where there was a box of macaroons. He picked up his phone.
Sans pulled his hand out of his his pocket and pointed it the box. He raised his hand slightly and the box went up it moved toward Oz.

Peter waited around looking at pictures in his camera. But his inevitable Parker look took it's course when some kids unexpected stole away his camera. "Hey!" He turned to run after them but tripped. Normally he could caught his fall but for the sake of being the unnaturally weak nerd he let himself fall.
Sans pulled his hand out of his his pocket and pointed it the box. He raised his hand slightly and the box went up it moved toward Oz.

Peter waited around looking at pictures in his camera. But his inevitable Parker look took it's course when some kids unexpected stole away his camera. "Hey!" He turned to run after them but tripped. Normally he could caught his fall but for the sake of being the unnaturally weak nerd he let himself fall.
"Thanks." Oz said taking the box as he read the text. He sent a text.

"hey you kids give him back the camera he is just doing his job." Apollo said walking over and offered a hand. Janus smiled. "finally he's on his way." He quickly put away his phone.
"Thanks." Oz said taking the box as he read the text. He sent a text.

"hey you kids give him back the camera he is just doing his job." Apollo said walking over and offered a hand. Janus smiled. "finally he's on his way." He quickly put away his phone.
Sans shrugged. "welp we'll talk more about it later." He said. "this is where i'm staying." He said handing him the address to his suite.

"Thank you very much sir." He said. "I would have been in a lot of trouble with my company if I lost these photos."
Sans shrugged. "welp we'll talk more about it later." He said. "this is where i'm staying." He said handing him the address to his suite.

"Thank you very much sir." He said. "I would have been in a lot of trouble with my company if I lost these photos."
"sure." He put it in his pocket. "you can see yourself out." He walked out of the apartment.

"no problem. you're just doing your job." He said.
(If I'm tagging you it should be fine, you still get notifications.)

[] Azal: The Only []
"I envy you. That and your ability to feel pain." Azal sighed and stuck his hand out. "I've always had trouble with cyborgs, but I suppose you aren't so bad. After all, you let me go after knocking that poor man out."

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"sure." He put it in his pocket. "you can see yourself out." He walked out of the apartment.

"no problem. you're just doing your job." He said.
"Sans walked out the door of the apartment ending up right inside his suite.

Peter nodded. He took a picture of Apollo and walked off to find Eric
(If I'm tagging you it should be fine, you still get notifications.)

[] Azal: The Only []
"I envy you. That and your ability to feel pain." Azal sighed and stuck his hand out. "I've always had trouble with cyborgs, but I suppose you aren't so bad. After all, you let me go after knocking that poor man out."

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"Lets just call it a one time free pass but I'll keep an eye on you." He took Azal's hand before he made his clothes change to his armor and activated his rocket boots.
"Sans walked out the door of the apartment ending up right inside his suite.

Peter nodded. He took a picture of Apollo and walked off to find Eric
Oz walked outside and saw a door. "well time to do this" It opened and he walked through.

Eric was leaning against a wall watching everything.
Oz walked outside and saw a door. "well time to do this" It opened and he walked through.

Eric was leaning against a wall watching everything.
Sans crawled into his bed and drifted off too sleep.

Peter walked up to him. "How you holding up?" He asked.
Sans crawled into his bed and drifted off too sleep.

Peter walked up to him. "How you holding up?" He asked.
Oz ended up in a different part of the funeral home away from people. He found a chair and sat down to wait for a little while.

"I'm fine, ill miss her." Eric said
Oz ended up in a different part of the funeral home away from people. He found a chair and sat down to wait for a little while.

"I'm fine, ill miss her." Eric said
Peter nodded. "A woman like her. Hard not to miss her." He said. So far he has been spoon feeding the family everything they wanted to hear. He was really here to gather info though it had to be discreet. "Man I wish I could kill whoever did this." He said.
Peter nodded. "A woman like her. Hard not to miss her." He said. So far he has been spoon feeding the family everything they wanted to hear. He was really here to gather info though it had to be discreet. "Man I wish I could kill whoever did this." He said.
"I heard the police dont know who did it and that he got away." He shrugged. Janus headed out of the room.
"I heard the police dont know who did it and that he got away." He shrugged. Janus headed out of the room.
"Hey I gotta use the restroom." He said. Once he was out of sight he focused and the navy suit turned into the black suit. He focused more and the symbiote blended into the surroundings. He jumped onto the ceiling and followed Janus
Emily was quite surprised to see the man full on laugh at her bubbles. At first she felt embarrassed when he started to laugh, though when catching it was an amused laugh she smiled letting out a small chuckle. "thank you, I quite enjoy my abilities" she replied before finishing her coffee cake.
"really?!" she said quite surprised he was inviting her to see his lab "sure! I was just planing to stop by the laybaryand walk around the city...so sure I have the time" she said happily, as she was curious to see his work.
Ajax smirks and stands up. "Great!" He exclaimed. Throwing the cup away in a nearby trashcan. He motioned for Emily to come with, waiting for her to get ready to go. "It's not that far of walk. Really just a stones throw away." Jax takes a few steps towards the door. Not sure if what he's doing is the smartest idea, but he often longed for extended interaction.
Ajax smirks and stands up. "Great!" He exclaimed. Throwing the cup away in a nearby trashcan. He motioned for Emily to come with, waiting for her to get ready to go. "It's not that far of walk. Really just a stones throw away." Jax takes a few steps towards the door. Not sure if what he's doing is the smartest idea, but he often longed for extended interaction.
Emily smiled gathering her things and throwing away her trash. She dusted off her sun dress and grabed her messanger bag. "sounds good,...lead the way ill follow" she said happily as she followed him out the door of the shop.

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