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Fantasy Moonlight Academy OOC

Who happens to be in the Seniors room at the moment? Going to have Lottie head over there next, for the sake of getting a little more action going amongst that particular group.
So here's a question; are the combat classes cross-year? Because I'm suddenly curious as to what it would look like if the half-dragon fought the dragonslayer.
So here's a question; are the combat classes cross-year? Because I'm suddenly curious as to what it would look like if the half-dragon fought the dragonslayer.
I'm just excited to interact with more students who are afraid of water haha! Combat class is gonna be fun
So here's a question; are the combat classes cross-year? Because I'm suddenly curious as to what it would look like if the half-dragon fought the dragonslayer.
Well. That is a good question. I thought about it, but then decided that it would be better if I had an entirely separate teacher for that purpose. However, that would leave that teacher jobless for the duration of the day.

Thus, I am currently considering leaving it to the teachers discretion.
Well. That is a good question. I thought about it, but then decided that it would be better if I had an entirely separate teacher for that purpose. However, that would leave that teacher jobless for the duration of the day.

Thus, I am currently considering leaving it to the teachers discretion.

I guess you could just have a bit-NPC that shows up to play that part, and then leaves the RP until they're next needed, assuming that we're working under the assumption that the player characters are just a small fraction of the people that are actually attending the school. They could technically be overseeing classes all day in the background, they just wouldn't be our classes.
I guess you could just have a bit-NPC that shows up to play that part, and then leaves the RP until they're next needed, assuming that we're working under the assumption that the player characters are just a small fraction of the people that are actually attending the school. They could technically be overseeing classes all day in the background, they just wouldn't be our classes.
That is an option. Then again I thought about the differences in skill level. Say the Junior class instructor wanted to give them a challenge and have a combined combat class with the Seniors. That would be allowed.

However, I wouldn't want to then have freshmen taking on seniors when/if they aren't ready. I think I'll just sleep on it and decide later. Simply because it's almost 3am here.

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