Idea Moments you would like to roleplay.


Guilty as charged
I think the title is pretty clear about it. I would like to know which moments you hope to roleplay, either a situation you havent reached in a current roleplay or an idea for one you havent started yet. Doesnt matter if its something in general or a very specific situation.

Guess I should start. Im mostly a fantasy roleplayer so a moment I would like to roleplay would be having a big enemy that has been avoided for a while (Lets be generic and say its a dragon) against everyone else and have one of the weaker roleplayers in the powerscale of the group (Regardless if its someone else or me) summon a big and powerful creature that goes to town with the dragon.

Next in line to that would be having a 3/4 serious fight, 1/4 training combat between people against their superior (Could be a captain, a teacher, etc.)
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Oooh, okay, this is cool.

I'm in a pretty fun 9 person RWBY Group RP right now, amazing friends, characters, storyline etc.

But the thing I can't wait for is all the ships that are starting, because there are characters that NEED TO BE IN LOVE, and it's happening, but slowly, and the suspense is killing me.
Cool topic. I wish to roleplay a moment between two characters acquainted for a while, who've been mildly put off by the other whenever they meet. I want to RP the moment when one can't take it anymore and causes the other to snap too. Over something small and stupid like burping without saying excuse me. A huge fight ensues where they cause massive damage to the city (superpower roleplay) as they air out their longtime frustrations with each other.

I like rivalries and partners you love/hate at the same time.

Oooh, okay, this is cool.

I'm in a pretty fun 9 person RWBY Group RP right now, amazing friends, characters, storyline etc.

But the thing I can't wait for is all the ships that are starting, because there are characters that NEED TO BE IN LOVE, and it's happening, but slowly, and the suspense is killing me.
Lol. Get outta here with that shipping!
I love roleplaying long, deep conversations about anything unimportant that lets you look closer into the characters.

Everyday moments that have turned weird because of the unique abilities of the characters, but still go fine.

A mecha squadron grab some noodles while their giant fighting robots are parked outside. They talk about the economy and their mentions give insight into their hobbies. "Ugh, canvas is so expensive these days.", says the artsy fucker.
THE DAY I GET TO ROLEPLAY ONE OF MY CHARACTERS DYING WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. Generally, I think I get too much of a kick out of having my characters make fools of themselves and losing.

I'd also like to write the moment where the asshole character with the most flaws in the world finally resolves some of their issues and displays their evolution by forcing the usual hero team to get their asses into gear, stop moping, and kick some ass.
I dunno. Probably an SCP Foundation multiversal crossover idea, but I lack proper knowledge on how the Foundation actually works.
I'd like to have a really long pairing roleplay (like extending for months or years) and just enjoy the characters' lives together. It'd be super fun!
One of my egotistical characters being rightfully put down by someone and their extremely dramatic reaction to it.
Squad of four with AT grenades vs. King Tiger heavy tank.

Riperoni in spaghetti. No joke, the characters would look like spaghetti.
All of my Obscure Fandom Hell dreams coming true. Some of them currently are but I've been so inspired lately I'm just coming up with more and more ideas and I know 90% of them will never be roleplayed because... obscure fandom hell. And I can only do so many scenes at once.

But it's nice to dream!!
All of my Obscure Fandom Hell dreams coming true. Some of them currently are but I've been so inspired lately I'm just coming up with more and more ideas and I know 90% of them will never be roleplayed because... obscure fandom hell. And I can only do so many scenes at once.

But it's nice to dream!!

I hear ya'.
I started an RP where a group of government agents go undercover as rebels in the slums, but during their time with the rebel forces, they realize how truly shitty their government is and start to change views. I COULD NOT WAIT for the moment where their true identity as agents are exposed by the rebels, who of course feel very betrayed that the people they truly trusted and had become close friends with were actually spies. However, they don't realize that these agents have actually begun to flip sides and basically shit goes down :)

(too bad the RP died long before it reached that point but I can still dream)
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I am currently in a private roleplay where a thousand year old warrior was cursed to live as a chimera-like creature. My partner plays a woman who ended up cursed as well. My character has been trying to guide her and make sure she survives but everything in the world is out to get them. Soon, very soon, I intend for the curse to be temporarily broken with the two characters having their roles reversed. That will be amazingly fun moments.
Final boss fight.
None of my current RP is nearly close to such moment but that's something I really would like to play for two reasons:
1. This will be an epic fight and immensely fun to write.
2. If it's a "final boss" it will mean that the rp plot is nearing the end. Which will mean we made it and didn't drop in the middle!
The 'sacrifice one to save thousand' moment, where my character has to choose between saving the life of their loved one or dozens other innocent people. The anguish caused by that conflict would be really interesting to write.
I'd genuinely love to have a character of mine die, like in a fight. People are always so stingy with character deaths, even if I have multiple characters, and deaths are huge tools for advancement in plot.
I would seriously like to roleplay the moments before death. I want to see if that death was a regrettable ending, or if my character would have been content in the end. But things never get far enough to die. e.e
Good question. I think I would like to be able to first complete another roleplay, they don't seem to reach the end as of late. Also, I would like to have a plot twist that's so incredible even my partner feels the same and lastly probably some epic fantasy.
I'd love to roleplay a death. I'm a sucker for tragedies, so I'd like to see where I get with it. I'd also really like to roleplay a moment in which my character breaks. Like really breaks. Their morale is gone and their true colors show. The kind of stuff that ruins their life.
Reading through some of these posts makes me happy, because a lot of people have the same ideas as me. I would love to be able to actually type out my character's death and what emotional she/he are going through, their final thoughts an fears. That or their reaction to another main characters death, possibly their lover. I mostly dabble in fantasy (I hate slice of life) and in my experience you don't often get to see the death of main characters (which is understandable obviously). I would want it to fit in with the roleplay, not just some random death that is like 'oops, so that happened', I would want it to really turn the roleplay around, and open a million new doors or chapters. I wouldn't want it to be the end. I guess I hadn't ever really thought about the lack of death until reading through this, but at the same time it's always nipped at the back of my mind.

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