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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Out-Of-Character Chat

I love this video! Warning: there is a single panty shot! Don't watch if you feel uncomfortable!

I'm lost, can you summarize what's going on? Graystone713 Graystone713
For you, not much. Nalnux informed you that, since you're not actually part of the guild yet, you can't actually come on the quest. And though Wobb tried to offer Glitch a bone, somehow he offered it to Robert instead. I hoped playing into the erratophobia bit might be interesting? Anyway, last I checked, you got left behind.
For you, not much. Nalnux informed you that, since you're not actually part of the guild yet, you can't actually come on the quest. And though Wobb tried to offer Glitch a bone, somehow he offered it to Robert instead. I hoped playing into the erratophobia bit might be interesting? Anyway, last I checked, you got left behind.
Ok, also, playing into erratophobia? What do you mean by that?
Wait, what? Isn't your character the manifestation of that or something?
Oh yeah. The offering bone thing. Hah well I'm just confused, I mean I was away for an entire day so. . . Also, yes. Glitch is a phobia manifestation, meaning they embody the concept of being afraid of making a mistake.

So the best thing that came from a misunderstanding was the mistake. I mean I guess???
Also, I have an Idea.
Im making a slightly anthro- Hyena person, and basing the structure off of the real equivelant. Essentially, This character would be a scavenger/Theiving Carnivor...

Yes, I will be including a small culture...
and a reason for their small numbers...

I can explain.
OK, let me clear things up. The guild town is Bowerstone right? And the guild is called Fort Black. Or is that the place where your traveling to
OK, let me clear things up. The guild town is Bowerstone right? And the guild is called Fort Black. Or is that the place where your traveling to
Yep, basically! Well, I guess technically Fort Black is the fort (building) that the guild is located in within Bowerstone. The guild is called the Guild of Heroes. But I think that's what you were trying to ask, anyway, so that's just me being pedantic there ^^''
Glitch: Is confused about what the heck the quest is about and doesn't care if they complete it or not

Also Glitch: Steals a horse and grabs onto the back axle of a carriage just because they can and want to
Princess Nevada Princess Nevada
I will say now that my character would not care about your character sitting down because a) he's busy reading a book of undetermined importance and b) he hates everyone and everything. I imagine he'll be difficult to start an interaction, but fun to interact with when he is forced to interact (like on a mission or whatever)

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