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Nation Building The World of Ioria {OCC}

Lol, Movli's gonna freak out so hard and try to burn the island.
Alright. But I do suggest that you take control of Edgy Kitten's characters. My first character, Tygo, is in a thing with her character Chouette. As it seems that she is not returning, you'll will need to take control of Chouette in order for Tygo to do anything else.
Honestly what you'll have to do is assume that Choutte gave her back then flew off somewhere. They are not my characters to control, so I can't really do that.
KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa I keep forgetting to ask---
So I would like to think that when looking at the cultists or the work of them, Minos could see traces with the use of his eye [even if he doesn't know what it means].

I imagine if he would read someone's aura who got infected with something like this, he'd see a slight change in their aura.

Does that work out would the traces be seen as something else?
KhalZhavvorsa KhalZhavvorsa I keep forgetting to ask---
So I would like to think that when looking at the cultists or the work of them, Minos could see traces with the use of his eye [even if he doesn't know what it means].

I imagine if he would read someone's aura who got infected with something like this, he'd see a slight change in their aura.

Does that work out would the traces be seen as something else?
That does work out. Yeah I was actually hoping you do would do something like that with him~
Does she :p? I doubt it~ She seems like the boring type x3 OR THE EGOTISTICAL KIND TO DREAM ABOUT SAVING THE WORLD FROM THE PLAGUE AND SHE GETS CHEERED ON AND EVERYONE LOVES HER!! (Yeah..I'm..getting carried away..)

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