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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Out-Of-Character Chat

Aye, that was the same situation for me, but are you sure? Half the posts have nothing to do with your characters. Kinda disappointing since I really wanted to try an RP with you, but Path of Kings failed, you don't do 1x1s, and now this. Oh well, I don't know your struggles, so that's fair enough. Maybe I can get a handle on a situation in that many posts, but certainly not everyone can. Bye I guess.
Guess I can stay, but it is going to be a while from your post to mine
Guess I can stay, but it is going to be a while from your post to mine

Meh, you don't have to force yourself to stay, but if you want I won't stop you. I would be glad to assist by giving you summaries. I have nothing better to do anyway and it would help me grasp the overall situation.
Hey Archdemon Archdemon I noticed you include Nalux's portrait with all of his IC posts and I thought you might want to shrink him down (I mean, unless you want us to face him in all of his scaly glory). If so you can use this code.
The number stands for number of pixels and you can change it to whatever you like. This is also a tip for anyone who doesn't know about it. Obviously, the picture goes in the middle of the sets of brackets. so like [blahblah]PICTURE[/blahblah]
just some code that can also help a ton when making your character sheets look pretty.

but again, just an FYI please don't be mad at me I don't want to sound mean T-T
Alright! I got it down now! I've got my number for height and such! Thanks so much!
Alternatively, you could use image float.
It would put the image side by side with the text. I've found that in some cases it will resize the image to a more appropiate size, but I haven't tested it to the full extent.
Yo guys, I'm ready for my next post but I want to check to see if anyone was hoping to join the dog-pile of sass on Svala before I did so
Yo guys, I'm ready for my next post but I want to check to see if anyone was hoping to join the dog-pile of sass on Svala before I did so
I just suddenly imagined the dragon showing up right next to them and sassing in a high pitch voice
Well I've got to get to bed now actually so I'll post again probably first thing in the morning. But I'm off work tomorrow so...maybe I'll get some quality RP time in. G'night everyone
It seemed that the guildmaster was thankful, too, as he took a moment to lean against the wall and catch his breath. The girl looked over at the guildmaster, her eyes settling on the flower crown upon his head. "Hey, that suits you," she commented with a grin. It wasn't clear whether she was being sincere or whether she was teasing the man -- it could possibly be both. In any case, she turned now to pay attention to what the large lizardman was saying.
Robert's life at day:

Robert's life at night:
mission and stuff.

my character isn't on a mission, if you want to interact? he's in the library doing library things - I posted his first post yesterday.
But for this mission in particular, we do not have to wear anything fancy.

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