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Realistic or Modern x A Fight for Survival x ~ (An Apocalyptic Rp) x -Neutral Territory

Should we make a Discord?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • Nah

    Votes: 6 42.9%

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Where do i state Marth fell eh Chiplot?
It's a flowing sentence with the glass as the main subject at hand with Marthy as a secondary object inside the sentence.

EDIIIIT:Me and Shad are not fightin. Don't worry! We've encountered eachother plenty before this.
Y she thinkin we fightin tho?
Lolololol can never be to sure ahahah tis the internet after all bbs.

just a gentle...forceful...gentle reminder ;) <3
hey y’all my notifications have been whacked, so if i’m a little slow to reply that’s why
also just got a rhett post up, long time i haven’t posted for him! anyways i don’t have practice for the next few days so i’ll be quite active in the afternoons, so i’ll post for Lee then!
hi everyone.
i’m completelt delirious right now, but hey, i think that’s a new record. i will be much free-er tomorrow so i won’t really be posting any time soon. i do hope i get finished tonight with most things but yes.

miss y’all.
So that post was originally much longer but after I realized the length, I backpedaled and start deleting shit. Didnt notice how much I wrote till I was done lol

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