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Realistic or Modern Apocalypse

Liam Grove
Liam would've preferred having the can of spam, but hopefully Francesca would share. When Allegra arrived, Katherine's sudden instinct to draw her guns at one of his group members meant that he would have to step in, reluctantly so. Thankfully, Francesca calmed the situation down so he wouldn't have to speak much. As Francesca tossed the spam back and forth, he eyed it jealousy as any sort of meat would offer much more nutrition than peaches - but now he would just wait until they were given a chance to eat.

spacient spacient Human__Ramen Human__Ramen
Colette Angeliqué
"It's a survivors colony in Northern California. That's where we're going. You can come with us, but you're going to have to give that up for now," Colette already found it an extremely bad idea. The girl seemed attached to it, maybe it was the only thing she had left from her time in the Marine. But then Will told Anastasiya to hand it over to her, and the girl just knew that she would have to take care of it with her life. Her thoughts were just confirmed when the former marine did as told, but not before whispering to Colette.
"Please take care of it - that rifle's carried me through everything." And all the brunette could do was nod, her words stuck in her throat.

As she let the rifle dangle at her side just like Anastasiya did before, a blonde boy, that she honestly couldn't remember the name of, shuffled towards her, ending up pressing himself against the wall next to where she was standing. "Have-Have you-"A small laugh left her lips as she directed her attention towards him, leaving traces of a smile behind. "Have I...?" No matter how cold it was, she wouldn't miss a chance to mock someone. "Dammit!" What looked like it could be a laugh was quickly disguised with a fake cough, her hand covering her mouth.

S n o w S n o w AttackOnTak AttackOnTak
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Allegra Sauvagess & Katherine Powell
Katherine realized that she was gonna need her notebook for the next few minutes. She pulled it out from her pack again and opened it on the first page, presenting it to Francesca.

My name's Katherine, I'm 22 and I can't speak
The writing was cut and dry and it presented the only real information anyone really needed to know about her. She put her pack on her back and held the notebook under her arm.
She began walking, but the injury on her leg prevented her from walking normally, causing her to stumble and put her weight on the receptionist counter.

Kate looked up at Frankie, grinding her teeth together in pain.

For someone who had just been threatened at gunpoint less than a minute ago, Allegra was surprisingly nice to Katherine. Maybe it was the near death experience she had with Will a few moments ago, but in hindsight, she had literally crash landed in a helicopter before and she still acted her normal self (so maybe it was just the man controlling these two girls like Sims that forced her to be friendly to someone who was willing to kill her).
"Hey, you need help?" Ally asked, approaching the girl with a caring expression taking over her face. Kate redirected her eyes to Ally and nodded.
Allegra positioned herself by Kate's side and threw her arm over her shoulder, essentially providing the girl a human crutch. They walked out of the building together and Ally directed her towards her group, who was hidden within the fog.
spacient spacient Fizz Fizz
Will Harris

Will looked away from him. He already knew this. It was the third time that day alone that someone had thrown their problems in his face, twice from Nikita no less, and he couldn't help but be a little frustrated. "That's exactly what you're telling me to do," he said with a sigh. He ran a hand through his hair. "You don't think I've been thinking of our problems? What do you think we're doing out here? Everything I do, everything I've ever done is to fix this for everyone," he gestured around. "What would you have me do with her then? Have someone shoot her right here and now? Throw her at the undead so she can't follow us? Leave her out here to starve and die when I could've done something about it?" He scrubbed his hands against his face. "I can't do that. There's barely anyone alive as it is. The more people that we get to Pax, the better," he looked back, and saw Colette holding her rifle. "So, we'll take her with us for now."

Will frowned, shaking his head. "But later, one we've found shelter and before the food is split up, we'll have a group vote on whether she stays or not. If enough people agree with you then..." He didn't think he had to finish that thought for Nikita to know where it was going. He met his eyes. "And don't try to guilt-trip me again."
The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect
Nikita Vissarionovich

"I would not have you do anything. The simple fact is, our group has its doors wide open for anybody to just waltz in. I am only suggesting that we become more strict with the people that we let in. For some reason you feel that we owe it to every single person we come across to take them with us to Pax when doing so is just counter intuitive. If we had a settlement, then having more people would most definitely make sense. But we do not have a settlement do we? No base. No home. We are just nomads moving from place to place until we reach Pax. Know the difference between having one more person reach Pax, and having nobody reach Pax. That will be it from me." Nikita was done trying to get his point across. It was clear that it was a point of view only he and perhaps a few members of the group shared. "By the way, we do not need a vote as I won't be arguing against her in front of everyone like that. I don't need everybody antagonising me any more than they already do, even when I am fully justified. Sometimes bringing up logic just gets under people's skin. I'll leave it to you." and with that, Nikita waited for a final response from Will before returning to the group.

S n o w S n o w
Cole Bishop

Cole stared at her when she started laughing, and then his eyes drifted down to the rifle at her side. That was one item down on his 'cannibalizing strangers' checklist-No, no, focus! Why did Allergen say she would die first again? He couldn't remember if she ever answered. He cleared his throat, trying to get his teeth to stay still. "J-Just dying of hypothermia. Hilarious." It wasn't often that he found himself as the one being mocked and not the one doing it, but it made him reconsider Colette. "Do you always laugh when someone is going through a near death experience? I bet you would've been rolling on the floor if you went after that girl earlier, Allergy or whatever." He raised an eyebrow at her.
Cronos Cronos
Colette Angeliqué

"J-Just dying of hypothermia. Hilarious."
For some reason, even after his response, the mischievous smirk didn't seem to leave her lips, instead the girl just shrugged at him. "Do you always laugh when someone is going through a near death experience? I bet you would've been rolling around on the floor if you went after that girl earlier, Allergy or whatever." The smirk was replaced by a confused expression, her head slightly falling to the side. She wondered who in the group could have a name similar to what he said. Then, it hit her and Colette bursted into a small fit of laughter. "Do you mean Allegra?" When she finally managed to answer him, she felt slightly warmer. But in honesty, the girl couldn't even remember his name.

S n o w S n o w

Human__Ramen Human__Ramen Fizz Fizz Cronos Cronos S n o w S n o w The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect - pretty much everyone in the group except Abigail and Maverick
Frankie followed them out into the snow once again, feeling grateful that Allegra took over holding up Katherine. It wouldn't be fun holding up someone you just threatened so shoot, but oh well. She shoved the can of spam in her pocket and finally went and grabbed her bag of stuff from before, including the rolled comforter that she had found and placed by her backpack and holding it under her arm and keeping it propped by her hip. She fell in line next to Liam as they walked out into the show again

Finally they came back to the group that was huddled in the snow and wind, and she looked around at the cold faces. Well, there was another new person, so this would be interesting - 2 new people in 1 day. She could get to Will later, who was talking to Nikita, probably about the new girl. In the meantime, she looked around and tried to decide who was shivering the most, and her eyes landed on Cole, the kid she was talking to earlier. She went over to him, holding out the comforter, "Hey, it isn't my jacket, but you look like you need this."
Cole Bishop

Cole paused for a few seconds. Allegra. Was that her name? It didn't ring any more bells than what he had already been calling her. He shook his head. "Nah, I'm pretty sure it's Allergy," he said, shooting her a smile. "You know, you both have a lot in common. You both ignore just about everything I say, and only focus on answering the end part." He looked back when Frankie spoke to him, barely glancing at the person between her and Allergy. His eyes landed on the comforter. It was almost as good as being given a steaming cup of hot chocolate. He took it before he spoke, just in case she tried to take back her offer. "And to think earlier you were blowing me off," he wrapped the comforter around himself and sighed in relief.
Cronos Cronos spacient spacient Fizz Fizz Human__Ramen Human__Ramen

Will Harris

Will ran a hand through his hair again, but didn't immediately answer him. There was nothing left to say. He already took his stance, just as Nikita was sticking to his. He would think more on whether or not to have a group vote on Anastasiya, but beyond that he couldn't just leave her. It wasn't in him to turn someone away, especially in the middle of a snowstorm. "No. We're all making it to Pax. There's no other alternative," he finally said, and headed back to the rest of the group. Frankie and Liam had come back from wherever, and- He blinked at the woman Allegra was carrying. He noticed the blood on her leg, and turned back to Nikita automatically. "Nikita, help her." After their conversation, Will couldn't be sure he would without being told to.
The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect
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Colette Angeliqué

Colette shook her head, a chuckle pushing pass her lips. There was something about this boy. She just hasn't decided if that thing was good or bad. "You know, you both have a lot in common. You both ignore just about everything I say, and only focus on answering the end part." That was indeed true, the girl had only been answering his last sentence, maybe the cold air got to her brain and froze the section of it in charge of knowing how to have a conversation. Or she just found it funnier this way.

Once Colette saw a short haired girl approach them, she tried her best to remember her name. Freya. No, that was a girl from this stupid vampire tv show she used to watch when she had nothing better to do. Felicity. No, that was another girl, now from a super hero tv show; one she actually enjoyed. Farrah. Now she was just thinking of Farrah Fawcett, someone her step-mother said had the best hair in the 70's. Francesca? That was it. She had arrived with Allegra , Liam and a stranger that immediately made her wary, there was something about this girl. Something that she quite couldn't put her finger on it. "And to think earlier you were blowing me off," A familiar voice brought her back to reality, her attention back on him. "What was that thing that you wanted to ask me?"

S n o w S n o w spacient spacient Fizz Fizz Human__Ramen Human__Ramen
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S n o w S n o w
Frankie clapped the kid on the shoulder with a genuine smile on her face, "Hey, I don't want you to freeze out here~" she chuckled once before turning away and seeing Will finally disengaged with Nikita, and he didn't look in the best of moods. He actually looked stressed and worried, which was rightfully so. Now was as good of a time as ever, at least she could talk with him one on one about their improbably deal she made with Kate.

She walked over to Will, sounding a little quieter, "Will, I found her," she gestured to Kate,"Uhh... could we talk for a quick second? It's a little more complicated than just finding a random girl hurt on the side of a road."
Nikita Vissarionovich

Nikita growled a tiny bit under his breath. He was obviously annoyed at the fact that not only did they need to accept another person into their group, but this new person was in a condition where she would be of no use. Simply put, she is a waste of resources and it would be better to just kill her and take her things. But he knew that he was not the one in charge. He walked over to Allegra who was holding the woman. He then asked for details so as to prevent the waste of time. "Give me as much details as possible." Whilst asking, he removed his backpack from his bag and opened it up. He then pushed aside the books he had taken to get access to his medical supplies.

Human__Ramen Human__Ramen
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Allegra Sauvagess & Katherine Powell
Ally helped Kate sit on the snow while she extended her leg to be patched up by the doctor. Only now did Katherine realize how cold it was outside, compared to the 48 hours she spent inhaling dust inside the apartment complex. She tugged at her jacket, trying to keep warm.
Allegra stood beside Kate, organizing her thoughts to answer Nikita's question.
"Well, her name's Katherine, she's 22 years old and she's mute." She answered, mentally reading the information on Kate's notebook presented to her, Frankie and Liam back at the apartment. "We - They found her under some rubble. Told me she said she was down there for two days with no food or water."
Ally realized that by saying that, Nikita would assume she didn't have food and would most likely shoot her right between the eyes in the next two seconds. She knelt next to Kate and leaned into her ear.
"Yeah, uh, you might wanna show him what goods you've got... Like, right now." Ally whispered into Katherine's ear, shooting a suspicious glance at Nikita. Katherine nodded and removed her Alice pack from her back, opening it up and revealing the stupid amount of food she had amassed since day one to the doctor.
Allegra, curious because no one answered her question back at the apartment, walked over to the doc's side to sneak a peek into her pack.
"Oh my God." She said, astonished.
The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect
Liam Grove
Now that the group was back together, maybe they could finally continue their journey towards pax, or just find some place to rest for the rest of the day. Either way, Liam's limbs were aching and he was still starving from not being given a chance to eat. When Katherine revealed her food, he was annoyed for not getting a decent meal - peaches were not going to make him full.

Maybe instead of procrastinating, he should do start acting. He slowly approached Francesca with his pickled peaches. "Hey, umm... I'll trade you the can of spam for this..." he told her, trying to sound as convincing as possible although he doubted she would accept.
spacient spacient
Nikita Vissarionovich
Nikita was listening to her talk about the girl as he was taking the almost empty bottle of alcohol, some bandaging and his medical scissor. He was going to firstly, treat the wound that seemed a bit caved in. He would then see if her joints were dislocated and if her bones were broken to see what he had to do next to help her walk again. "Well, her name's Katherine, she's 22 years old and she's mute." Nikolai looked at her once again. It made sense how Allegra had to talk for her. He was very tempted to just let her die. Why even waste the last medicinal alcohol left to disinfect her? They would only be left with some shitty vodka he had found and kept with him this whole time.

"We - They found her under some rubble." Nikolai heard that and came to the conclusion that objects of heavy weight fell on her leg. This would mean that it was almost certain that her knee would be dislocated at the very least. It was also very possible for the other bones inside her leg to be fractured or even broken. However, those were not as likely. And even it was the case, it was very unlikely that he could treat it with what he had at that moment in time. It would just take too long. "Told me she said she was down there for two days with no food or water." Nikolai then loosened his grip on the things he had taken out of his bag and stared her in the eye. And afterwards, he looked at Allegra. He seriously wanted to question why they would let her get into the group when she is completely useless and is a drain on their resources. He then watched as Allegra whispered something to her. The girl nodded and took out her bag, opening it up and revealing the stupid amount of food she had amassed since day one to the doctor.

Nikita then understood that this might not have been as dumb a decision after all. Naturally, the best decision for him would be to shoot her and take the food anyway, but a minuscule smile found its way onto his face as the justification for accepting this girl into the group was far better than the other girl with the rifle.

Nikita took out a bit of cotton and then took the container of alcohol in his hand. He than placed the cotton on the opened mouth of the bottler and then tipped it over so that the alcohol seeped into the cotton. He then close the alcohol bottle back in his bag and then warned the mute girl. "This is going to be incredibly painful. And you will have to endure it for longer as the wound has been open for two days, meaning it will take considerable longer to disinfect it." Nikolai paused for a small period of time, allowing for her to prepare herself. He then pushed the alcohol filled cotton into her wound. He pushed it a little harder so as to allow the alcohol to seep into her wound. He did this for around 20 seconds whereas if the wound was fresh it would only take no more than 5. The pain would most definitely be incredible. He just hoped that she could keep her mouth shut.

He then took out a bandage and cut some of it, wrapping it around the wound. It was not a cut so there was no stitching that could be done. After bandaging the wound, he cut the end of the bandage in half and then wrapped it around her like and back on top of the wound to make a very tight knot. He did this a few times and then went on to her knee. He touched it for a bit, obviously realising that something was wrong it is. As he had guessed before, it was dislocated. He knew the procedures but they could not be done now.

"That takes care of the wound, but I am afraid she won't be able to walk for a bit of time. Her knee is dislocated. And if what you said about her being stuck under there for 2 days is true, then I cannot attempt to treat her right now. Her joint is much too rigid from the cold. We need to keep it under warmer conditions. After that, I can try to make some sort of cast or something else." He then put his equipment back and then closed his backpack.

Human__Ramen Human__Ramen
Cole Bishop

"If you want to show you really care, you'd give me your boots too," he said sweetly, chuckling as Frankie walked away. He looked around at everyone, excluding the strangers, wishing they would move on already. He was warm enough, sure, but that didn't mean he wanted to stand around in the middle of a snowstorm. He was tempted to offer to double-check the bookstore again, in case they were planning to keep talking for another ten minutes. He glanced back at Colette.

"Nothing important," he said casually. "Just wanted to know if you'd laugh if someone else was dying, or if it's just me." Cole looked over when he heard Allegra's voice, and saw her suspiciously leaning over the stranger's backpack. It was even more suspicious that Nikita was actually helping her. He squinted at the backpack. He left Colette and walked over to them. "If that's what I think it is, you'd better share it. With me, specifically."
Cronos Cronos Human__Ramen Human__Ramen The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect

Will Harris

"Of course it is," Will sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He gestured for Frankie to follow him, walking away from everyone else. He didn't know if that second girl wanted to join them or not, but with that leg injury, she wouldn't be able to go anywhere without their help. That made two more people stretching the food supply thinner. He thought of what Nikita said earlier, his eyes darkening. He crossed his arms and waited for Frankie to tell him what happened.

But then Liam came over, and Will stared at the can of peaches in his hand. They had enough food to trade? He turned his shocked stare back to Frankie. "Explain."
spacient spacient Fizz Fizz
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S n o w S n o w Fizz Fizz
With Will right here Frankie didn't want to be disturbed as she explained the situation, so when Liam came over she took the can of spam from her pocket and handed it over, "Leave at least a bite for me and I'll take the peaches."

She sighed and looked up at Will, "I finished looking through the restaurant and found some supplies - couple cans of soup, but I wanted more to take back. I went to an apartment complex, and that's where I found her under a pile of rocks. I'm not gonna let some girl die under a pile of sh*t, I'm not that type of awful. I agreed to let her out though if she would give us some food because she has soooooo much of it. When she got out she said... well, wrote because she's mute, that if we want the food we need to protect her until her legs heal. She has enough food she could feed for a week, if we're smart about spreading it out."
Allegra Sauvagess & Katherine Powell
Allegra was slightly annoyed by Cole's sudden intrusion. It seemed like this was a habit of his. A very obnoxious one, she noted.
"Yeah, so, this chick-" Allegra began, pointing at Katherine, who was just finishing her appointment with the doctor -"has a butt load of food. We're talking about cans on top of cans and some things more."
As Nikita stated his work there was done, along with a bunch of medical observations, Ally helped Kate up after she closed her pack. The blond lead the brunette to where the others were as she held her bag in one hand and had her other arm slung over Ally's shoulder.
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Will Harris

Will glanced at the girl in question, eyeing her backpack. Judging by her fully bandaged leg, and Cole hovering around them, he guessed that most of the group already knew about the food. "How much, exactly?" He looked back at Frankie. "Did you get a chance to count it?" He sighed when he realized that he would need to talk to Nikita again to find out how long it would take for her to heal. And there was still Anastasiya to deal with.
spacient spacient

S n o w S n o w
Frankie shook her head, "I didn't count the cans, but it was a lot. When I say a lot, I mean a lot. That girl has it made. If we really rationed it out, like I said, we could probably make it another week with all of us sharing and eating once per day. It wouldn't be a lot, but we wouldn't starve. I mean, your call what we do with her, whether we bring her with or just steal from her, but I didn't want to be the one to see the look in her eyes when she knows she's going to die alone."
Colette Angeliqué

"Nothing important,
" She raised an eyebrow at him. It seemed like something important if he was willing to talk to her. She was pretty sure he didn't even knew her name. "Just wanted to know if you'd laugh if someone else was dying, or if it's just me." Her arms were crossed in front of her chest area, but she quickly noticed his disinterest and was suspicious that he might leave her there; her thoughts were confirmed when he walked away towards Allegra, Nikita and the stranger.

She was left alone with Anastasiya and it didn't take long before Colette's attention was back on her as words fumbled out her mouth. "You could tell me now, well, only if you want. Pretty sure Will is gonna take a while talking to them." The girl was smiling hopefully, light brown eyes sparkling with excitement. She didn't even mind that she couldn't find any comic books at the bookstore, this girl took her whole attention.

S n o w S n o w AttackOnTak AttackOnTak
Will Harris

Will shook his head. "No, we won't steal from her." He was sure most of the others would disagree but he didn't like the idea of leaving her to die when he could do something about it, on top of stealing everything she owned just because they could. "She can come with us until she's ready to leave." He could already hear who would object in his head, and it was giving him a headache. "About that apartment building you mentioned earlier. You think the rest of it is intact enough that we could use it for the night?"
spacient spacient

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Will's response was exactly what she had expected from the man. He didn't turn anybody away, and he was the type of guy who wanted to 'save lives.' Saving lives was a very relative term in today's age. You find supplies, you're taking away someone else's chance at surviving. Frankie was thinking about his next question - the building was gross and they couldn't get to the upper floors, but there was a possibility that the rooms were still usable on the first floor. She shrugged, "I didn't get a chance to look at the rooms, but there's a good chance the beds are usable. I mean, they've been out of the snow and wind, so they should be dry. Unless any zombies got in there, then they should be fine. I would take the chance just to sleep in a bed right now."
Liam Grove
Liam was finally satisfied, everything he had just done was worth it. Acknowledging what Francesca had said before, he opened up the can of spam and slowly savored eating half of it. Food was necessary in the production of body heat, and he could already feel himself warm up after the meal. As the others discussed their further plans, Liam retrieved his dagger from his belt, bloodied and gory. He found a patch of snow on the ground, and began to wipe the dagger on the snow, the blood receding and falling to the ground.
The bitter bite of the wind was much worse than any bite of a zombies. The harsh gust ferociously attacked his wool jacket ultimately leading no where. Felix's hands where stuffed in his pockets and a bandana disguised his face. Despite the roaring wind you could still detect the faint crunch of snow. He rewarded himself every couple of minutes with a sip from his flask. Every sip brought warmth to his cheeks and a spring in his step.

The survivor was craving for a smoke but, there was no point in attempting this in a storm. After some time of trekking he made it to town. It was a modest sized town, enough to keep things intresting for a while. The buildings offered little protection from the wind but thats all he needed. Felix lingered on the left side of the side walk, practically brushing against the wall. This is last place he needed to get snuck up on.

The city was being covered in a fresh blanket of snow, any tracks made from the living or the dead would be filled by night fall. Without another thought he went to work. He slowly followed the tracks evaluating each step, every pattern. Most of the tracks seemed human. It was quite a suprise for Felix, the dead seemed to be lacking the more he dwelved into the city. Of course this might suggest a horde, but perhaps it was only coincidence.

It wasn't long until the sniper found what he has been searching for, people. He was well aware that the prabability of the town being picked clean were rather steep. Maybe if he trailed behind the group he could snatch some useful item's when their backs were turned. The group was rather large after all. I'm sure if a couple of items became "miss placed" they wouldn't be noticed.

Shortly after this thought, Felix found himself on the roof of a near by building. This Building was only 4 buildings down from the group. It's a risky move but if you want the prize you gotta gamble. He swiftly seized his M40 and fliped out the bi-pod and scoped out the area. On second examination of the group, it looked...scattered. No one was on guard, no one was planning their next move. Everyone seemed remain in seperate groups talking amongst them selves.

Felix could not read lip's but even a blind man could see tension building between the group. Perhaps this would be easier then he originally anticipated. All that was left to do is wait. The sniper isn't typically a patient man but he did have time on his hand's and half of a pack of smokes, he could wait all day if needed be.

(Excuse any mistakes, i'm using my tablet and it is proving to be a challenge)

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