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Fandom Irregular Opening (Multifandom)

Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse
Interaction:Haru Okumura( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"Coffee...Want some of my quality coffee at Le Blanc's?" Akira's eye gleamed as he suggested that, twisting his hands for a bit. "I've been practicing just for this occassion." he let out a smug. If so, then they'll have to end their sightseeing for now...
"That would be lovely," Haru said with a smile.
Scarlet Equestria
Interaction:...Shovel Knight?!( Sara Sidereal Sara Sidereal )
As Donovan went around in search of his guide, he stumbled upon a familiar looking knight; one clad in light blue. One weilding a shovel all too familiar.

"Shovel Knight...!" Donovan muttered under his breath as he approached the knight as he floated, stopping a few meters in front of him. "Of all people to accompany me, I never expected myself to come to you." Donovan said with a scoff. "I require your assistance; if you're confused about our whereabouts, you are in Equestria; a land far different from our own. " He soon pointed at the mansion in the distance. "And that mansion threatens these lands. As Knights, we are trained to fight, are we not?"

Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse
Interaction: Haru Okumura( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
Akira and Haru soon headed back to Cafe La Blanc, speaking about some actual normal things for now. Talking about Christmas experiences and sprinkling some jokes along with it. Arriving back at the cafe, Akira opened the door for his lover before entering himself...

Interaction: Koichi Hirose( GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack )
As Goro and Koichi entered the room, he noticed how ludicrously expensive the furniture was. Especially when Koichi noticed how big the bath tub is...No way in hell is he taking a bath with him though. Goro sat down on a chair, letting out a sigh of relief. Tired of everything that transpired today; Encountering the Phantom Thieves, getting transported to America after nearly getting killed by his Cognitive self created by his Bastard Father. Soon enough, Koichi came out of the bathroom, and noticed how the bed could only fit one person.

"I often sleep on my couch." Goro smiled, crossing his legs in his seat. "I believe this couch is going to be as soft as the mattress anyway."

Scarlet Equestria
Interaction: Shovel Knight( Sara Sidereal Sara Sidereal )
"The exact same fool who defies fate that I know of." Donovan cracked a smile under his helm, facing the mansion once more. "Very well. Onward we go!" He declared as the two knights headed for the Mansion in the distance...
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse
Interaction: Haru Okumura( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
Akira and Haru soon headed back to Cafe La Blanc, speaking about some actual normal things for now. Talking about Christmas experiences and sprinkling some jokes along with it. Arriving back at the cafe, Akira opened the door for his lover before entering himself...

Haru giggled as she entered La Blanc, "The city was amazing!" In spite of how short their outing was Haru seemed to have enjoyed it.
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse: Gotham Origins
Interaction: Haru Okumura( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"Let's go again sometime." Akira suggested as he closed the door behind him, thinking that the next time they go out, he'll try to make it more enjoyable for both of them...
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse: Gotham Origins
Interaction: Haru Okumura( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"Let's go again sometime." Akira suggested as he closed the door behind him, thinking that the next time they go out, he'll try to make it more enjoyable for both of them...
"That would be lovely!" Haru said before the two went to Akira's room.

Meanwhile, Neptune was stuffing her face with pudding.
"Wow, Boss! This Pudding's the best!" Neptune said with her mouth full.
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse
Interaction: Haru( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
As Akira and Haru went up the stairs, he noticed how quickly Neptune was already there, stuffing her face with Pudding while Sojiro just watches, letting out a fatherlike smile. Although Akira swore he saw a glowing blue butterfly flying near Neptune, yet the boss doesn't seem to notice.

Climbling up to the Cafe's attic lies Akira's room. Many people had been here, but mostly his teammates and his Maid. The couple sat on the couch...
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse
Interaction: Haru( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
As Akira and Haru went up the stairs, he noticed how quickly Neptune was already there, stuffing her face with Pudding while Sojiro just watches, letting out a fatherlike smile. Although Akira swore he saw a glowing blue butterfly flying near Neptune, yet the boss doesn't seem to notice.

Climbling up to the Cafe's attic lies Akira's room. Many people had been here, but mostly his teammates and his Maid. The couple sat on the couch...

"All of my Christmases before this were either spent alone because Father was so busy..." Haru mused, "Or accompanying him to one of his boring work parties..."

Meanwhile in another universe...

"So, we've got our team all together!" Star clasped her hands together, "So anyone here have a plan or something?"
Sara Sidereal Sara Sidereal
Infinity Wand
Shadow Operatives Faction
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
During the interval, Mitsuru and a few others arrived at Latveria via a Private Jet; the Shadow Operatives are back together once more. Mitsuru rubbed her chin as she heard what the Warlock told Ken about their target, Thanos.

"I'll admit, we haven't encountered anything like it before." Mitsuru stated, "Crystals of unimaginable power..."

"Hey, the War-man told us that the dude's already losin', right?" Junpei asked, his arms behind his head, holding a red baseball bat. "Then that just means that we can beat him the usual way!"
Infinity Wand
Shadow Operatives Faction
Interaction: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
During the interval, Mitsuru and a few others arrived at Latveria via a Private Jet; the Shadow Operatives are back together once more. Mitsuru rubbed her chin as she heard what the Warlock told Ken about their target, Thanos.

"I'll admit, we haven't encountered anything like it before." Mitsuru stated, "Crystals of unimaginable power..."

"Hey, the War-man told us that the dude's already losin', right?" Junpei asked, his arms behind his head, holding a red baseball bat. "Then that just means that we can beat him the usual way!"

"Yeah!" Star then smashed her mace on to the ground which prompted Doom to smack his forhead.
"We could just..." Rhombulus was about to suggest a strategy only for Hekapoo to shush him.
"No, we're not going to just let you just run in and freeze the guy..." Hekapoo said.
"Yeah, we kinda need the Psycho Princess to get her wand back," Rocket added to Hekapoo's statement.

Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse
Interaction: Haru( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"Well, you won't have to be alone anymore, so let's have fun this year." Akira said as she looked at Haru with a considerate smile.

Haru's eyes gleamed, "Yes, I'd like that. Maybe next year, I'll grow a fir tree to celebrate the occasion." she was oblivious that this may be the last time they would be together... They spent a while talking to each other.
Haru held Akira's hand and said, "Oh yes, before I forget..." she then handed over a hat to him, "This is for everything you've done..."
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse: Gotham Origins
Interaction: Haru Okumura( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
'This...Is probably the last time we'll talk this year.' Akira thought as they continued talking for a long time. Discussing about life, plans, plants and gardening...Maybe a hint about being a Sadist was there, too? He wasn't too sure what to make of that part. But nevertheless, the discussion continued until Haru took out a hat; one clad in purple, similar to a bowler's cap. It had a black feather sticking out of it, similar to Noir's costume.

"Thank you." Akira thanked her as he placed the hat on his chest. "I'll treasure it."

Infinity Wand
Interaction: Shadow Operatives' faction( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"Which reminds me..." Fuuka began, looking at Rocket. "What does the wand look like?"

"I'll admit, I've been curious since Star mentioned it." Ken nodded, rubbing his chin. "I doubt it's just any other stick though."

"Dude, it could be one of those Mahou Shoujo kind of thing..." Junpei joked for a bit, glancing at Yukari. "I mean, I heard those are the craze nowadays, wouldn't you say, Yuka-tan?"

"Yeaaa...No." Yukari sighed, recalling the old Stupei she knew in highschool
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse: Gotham Origins
Interaction: Haru Okumura( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
'This...Is probably the last time we'll talk this year.' Akira thought as they continued talking for a long time. Discussing about life, plans, plants and gardening...Maybe a hint about being a Sadist was there, too? He wasn't too sure what to make of that part. But nevertheless, the discussion continued until Haru took out a hat; one clad in purple, similar to a bowler's cap. It had a black feather sticking out of it, similar to Noir's costume.

"Thank you." Akira thanked her as he placed the hat on his chest. "I'll treasure it."
"I'm glad you like it," said Haru joyously, "Christmas is incredible!"
Suddenly Haru's mood changed to that of worry, "Um, I know this is a somewhat abrupt change of subject..." she then shook her head a bit to remove doubt from her mind, "But are you following the news on Shido? Well... of course you are. It's always on... Honestly, I'm starting to get a little scared."
Then the cause of Haru's worries came to light, "The police investigation will probably lead straight to the Phantom Thieves. If that happens, will we not be able to see each other anymore?"

Infinity Wand
Interaction: Shadow Operatives' faction( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"Which reminds me..." Fuuka began, looking at Rocket. "What does the wand look like?"

"I'll admit, I've been curious since Star mentioned it." Ken nodded, rubbing his chin. "I doubt it's just any other stick though."

"Dude, it could be one of those Mahou Shoujo kind of thing..." Junpei joked for a bit, glancing at Yukari. "I mean, I heard those are the craze nowadays, wouldn't you say, Yuka-tan?"

"Yeaaa...No." Yukari sighed, recalling the old Stupei she knew in highschool
"So my wand looked like this," Star said as she showed off a picture of her old wand.

"Okay, so this sounds weird and it totally does, but when the big purple guy got it... it like turned into a glove and everyone was like, Whaaa!" Star then mimicked the shock expressions of her allies.
Infinity Wand
Interaction: Shadow Operatives Faction( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"It turned into a glove?" Junpei asked in disbelief. "How is that possible?"

"That does make sense. Considering I didn't physically see the wand when I first faced Thanos in Mewni." Ken rubbed his chin, "Which reminds me...Minako-san's still in there. He might use her as hostage."

"You said she's Persona user, right Ken?" Akihiko asked as Ken nodded in response. "Then she'll be fine. If she did had the similar Persona as Elizabeth and him, then I bet she's taking care of Thanos as we speak!"

Meanwhile, Death's Faction...

Minako sneezed as she stared off onto the void, with Ryoji sitting beside her as he noticed; thinking it's a slight cold.

"Are you okay, My Dearest?" He'd asked, as Minako shook her head in denial.

"No no, I'm fine." She nodded, staring back onto the void. "It just that...I think someone's talking about me out there."

"Don't be ridiculous, Minako-chan!" Ryoji laughed, "We're at the void! No one can enter and exit without some kind of extraordinary affinity like Mistress Death!"

Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse: Gotham Origins
Interation: Haru Okumura( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"I hope not..." Akira said in a somber tone, suddenly recalling Sae's words; If he wants to keep them safe, he'd have to turn himself in tomorrow. It would be tough for him not to tell everyone, since he'd know that they're going to be against the idea if they knew but...

'I don't want anyone to worry but...' Although Akira kept silent, his face shows that something's incredibly wrong. 'This...This might be the only way...'
Hearing the banging against the walls outside, Dougan stepped towards the balcony and looked outside. The army had not only grown, but the Orange-men had changed.

Rather than Oranges with human-like arms and legs they instead stood as men at around six foot tall wearing an outfit similar to William's. They had no faces, instead replaced with a pink, flesh-like orange skin. Dougan simply nodded and walked away from the balcony.

"What is it?" 1812 asked
"I don't know how, but they've changed." He replied
"They're growing in power. It must be from all the cereal inside the Leprechaun stomachs." 1812 suggested grimly "That, and they're fuelled by pure hatred. I have fought likes similar to these before."
"What do we do?" Sean asked

Dougan stepped away, walking further into the base "You're not going to do anything, not here anyway. You're going with the civilians, taking them south of the city."
"What abut London?" Sean asked
"These people need a leader to get them through those tunnels. 'Cause of yer bakery, you're kinda famous."
"But these..." Sean began
"If you really want to get back at these hate-filled, racist, homophobic, sectarian, murderous sons-of bitches get these people the hell outta 'ere." Dougan ordered, gritting his teeth "They want to kill these people. Getting them all out of here, alive is a great way to stick it to them."

Sean stepped away "Aye, I suppose you're right. I'll see ya." He said, walking to the back of the HQ

"What about you?" 1812 asked
"Well, the rest of you lot will be going to London to stop William before he opens another portal." Ser Dougan explained "Those walls won't last much longer so me and a few volunteers are gonna lead that army away from this place."

Kenboni stepped up behind Ser Dougan and rested a hand on his shoulder.
"He means he'll stand with you." One of his men butted in
"I know."
"Is there another way out?" 1812 asked
"You're staying?" Ser Dougan asked, taken aback
"I would be dishonouring my promise to your mother if I left you to die against these fiends." 1812 said with a nod
"Alright then."

D.Va stepped towards Ser Dougan, Kenboni and 1812
"You're going to London. Like I said..."
"I know what you said. I was just wondering if you had anything to say to my fans."
"I don't know, what are they saying to us?" Ser Dougan asked
"Try not to die and good luck, mostly. Although some people are shipping you and Kenboni. I'm getting fanart already."

"I kinda hope I live to see it. Never been in fanart before." Dougan sighed heavily

Donder172 Donder172 @Lordvader59

The pounding on the walls outside only increased and so Dougan walked out onto the balcony again, looking down. He whistled, causing some in the horde below to look upwards.

"Hi there." He waved. He turned around, facing Vadcus and a company of one hundred of Kenboni's men. Right as the horde below fired upwards, the group ran towards the edge of the HQ and jumped. Dougan rolled a D20 and was covered in silver light, causing him to teleport forwards. When he reappeared he was wearing a jetpack with metallic angel-like wings.

Kenboni's men and Vadcus were equipped with jetpacks. All 100 of Kenboni's men dropped thermal detonators onto the horde below, blowing a large number of them up with the combined explosion.
"C'mon, lads!" Dougan shouted "King Billy was a gay, Muslim Catholic immigrant who was in favour of abortion!" He yelled at the horde below

In response, they followed Ser Dougan with some of them taking flight on the backs of dragons and pterosaurs. The main focus of the horde was on him now, with some of them opening fire on Kenboni's men while the HQ was left alone. An arrow composed of pure energy struck one of the soldiers in the neck, causing him to lose control of the jetpack as he was chocking on his own blood and crash into a nearby building.

As this was still Belfast, that building was another chippy.

"Noooo!" A soldier flying next to him cried, opening fire with his rifle as he flew towards the group. The horde started to fire upwards and a few lucky shot struck him in the jetpack, causing him to lose control of it and crash head-first into the ground. A dozen more of Kenboni's men fell, ripped apart by gunfire from the horde while a single soldier was killed by the fire of a dragon.

He had opened fire on the winged beast as it flew after Dougan and the dragon had simply turned around, burning the soldier alive.

Vadcus, with his lightsaber drawn flew to the aid of a group of soldiers who had touched down on the roof of, for once not a chippy but rather a church and were pinned down. A soldier peered out of cover and fired at the horde below, taking out two Orange-men armed with energy spears before taking a shot to the chest and going down.

Deeper into the city, Dougan narrowly dodged out of the way of a billboard for KFC however a dragon crashed straight through it, leaving a large, gaping hole in The Colonel's face. The other dragons and pterosaurs perusing him. The now dazed beast breathed fire towards Ser Dougan however he responded by drawing his katana, activating it's ice magic and blocking the attack.

The dragons grouped up, unleashing a large fireball towards Dougan.
"Shite..." He muttered, dodging the attack. He spotted a group of soldiers on the ground below, assisting a group of armed police officers help civilians out of a double-decker bus that were stuck on the bridge leading to just outside of the city.

Dougan noticed a group of Orange-men approaching the bus and flew downwards, cutting down an Orange-man and rolling a D20 dice, creating an energy shield in front of the bus.

"Take these people to the nearest tunnel entrance. Help them out of the city." Dougan ordered a soldier. He pointed at an officer "This company of soldiers will point you in the right direction. If there are any police cars left in this city, I need you to use them to create a barricade, people are going to be leaving this city in the hundreds...So they're going to need covering fire."

"Who put you in charge?" A police officer asked. A shot flew over her head as the shield shattered and Dougan rolled another dice, creating a shield that blasted the shots from the energy spear back into a group of Orange-men, blowing them apart.
"I have no feckin' idea, to be honest." Dougan shrugged

"I need all remaining cars along the bridge." The officer spoke into her radio at a fast pace "We're going to create a barricade to provide covering fire for any remaining civilians. Group up with these...Overweight soldiers, they're gonna help us with evacuations."
"Hey, guy!" Another officer shouted "I saw then bringing civilians towards the city hall. No idea what they're doing with them, but..."
"On it." Dougan nodded "Thank you, random peeler."
"My name's Charlie."
"Yeah, never going to remember that." Dougan shook his head

As he flew towards the city hall, he heard a voice over the radio.

"What's your location?" Soldier 76 asked
"Still in Belfast, why? I thought you guys were in London?"
"And leave you and thousands of people to die?" 76 snapped. Over the radio Dougan could hear the sounds of gunfire. "What about William!?"
"1812's and that other Jedi are going after him, taking a group of Kenboni's men as well. Did you not hear me the first time, soldier? What's your location?"
"I'm heading towards the city hall. The Orange-men have trapped a group of civilians inside. Have you heard from Vadcus?"

"No. His radio's gone dark." Soldier 76 replied grimly, jumping behind cover as a dozen energy blasts flew over his head. McCree sat next to him, reloading his gun.

The two soldiers looked at each other and nodded. McCree peered out of cover and threw a stun grenade before opening fire while Soldier 76 unleashed a barrage of Helix rockets, blowing a group of Orange-men apart. The two turned around as even more Orange-men approached, preparing to fire. They were about to dive for cover only for D.Va to land in front of them deploying her Mech's defence Matrix and blocking the oncoming attacks.

"Don't worry, I got you." D.Va said with a smile. The Matrix only held out for so long, however and a large blast from a laser cannon threw D.Va backwards, striking a truck. McCree and 76 ran for cover, returning fire.

The streets of London were relatively quiet despite the chaos across the water. A Jedi, a panda warrior and a dozen of Kenboni's soldiers may have been what stood between one city and another invasion. Currently, they walked in an underground tunnel with the quiet streets just a few meters above their heads.

"He came through here, I can smell him." 1812 spoke
"Smell?" One of the soldiers asked
"His homophobia, among other forms of hatred, I can smell it and just how rotten it is. But after here, the trail goes cold. It's like he's hiding from me somehow." 1812 explained bitterly
"Well, crap. Any ideas?" The soldier asked

Donder172 Donder172
Meanwhile, Death's Faction...

Minako sneezed as she stared off onto the void, with Ryoji sitting beside her as he noticed; thinking it's a slight cold.

"Are you okay, My Dearest?" He'd asked, as Minako shook her head in denial.

"No no, I'm fine." She nodded, staring back onto the void. "It just that...I think someone's talking about me out there."

"Don't be ridiculous, Minako-chan!" Ryoji laughed, "We're at the void! No one can enter and exit without some kind of extraordinary affinity like Mistress Death!"

"You sure? Then what's that?" Ludo then pointed at a portal and the remaining heroes charged out of it.
Thanos smiled sinisterly and motioned to challenge them.
Death looked on with an ominous smirk she seemed to be pleased with the imminent carnage.

Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse: Gotham Origins
Interation: Haru Okumura( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"I hope not..." Akira said in a somber tone, suddenly recalling Sae's words; If he wants to keep them safe, he'd have to turn himself in tomorrow. It would be tough for him not to tell everyone, since he'd know that they're going to be against the idea if they knew but...

'I don't want anyone to worry but...' Although Akira kept silent, his face shows that something's incredibly wrong. 'This...This might be the only way...'
Haru was confused by Akira's words which caused her to worry, "Oh, I'm sorry. You made time for me and I just ruined it... I think I should head home."
The pounding on the walls outside only increased and so Dougan walked out onto the balcony again, looking down. He whistled, causing some in the horde below to look upwards.

"Hi there." He waved. He turned around, facing Vadcus and a company of one hundred of Kenboni's men. Right as the horde below fired upwards, the group ran towards the edge of the HQ and jumped. Dougan rolled a D20 and was covered in silver light, causing him to teleport forwards. When he reappeared he was wearing a jetpack with metallic angel-like wings.

Kenboni's men and Vadcus were equipped with jetpacks. All 100 of Kenboni's men dropped thermal detonators onto the horde below, blowing a large number of them up with the combined explosion.
"C'mon, lads!" Dougan shouted "King Billy was a gay, Muslim Catholic immigrant who was in favour of abortion!" He yelled at the horde below

In response, they followed Ser Dougan with some of them taking flight on the backs of dragons and pterosaurs. The main focus of the horde was on him now, with some of them opening fire on Kenboni's men while the HQ was left alone. An arrow composed of pure energy struck one of the soldiers in the neck, causing him to lose control of the jetpack as he was chocking on his own blood and crash into a nearby building.

As this was still Belfast, that building was another chippy.

"Noooo!" A soldier flying next to him cried, opening fire with his rifle as he flew towards the group. The horde started to fire upwards and a few lucky shot struck him in the jetpack, causing him to lose control of it and crash head-first into the ground. A dozen more of Kenboni's men fell, ripped apart by gunfire from the horde while a single soldier was killed by the fire of a dragon.

He had opened fire on the winged beast as it flew after Dougan and the dragon had simply turned around, burning the soldier alive.

Vadcus, with his lightsaber drawn flew to the aid of a group of soldiers who had touched down on the roof of, for once not a chippy but rather a church and were pinned down. A soldier peered out of cover and fired at the horde below, taking out two Orange-men armed with energy spears before taking a shot to the chest and going down.

Deeper into the city, Dougan narrowly dodged out of the way of a billboard for KFC however a dragon crashed straight through it, leaving a large, gaping hole in The Colonel's face. The other dragons and pterosaurs perusing him. The now dazed beast breathed fire towards Ser Dougan however he responded by drawing his katana, activating it's ice magic and blocking the attack.

The dragons grouped up, unleashing a large fireball towards Dougan.
"Shite..." He muttered, dodging the attack. He spotted a group of soldiers on the ground below, assisting a group of armed police officers help civilians out of a double-decker bus that were stuck on the bridge leading to just outside of the city.

Dougan noticed a group of Orange-men approaching the bus and flew downwards, cutting down an Orange-man and rolling a D20 dice, creating an energy shield in front of the bus.

"Take these people to the nearest tunnel entrance. Help them out of the city." Dougan ordered a soldier. He pointed at an officer "This company of soldiers will point you in the right direction. If there are any police cars left in this city, I need you to use them to create a barricade, people are going to be leaving this city in the hundreds...So they're going to need covering fire."

"Who put you in charge?" A police officer asked. A shot flew over her head as the shield shattered and Dougan rolled another dice, creating a shield that blasted the shots from the energy spear back into a group of Orange-men, blowing them apart.
"I have no feckin' idea, to be honest." Dougan shrugged

"I need all remaining cars along the bridge." The officer spoke into her radio at a fast pace "We're going to create a barricade to provide covering fire for any remaining civilians. Group up with these...Overweight soldiers, they're gonna help us with evacuations."
"Hey, guy!" Another officer shouted "I saw then bringing civilians towards the city hall. No idea what they're doing with them, but..."
"On it." Dougan nodded "Thank you, random peeler."
"My name's Charlie."
"Yeah, never going to remember that." Dougan shook his head

As he flew towards the city hall, he heard a voice over the radio.

"What's your location?" Soldier 76 asked
"Still in Belfast, why? I thought you guys were in London?"
"And leave you and thousands of people to die?" 76 snapped. Over the radio Dougan could hear the sounds of gunfire. "What about William!?"
"1812's and that other Jedi are going after him, taking a group of Kenboni's men as well. Did you not hear me the first time, soldier? What's your location?"
"I'm heading towards the city hall. The Orange-men have trapped a group of civilians inside. Have you heard from Vadcus?"

"No. His radio's gone dark." Soldier 76 replied grimly, jumping behind cover as a dozen energy blasts flew over his head. McCree sat next to him, reloading his gun.

The two soldiers looked at each other and nodded. McCree peered out of cover and threw a stun grenade before opening fire while Soldier 76 unleashed a barrage of Helix rockets, blowing a group of Orange-men apart. The two turned around as even more Orange-men approached, preparing to fire. They were about to dive for cover only for D.Va to land in front of them deploying her Mech's defence Matrix and blocking the oncoming attacks.

"Don't worry, I got you." D.Va said with a smile. The Matrix only held out for so long, however and a large blast from a laser cannon threw D.Va backwards, striking a truck. McCree and 76 ran for cover, returning fire.

Ser Dougan flew towards the city hall as fast as his jetpack would allow him, turning a corner only to come face to face with another dragon.
"Fer fuck's sake..." He complained, turning to avoid the dragon. It breathed fire, striking him in the back. He fell to Earth, managing to roll a D20 dice in mid-air and causing him to teleport to the ground, cushioning his fall. The City hall was still in sight.

It was now covered in Seshes, murals and had been painted orange. Dougan cursed under his breath and sprinted towards it.

Inside the building a group of four dozen civilians keeled in a circle, surrounded by six Orange-men armed with rifles and energy spears. One Orange-man, with a fancier hat and Sesh than his fellow troops calmly paced around the group, he had a blaster rifle in one hand while the other remained behind his back.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I am offerin' ye a choice." He spoke in a calm tone "See, none of ye are Leprechauns or gays. Some of you look like immigrants though, but I'll let that pass. If you help us find them'uns, that is. In return, we'll let you and maybe yer families live. Providin' yer not related to any gays or Leprechauns."

The crowd was silent for several moments before one man, an elderly man with spectacles hobbled to his feet. He looked directly into the "face" of the Orange-man.
"Why not? It's a fair deal." The Orange-man moaned
"You are talking about our families." He snapped "My grandson. If you want me to turn my back on family, you can go to hell."

The Orange-man sighed and aimed his pistol at the man's head. He then lowered it
"On second thoughts..." He muttered, nodding at one of the Orange-men standing at the balcony. He nodded in response and reached into his suit, pulling out an energy grenade

Right as he was about to throw it Ser Dougan jumped through the window, tackling the Orange-man to the ground. The grenade then started to beep.
"Shite." Dougan muttered "Erm, don't worry citizens!" He cried "I will pro..." He was hit across the face with the back of an Orange-man's rifle. Dougan responded by slicing the man in two and launching an energy blast at another. He ducked out of the blast of a third and decapitated him.

A fourth and fifth opened fire but Ser Dougan dodged the attack by inches, their blasts burning a painting.
"Alright, you done crossed a line." Dougan spat. He yelled and charged towards the two, their blades clashing. Dougan managed to fire an energy blast that fried one and managed to disarm the other with a well-timed swing of his blade.

He tackled Dougan, knocking the two of them into the wall. Dougan brought his blade down, stabbing the man through the back.

The fancier Orange-man had ran up the stairs and was able to grab Dougan from behind in a head-lock, his nails going for Dougan's face. Dougan kicked back, throwing the man into a wall and taking a defence stance as the other man drew a sword of his own.

Both then looked down at the still-beeping grenade. Dougan grabbed for it but the Orange-man was closer. He tossed the grenade towards Dougan who managed to reach for a D20 dice in time. He rolled it to create a shield for himself against the blast...

And rolled a 2

The shield was small, shattering like glass as the grenade's blast struck it. However, the remaining Orange-man was caught in the blast. Dougan was thrown out of a window, landing on a car on the streets below and crushing the roof in the process. It's remaining windows shattered, scattering glass on the streets of Belfast. Dougan grunted in pain and removed his now shattered goggles.

He pulled himself up from the wrecked car, seeing that a group of Kenboni's men and police officers were helping the civilians out of the city hall and to a tunnel entrance. Dougan looked around, seeing that even more Orange-men were charging towards them from almost all sides

He took a defensive stance and looked behind him, seeing that D.Va, McCree and Soldier 76 had run to his side.
"Managed to get most of the civies out." McCree said, reloading his gun "But I'm down to my last rounds."
"D.Va?" Dougan asked, breathing heavily
"She's taken a beating but she'll hold together." D.Va reassured with a smile
"What about you, old man?" Dougan asked
"Worry about yourself more and we might just make it through this." He replied grimly

Turning to the left, the group saw that even more Orange-men were charging into view. They backed up against the city hall's now broken gates. Jumping down from a nearby building and landing behind them was ObiWan Kenboni himself with his lightsaber drawn.

"Vadcus?" Ser Dougan asked only for the Jedi master to shake his head.

Running out from the inside of the city hall was even more Orange-men.
"Looks like this is it." Dougan shrugged
"If we take out enough of them, we might level up in time to survive this." D.Va added "I think I'm running a little low on xp though."
"We're all soldiers now, just try to take as many of them with you as you can." Soldier 76 said grimly

Kenboni nodded, activating his lightsaber and taking a defensive stance, back to back with Dougan. He reached out with the force and pulled parts of the gate apart, throwing them like spears at the horde approaching from his side. A group of Kenboni's men, seeing their leader in danger rushed to his side and began covering from all fronts, opening up on the horde.

A few of them took hits from energy blasts and went down while D.Va tried to cover them where she could with her Defence Matrix, constantly jumping from side to side of the group and trying to cover them.
"Get behind me." She ordered as her Matrix fell, opening fire on the horde. She allowed the soldiers at her side to use the mech itself as a barricade for them to take cover behind.

Dougan rolled a dice and from his pocket dimension drew a warhammer. He pointed it towards the skies and yelled, commanding a storm of furious, silver lightning that fried a large group of Orange-men alive on all sides.
"Why didn't you do that earlier?!" D.Va shouted
"I can only do it once per day." Dougan replied, the hammer still in hand. He used it to crush an Orange-man. "It's sort of like an ultimate ability."
"I have my self-destruct. I can use it more than once a day." D.Va said jokingly

Reaching into his pocket dimension, Ser Dougan drew his cricket bat. He wielded it in his left hand while keeping his katana in his right and struck as man Orange-men as he could, firing blasts of ice and other elements from both weapons. Fire, acid, salsa (ect).

McCree and Soldier 76 held their own, but they were running out of ammo. McCree, having fired his last shot into an Orange-man about to put a round in Kenboni's head resorted to picking up the weapons from fallen soldiers in Kenboni's army. He now wielded dual blasters and fired shot after shot into the horde.

"Stand back!" D.Va shouted, activating her mech's boosters and flying into the middle of the horde. Kenboni's men and 76 provided covering fire as the Mech's self-destruct detonated, taking out a huge chunk of Orange-men. However, their gaps were becoming filled as it appeared that every remaining Orange-man in Belfast was charging towards the City Hall. As D.Va flew back, her mech took hit after hit from Orange-men.

From inside, the readings were acting up. D.Va knew that her mech wouldn't hold together much longer.
"Well, my fans." She sighed "It's been fun."

D.Va flew backwards in the mech, taking shot after shot with her returning fire on every single Orange-man in range. It took one final hit from an energy cannon D.Va was forced to eject. She stood next to Soldier 76 and Dougan, her pistol now drawn.

"You still streaming?" McCree asked
"Gwayeon (Yes!, indeed). We get to die in front of millions of viewers." D.Va replied with a heavy sigh "Take out the army of fruit-headed bigots and it doesn't sound like such a bad way to go."

She raised her pistol and opened fire, taking out Orange-men with well timed headshots.

Dougan looked over his shoulder, seeing that the remaining civilians were almost out of the city. He then turned back towards the group.
"For Stuart..." He muttered, a tear in his eye. He charged forwards, still dual wielding the katana and cricket bat and jumped into the horde. While he managed to take out a good number of Orange-men, he was tackled to the ground and held down as Orange-men climbed over him to run at the rest of the group.

He managed to climb out, gasping for air and looked behind the city hall. A bright light shone from behind it and Dougan could make out silhouettes. That was when the sound of barking filled his ears. It was not one dog barking, but thousands. Hundreds of thousands. Alongside the dogs he could hear something else that sounded like roaring.

"Belfast will not fall on this day!" He heard a voice yell

Charging along the horizon, with barking filling the ears of the battlefield were hundreds of thousands of dogs, with some bears and even some men on horseback at their side. Dougan let out a heavy sigh of relief as he saw his best pal, Toffee in the charge. He smiled at Ser Dougan who managed to climb out of the horde.

The Orange-men started to panic as from another side what remained of Kenboni's men as well as some civilians now armed with blaster rifles charged into battle, opening fire and gunning down as many Orange-men as they could.

"This is our city, get 'ta fuck!" A man dual wielding blasters yelled

As the barking of the dog army got closer, some of their barks started to unleash blasts of energy at the horde while some simply went for the ankles and throats of the Orange-men, ripping apart their bodies and getting to the citrus-y parts inside with their teeth alone.

The horde was cut down, with bears, Kenboni's overweight followers, citizens of Belfast and a dog army ripping them apart. The remaining Orange-men tried to flee away from the city hall but on the other side was a large company of armed police officers As the Orange-men tried to fight their way through, they were gunned down.

Toffee charged towards Dougan, jumping through the horde and, with one powerful bork destroyed an Orange-man that was about to cut his best pal down, scattering his remains on the battlefield.

"Victory! We have victory!" A dog, a Yorkshire terrier barked triumphantly as she stood on a pile of Orange-man corpses.

Ser Dougan laughed and fell backwards, rubbing his best pal's belly as they watched the last of the Orange-men either flee away from the city or get cut down.
"Good dog, Toffee." He said, scratching behind his pal's ears

D.Va walked towards them, holding her left arm and sat down, stretching her legs.
"I'm glad."
"Of what?" Dougan asked "That we won the battle?"
"No, well yes. But we proved something. Even against these odds, we pulled through." She said with a sigh "With help, of course." She smiled, rubbing Toffee's belly again before sitting up and watching the horizon with the two of them. "And millions of people watched the whole thing. They're still watching right now."
"Yeah?" Dougan asked
"The world I'm from, it's in a bit of a mess right now. This, what we did. It might give some of the people back where I live hope."
"And I bet it'll encourage them to adopt dogs." Dougan added with a light chuckle
"Yeah, that part too I guess."

D.Va fell backwards, resting her hands behind her head "Had the last of my food in my mech, and it might be a while before I can deploy another one..."

"Boojum!" Dougan cried, sitting up "I'm sure there's one still standing after all this shite went down. I get all Multi-dimensional visitors to try it if they're in Belfast. We should go, all of us."
"Screw it, I could go for a bite to eat." McCree said as he walked into view "Just be sure that all this is done with first. Still gotta find out what happened to William, and that other fellar who was with us. I don't like to leave a man behind"
"We'll find him, don't worry." Dougan reassured him
Phantom Thieves of the Multiverse: Gotham Origins
Interaction: Haru Okumura( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"I'm sorry." Akira apologized in a somber tone. "But...Allow me to walk you home." He offered, seeing as this is going to be the last time the two of them are going to see each other again...
Interactions: Goro [ Thepotatogod Thepotatogod ]​

"Really? It's okay if I sleep on the bed?" Koichi sat up properly on the edge of the bed, his legs swinging slightly. It had just dawned on him that it might get a little awkward having the two of them sleep in the same room when they barely knew each other. Koichi smiled as he thought of something to break the ice and get a conversation rolling. "So Goro-kun, where do you live exactly? I imagine a detective would live in a gritty, crime-ridden city like in the movies, but that just sounds silly when I say it out loud." Koichi let out a small laugh as he imagined Goro-kun wearing a dusty trench coat and a fedora in some dark office. "I live in Morioh, its a little town in the M prefecture. It's a great place for going on vacation because there's so much to do, so we usually get a lot of tourists in the summer."
Earth - 616 (Classic verse)
Wakanda - Jungle Action


Out of the frying pan and into the fryer it seemed. T'challa had never been pushed this far by anyone so far, not Wolverine, not Rogers, not even The Fantastic Four. Somehow he managed to survive his encounter with the prehistoric "tyrant" only to be meet with an even more fearsome predator in the guise of man. A Wakandan like himself. Although very different in constitution.

This Erik Kilmonger was different than any other man or beast he previously been challenged, he had no answer to put down the usurper. For eight whole hours they two waged battle in the heart of the Wakandan jungle landscape, it was hard to think that such a man existed in this world. No, he'd been made acutely aware of his own mortality and hour or so in when the usurper began his brutish advance. Eventually, this bout would be his to lose, and his life forfeit. Though, he wouldn't make it easy for his contender.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Location: Star Wars Expanded Universe


Thrawn's patrolled the command bridge of his Star destroyer, his hands behind his back.

"Sir." A young ensign spoke "We've picked up a distress call."

Thrawn said nothing in response, he only nodded at the Ensign who played the message back. It was Ser Dougan's call, being broadcast across multiple universes.

Thrawn walked to the front of the bridge, looking out at the fleet.

"It's just more the same after that, sir. What are your orders?"
"Hmm." Thrawn muttered under his breath "Have you heard of this Legion before, Ensign?"
"N-no sir."
"Neither have I." Thrawn replied calmly "Dragonslayers Legion..." He muttered under his breath "Perhaps dragonslayer refers to Krayt dragons, native to Tatooine. Although the mythologies of many worlds talk about the dragons of legend."

"He could be referring to either, really..." The ensign cut in. As Thrawn turned to look at him, the ensign held her tongue, not saying a word.
"No, finish that sentence." Thrawn said calmly
"Well, we know that Tatooine is full of New Rep...Sorry, Rebel supporters. The Rebel poster-boy grew up there for one thing. This whole distress call smells like a trap but..." She held her tongue again
"I didn't tell you to stop talking, ensign." Thrawn turned around, looking back out at the fleet
"Of course sir...I mean, it smells like a trap by these Rebels but it seems too strange, too vague. The guy ranted about other dimensions and orange-like men! He sounds mad, but how would a madman know how to contact this ship directly?!"

"What do you think we should do?" Thrawn asked, still speaking in the same, calm tone

Thrawn simply nodded

"If it's a trap or a madman, or both it's not worth risking any men, or ships. Send a few probe droids to the coordinates I...Guess." She scratched the back of her head
"We would need a ship in that section of space in order to track them. How do you propose we do that without risking men or ships, like you said?"

"That section of space isn't on any maps sir, but we're not talking about the Unknown Regions either. I say we use a smuggler ship rather than one with official Imperial symbols. That way, if it's a trap those Rebels will just think it's another spacer if they do manage to find it. That way we don't risk a ship that's large enough to have a cloaking device. Getting the ship from one of the ones we confiscated last week shouldn't be an issue and our pilot, a volunteer would be able to find clothes that would make her appear as a regular citizen."

The ensign spoke at a fast, shaky pace and stood up from her chair as Thrawn walked towards her.
"What is your name, ensign?" Thrawn asked
"Val, Val Hudsin sir." She said, saluting him. Thrawn gestured for her to lower her arm with a wave of his hand
"Val, you kept referring to the pilot for this mission as a she. Did you have someone in mind?"
"Myself, sir."

Thrawn raised an eyebrow
"I know how to fly a ship like that. Before joining the Empire, my father was a smuggler. He taught me how. The ship he flew, the model is sim..."

Thrawn silenced her with another wave of his hand "I knew I remembered that name. I met your father once, Val." He rested a hand on her shoulder "My condolences, of course."
"I'll make him proud."
"No. Do not volunteer for this mission for the sake of pride. If that is truly your only motivation for..."
"No sir." Val cut him off "I...Look, I know I can do this. You just need to give me a chance." She pleaded "Besides, it's my idea. I should be the one to carry it out! Not for pride but..."
"It's your idea, you should be the one taking the risk?" Thrawn asked
"Yeah, I..."
"Very well. Take a group of Stormtroopers with you."
"You convinced me of this mission, convincing them shouldn't be an issue for you."

Val saluted the Admiral and walked away from the bridge. He would watch as her ship, a small yet effective smuggler vessel departed from the fleet. It would be then that another one of his ensigns would detect what appeared to be a rip in space.

And while taking a shuttle to another ship to discuss something with it's Captain, Thrawn's shuttle would be pulled in.

Location: Classic Marvel-Verse
Thrawn's shuttle descended into the atmosphere of Wakanda, with all those aboard bracing themselves for impact. At the last moment, right before the shuttle struck the side of a mountain the pilot was able to regain control and flew the shuttle, bringing it down for an emergency landing.

After checking on his troops, Thrawn approached the pilot "I'm promoting you." He said calmly
"Sir?" The pilot asked, breathing heavily
"Despite the circumstances, you displayed a cool head and didn't lose your nerve. You also managed to perform a successful emergency landing. None of us are harmed."
"But sir, the ship."
"The ship can be replaced, it can be fixed. Soldiers, Admirals and pilots cannot. Had someone less qualified be sitting in that chair right now all of us might be dead."
"Um...Thank you, sir."

Thrawn walked into the middle of the shuttle
"That rip is still open. If we can repair the ship, I'd be able to fly us back through it and bring us home." The pilot explained

A spaceship and smoke from it's crash could have been seen for miles around by both heroes and villains native to Wakanda. It was now a matter of who got to it first. Nubian_Legend Nubian_Legend
Infinity Wand
Interaction: Death's Faction Vs. The Expanded Shadow Operatives( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"Before careful Everyone, I sense multiple entities of Death!" Fuuka warned as the Shadow Operatives drew their Evokers and weapons. "Remember to NOT destroy Thanos' Gauntlet!" It was by then that Ryoji emerged and flew above, his form changing into the Nyx Avatar.


"Noted!" Mituru said as she charged along with Labrys towards Thanos, only to be blocked by the Nyx Avatar's Blade blocking stabbing the ground.

"No way...Nyx?!" Ken gulped, preparing Evoker as the Nyx Avatar took it's blade once more, The Twelve Shadows they faced emerged beside it.

"I suppose you do remember the Prophecy of the Fall?" Ryoji spoke within Nyx once more, as the Magician and the combined Chariot and Justice Shadows began to charge at the team. "When all Twelve Shadows are united, the Prince descends from above, bringing forth the renewal of the world..."

"Shut up! We've beaten your ass before and we're gonna do it again!" Junpei exclaimed, summoning Trismegistus as it dashed towards the Magician Shadow, slicing it's many arms as the main body remains. The Combined Justice and Chariot, which took the form of a giant Tank, began to open fire on the group, causing them to split.

Meanwhile, Minako was in distress; couldn't decide which faction should she fight for...
Megaman XZ Black Gospel
Interactions: ( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod )
The sound of coughing filled the room which had otherwise been silent. Amazo stood at the bedside of his creator, Professor Ivo who's constant wheezing and hacking was a definite sign of his deteriorating health. The Professor's hand shakenly reached for the pack of cigarettes which were just out of reach on the bed's end table. Amazo took the pack into his own hand and looked at his master with his usual empty expression. "Doctor, you realize these are the reason why you are in such pain in the first place." His reply was more coughing, each expulsion of air coming out sharper than the last, "I know that! But in my current state I might as well partake in my vice at least once more before I die. Now hand it over Amazo." Amazo, an android built to follow his creator's every demand could not deny him as he handed him the package, no matter how much he wanted to crush it in his grasp. Using the lighter that he had actually managed to grab himself, Dr. Ivo lit the cigarette in his mouth and blew a cloud of dark smoke, resulting in more coughing.

"So this is how I die," he muttered to himself. "You're right, if it weren't for these I might have lived a short while longer." Regardless, Dr. Ivo took one last dreg from his poison and put it out in the ash tray beside him. "Amazo, take a seat beside me. If I'm going to die then I might as well have some company." The silver android grabbed the chair behind him and pulled it towards the bed, sitting quite awkwardly. Neither of them said anything for sometime, Amazo could do very little but watch as his creator's life slowly ebbed away before his eyes. Soon the coughing would transition to choking, every breath was starting to become a struggle for the frail scientist. "Almost all my life was dedicated to preventing this from happening, but despite my efforts I still find myself fearing for my life." A sudden cough, louder than any of the ones before forced its way out of the Professor. Occasionally gasping for air, he began to sob in between gasps for air. "Amazo.. Please.. Won't you hold my hand..? I'm so terribly frightened.."

Amazo took the Professor's hand, both of them clutching each other firmly in fear of what was to come. His gasping became more frequent and more desperate as the seconds passed. It was almost two minutes before the coughing and gasping had stopped, Amazo was sad knowing that his death was not painless one. With his creator gone, Amazo was left without a purpose. The last thing he had been asked to do was hold the Doctor's hand, was that what he would do until the end of time? Left without any other option, Amazo stared into the lifeless eyes of the late Dr. Ivo whose hand remained grasped by Amazo's until eventually a blackness took hold of his sight and his consciousness.

When his vision returned, Amazo was no longer in the manor but in some alley in the city. He was surprised at how well kempt it was, not a piece of trash or rat in sight. Amazo stood and brushed what little dust had accumulated on his body. If Dr. Ivo had seen him in this state he would've surely been embarrassed for him. Walking out of the alleyway, Amazo could tell for certain that he wasn't in Metropolis. The streets were filled with flying cars and robots alike. Man and machine walked side-by-side, some hand-in-hand. Everywhere he looked was like looking into the future, the entire scene was beginning to be too much for the android. "Where am I?" Amazo asked in disbelief.
Infinity Wand
Interaction: Death's Faction Vs. The Expanded Shadow Operatives( Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts )
"Before careful Everyone, I sense multiple entities of Death!" Fuuka warned as the Shadow Operatives drew their Evokers and weapons. "Remember to NOT destroy Thanos' Gauntlet!" It was by then that Ryoji emerged and flew above, his form changing into the Nyx Avatar.


"Noted!" Mituru said as she charged along with Labrys towards Thanos, only to be blocked by the Nyx Avatar's Blade blocking stabbing the ground.

"No way...Nyx?!" Ken gulped, preparing Evoker as the Nyx Avatar took it's blade once more, The Twelve Shadows they faced emerged beside it.

"I suppose you do remember the Prophecy of the Fall?" Ryoji spoke within Nyx once more, as the Magician and the combined Chariot and Justice Shadows began to charge at the team. "When all Twelve Shadows are united, the Prince descends from above, bringing forth the renewal of the world..."

"Shut up! We've beaten your ass before and we're gonna do it again!" Junpei exclaimed, summoning Trismegistus as it dashed towards the Magician Shadow, slicing it's many arms as the main body remains. The Combined Justice and Chariot, which took the form of a giant Tank, began to open fire on the group, causing them to split.

Meanwhile, Minako was in distress; couldn't decide which faction should she fight for...

"All right, you purple freak!" Marco shouted at the Mad Titan, "We're going to take back Star's wand!"
Marco along side Earth's Mightiest Heroes then charged at Thanos...
Thanos smiled but maybe he has good reason to...
Power was one thing Thanos had in Abundance, and with a snap of his fingers Thanos showed the heroes what sort of power he had.
The Power to Freeze Earth's Defenders in time...
It appeared that this conflict will not live up to expectations...

Thanos had spared his entourage the indignity of being ripped loose from the time flow.
The Titan turned to face Minako and asked, "Are they friends of yours?"
What Thanos did not know was that Adam Warlock and Star were not among the heroes...
Megaman ZX: Black Gospel
Interaction: Amazo, The Purposeless War Machine( GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack )

The People of Cinq continued onto their daily lives, some staring at Amazo with confusion whilst some in curiosity. The people appeared to have cybernetic features, yet still retaining a humanoid form. It was particularly hard to make out if they're human or not. It was soon enough that there was a loud explosion to be heard somewhere near the area where Amazo woke up, causing everyone else around him to panic as they saw a bunch of machines swarming the city; A group of cubes that form separate entities forming pink cranes as mouths, green hornets, and even a massive collection of cubes with a gigantic blue crane acting as a mouth. The Blue Big Mouths munched on the cars on the streets. Some machines armed with weaponry came to try and apprehend them, only to be shot by the Hornet's unnaturally red shot, piercing through the machines. Cries of help filled the streets as the alien machinations began to tear through the city.

As a Pink Mouth began to charge at a young child, clad in a black skinsuit and wearing a red hoodie, brown haired woman with a pink bow rushed in and grabbed the child just as the mouth leaped in for a bite.

"Are you okay, sir?" The woman asked as the child nodded in fear. "It's okay to be afraid sir, but please hurry and call some Huntsmen...I need backup!" She asked for a favor as she let the child down. The child ran away from the woman as she faced the alien machinations once more.

"Now, now...I don't want any trouble." The Woman said as he back seemingly opened. "But if you were to continue what you're doing, I'd have to eliminate you all." As she said that, a blue Big Mouth charged at the Woman, swords drawing from her back as she swung her arm to the left, the blades following her hand movement; the blades cutting through the machine, revealing it's wiring and resulting to an explosion. The swords floated idly behind her as she stared down her targets...
Infinity Wand
Interaction: Time Stop(@Thanos )
Time appeared to stop around Minako and Nyx, the Shadows were affected by the Time Stop, as they remained in place along with the Shadow Operative's Personas hitting them. Minako suddenly realized who they were; Her friends...The group which she nearly lead to their deaths when they were still in highschool...The group she led to Nyx...Yet, what are they all doing here?

"...Yes." Minako answered Thanos, facing him. "I did know them when I was still in highschool...How are they all grown up...?" She asked herself, glancing back at Junpei and Trismegistus, frozen in place. "Have they...Forgotten about me...?"

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