Other Controversial Topics


Passionately Curious
Hi people!

So, I'm assuming somebody has probably created a thread like this before and I'm just way too lazy to look for it so here I am creating my own.

The aim of this thread is to create a discussion about, you guessed it, controversial topics. I can talk for hours about certain subjects I'm passionate about, and I love a juicy debate - I'm pretty sure all my friends are fed up of me. If you're interested in engaging in such a conversation then don't hesitate to post below, people are free to have their own opinions on things so they'll be no bashing/judging of anybody.

Some examples of controversial topics are:
  • Abortion
  • The Death Penalty
  • Animal Testing
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes?
  • Gun Control
  • Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?)
  • Euthanasia
  • Medical Marijuana
  • Prostitution
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace
  • Standardised Tests
  • Bonus: Religious Standing (why/why don't you believe in what you believe?)
If you have any more, feel free to suggest them!
I think euthanasia should be legal. Pain is a very unpleasant thing and should not be experienced by people.

Pain has many benefits to living, healthy people. But to those who are literally dying from it, they shouldn't experience it.
Abortion: I'm pro life when it comes to the unborn.
The Death Penalty: Hang em high! A good rope and a tall tree is cheaper than lethal injection although electric chair can be entertaining.
Animal Testing: As long as it is ethical, but some criminals they keep can be counted as animals so human testing is also acceptable.
Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth? You either got a dongle or a twat. This "genderfluid" is such BS. I identify as an Attack Helicopter, check your non rotatory-wing privilege.
Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes? Of course.
Gun Control: My ability to protect my life and property should not be dictated by some aloof bureaucrat who has their own security on the tax payer's dole. The only way you'll get my gun is if you pry it from my cold dead fingers and even then you can have my gun, bullets first...
Drinking Age: Lowered. If you're old enough to go into the military at 18 and kill people then you're old enough to drink.
Euthanasia: This should be at the discretion of the family and on the understanding that one has a choice to end their own life on account of extreme suffering and medical complications.
Medical Marijuana: Why medical? Legalize it, tax it and toke it up. It's better than alcohol and you grow it like you can tobacco.
Prostitution: Some of the oldest "professions" in existence and there has been attempts to make it illegal everywhere else but you can't control every bedroom or backseat in the US so that leaves tight regulations and harsh punishments if things get out of line.
Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace: Company's discretion but above all I think people should not be denied a good career on the account they got some ink on their skin.
Standardized Tests: Standardization and centralizing education is the reason why this country falls so far behind. I think you have a public standard to meet bare minimum requirements to enter the work force, but there should be incentives and efforts to make tests varied as each private entity to suit the career path for students and pursue the best education money can buy.
Bonus: Religious Standing: I'm theistic, but I do not subscribe to any denomination of Christianity. I despise organized religion.
Bonus: Immigration: There's over 350 million people in this country, do we really want more people here? Where's that wall I was promised?

Anything else?
  • Abortion: I am morally opposed to it. Killing the unborn is obviously murder (the intentional killing of another person), but if a woman can't afford to take care of a child for more than the amount of what an abortion costs, then I say it should remain legal. In order to limit the amount of abortions, I am totally for practically free access to birth control and contraceptives.
  • The Death Penalty: Reserve it for assholes like Adam Lanza (I know he's dead, just an example). None of that lethal injection stuff, I want a firing squad and the gallows.
  • Animal Testing: Keep the suffering to a minimum and make sure there's no other options other than animal testing.
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?: No, it largely depends on someone's experiences and how they feel towards others.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes?: Yes, they are places of worship and not businesses, therefore should remain exempt as it is.
  • Gun Control: I like guns, I like holding guns, I like shooting guns, so moderate control. You don't a 30 round mag to kill someone or something.
  • Drinking Age: Remain the same. The brain is mostly developed at this time.
  • Euthanasia: The person on the receiving end should only receive the option if they have a terminal illness and they want to end their suffering.
  • Medical Marijuana: Dawg, legalize that and make recreational use legal. Set legal use at 21-25 and tax the hell out of that.
  • Prostitution: Nobody should have to sell their bodies for sex. However, you can take all the guns and knives away but you can't stop people from killing each other.
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace: Demeaning to your overall appearance to others in the workplace and unprofessional.
  • Standardised Tests: I don't mind standards, but ultimately teachers have adopted the strategy of teach to the test. Someone shouldn't be denied higher education just because one company has monopolized an entire industry to make profit.
  • Bonus: Religious Standing I identify as a Protestant Christian (Lutheran specifically), and y'know, I've always said that Science can answer how something happens, but could never explain why. Science can explain how the universe was created, but not why. I've grown up in my faith and have been confirmed, and my congregation is a nice and welcoming and overall positive environment.
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Abortion: Not my body, not my choice.
The Death Penalty: Torn. On one hand I can see why people would want it but on the other hand I don't like the idea that it could be abused in the future.
Animal Testing: Don't know enough about the topic to give an informed response.
Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?: Unsure, but we should respect everyone's orientation no matter if it is determined at birth or not.
Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes?: Don't know enough about the topic to give an informed response.
Gun Control: Should be harder to get guns. Not everyone needs them, and if people honestly need a gun to feel safe then that tells a lot about the state of the world.
Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?): Should remain the same.
Euthanasia: Don't know enough about the topic to give an informed response.
Medical Marijuana: Should be legal.
Prostitution: Should be made legal. A lot of people go into prostitution because they have nothing else to turn to, those people should be protected by the legal system.
Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace: Who the fuck cares? Let people have tattoos and piercings if they want. Saying it's unprofessional is silly.
Standardized Tests: Need to be taken out of the education system.
Bonus: Religious Standing (why/why don't you believe in what you believe?): I'm agnostic. I don't particularly care about if there's a god or no. It doesn't change how I live my life.
First of all, thank you for your responses! Now, I'm gonna ask you some questions about your stances on certain subjects.

I think euthanasia should be legal. Pain is a very unpleasant thing and should not be experienced by people.

Pain has many benefits to living, healthy people. But to those who are literally dying from it, they shouldn't experience it.

How would you go about deciding how someone would die from euthanasia, when it would be deemed the right time to do it, and how to prevent it from being an abused system?

Animal Testing: As long as it is ethical, but some criminals they keep can be counted as animals so human testing is also acceptable.

What's deemed as ethical can be subjective to a person. And just how would a person know truly whether an animal is going through psychological harm as compared to physical which is most likely more obvious? Also, how would someone decide whether someone deserves to be tested on, even though some people do unspeakable things, it would be against human rights to treat them that way. So, isn't that reducing others to their level and breaking the very laws we live by and enforce? There is a very interesting article explaining why testing on prisoners would be a bad idea, here.

Bonus: Immigration: There's over 350 million people in this country, do we really want more people here? Where's that wall I was promised?

How do you think building a wall would effect America's relations with other countries and how would it be decided who goes in and out?

The Death Penalty: Reserved for people that deserve it, tax dollars shouldn't keep scum alive to utterly do nothing. Next topic.

How would it be decided that someone needs capital punishment, what if they turned out to be innocent after they were killed despite evidence leading against it at the time?

Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes? Yes, they're places of worship, not Super PACs. Next topic.

What would you say about this quote from Ricky Gervais: "Same sex marriage isn't gay privilege, it's equal rights. Privilege would be something like gay people not paying taxes. Like churches don't."

Gun Control: Should be harder to get guns. Not everyone needs them, and if people honestly need a gun to feel safe then that tells a lot about the state of the world.

I think most people who have guns would argue that they need them, would it be resolved around the area they live in and the crime rates or something else? Doesn't having a gun to feel safe have a hint of irony in it, that you would be protecting yourself against someone else who has a gun which is the reason why you feel more unsafe? It has been said that there have been 91 mass shootings in America since the start of 2017 as of mid April.

Prostitution: Should be made legal. A lot of people go into prostitution because they have nothing else to turn to, those people should be protected by the legal system.

Prostitution could easily be misused, perhaps as a guise for sex trafficking, how would it be regulated to a good enough standard?
Bowa Bowa
Regarding Church and taxes, I feel the moment a church donates to a politician's campaign is the moment they lose their tax exemption status. I suppose you could argue people have the right to do what they want with their money, but a place of worship shouldn't fund politicians.
Regarding the death penalty, I want it reserved for special people like Tim McVeigh and the like. People that deserve it, not people that might have done weed. And none of this lethal injection stuff. If some guy is willing to blow up a building and kill 100+ people, his head should be chopped off or blown off, end of story. That is, until it's confirm we know who did the crime.
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Abortion - Stop this. Life is life, no? Well, unless the child is less than 3 months.

Doesn't that statement kind of contradict itself, 'life is life...but not before 3 months of age.' In the UK at least, 90% of abortions are carried out during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. During this time, there is no scientific doubt that a developing foetus is incapable of any form of conscious awareness. Do you think it would be right to simply say that it is a group of cells in the womb in that time period and not a baby? Additionally, are you completely disregarding the choice of the mother, even if the pregnancy wasn't her fault (e.g. rape) and she doesn't want the baby?

Medical Marijuana - No idea how it count as medical.

There has been evidence that marijuana helps people with, for example epilepsy, deal with their seizures - which have in some cases lead to a person injuring themselves.
Alright, let´s see my views...
  • Abortion: Only permissable in the event of the mother´s life being at stake, with a very probability of them dying at birth. In any other case, it´s plain murder. If you´re religious, then know that the soul is created at the moment of conception. If you´re an atheist or agnostic, then understand that by the time someone is pregnant it´s not just a random bundle of cells, such a thing would not be detected, it would be too small. By the time enough cells have gathered for detection, the bodies of the mother and the child are already separate entities, both human.
  • The Death Penalty: petty vengeance. The best argument I heard in it´s favor is resource management and taxpayer money, but in that case, ask yourselves, is life something that has a price? Would you give up your life for a certain sum of money? No, because without life money and resources are meaningless. Life is more important than those things, even if it is the life of a murderer.
  • Animal Testing: I haven´t really put myself to consider animal morality yet, so my opinion on this might change soon, but so far, this is only permissable if the research is well-conducted and with purposes of improving world health.
  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?: Perhaps, perhaps not. Sexual orientation remains a mystery, and as far as I am concerned, any sexual orientation that not straight is a disease at best and should be handled as such.
  • Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes?: Churches receive money from donors which they used for sustainance, religous spendings (like making crosses, churches or anything that is used for the promotion of faith), and for community service. Priests are not employed by the state and by the separation of church and state I can safely say that as far as the state is concerned, Priests are unemployed people who don´t have subsidies for that. In other words, it makes no sense to charge the church as an entity or the priests as people.
  • Gun Control: more guns, more shootings. It´s a simple formula, really. Legalize guns and the bad guys have to up their game to sell, as in sell more destructive stuff. At the very least, heavy training and certification in government -run facilities should be mandatory.
  • Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?): drinking should be banned in my view, but then again, I don´t like alcohol, so don´t take me for a guide
  • Euthanasia: only permissable if the resources the person takes are likely to be usable to save people
  • Medical Marijuana: I´ll exempt myself here, I am far too little versed n this matter
  • Prostitution: terrible, unfortunate. Only permissable for the sake of bodily integrity, except for actually having sex for money, in which case it should be done if someone´s life is at stake.
  • Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace: So long as you still have your clothes all on.
  • Standardised Tests: outdated, misguided. A test of memory in the best case scenario, not flexible, inherent bias that breaks down any attempts at pioneering and not reflecitve of a student´s real capacities. Still, the best currently proposed system.
  • Bonus: Religious Standing (why/why don't you believe in what you believe?): I am a Roman Catholic. I believe in the Holy Trinity and Holy Church, as guided by the Pope. I trust in Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and do truly believe in the Bible. Why do I believe all this? Because after considering all possibilities, I´ve concluded (through means that take far too long to explain in the short answers I intend to give here for now) that God must exist within the atributes described by the Holy Church, that among the religons Christinanity is the most likely to hold the truth, and that among Christian religions only the Roman Catholic church makes any sense believing in, except maybe for the Orthodox church, which I am not so versed in that I can provide a proper commentary about.
Let's see what we have here:


I think that since this is a woman's body, her body, we have little right to disrupt her way of life — if she finds herself not quite ready to bear a child, then we shouldn't force it upon her.

Even then, it's still a meek bunch of cells, hardly capable of thinking and pretty much lacking in a brain.

Death penalty?

Men that don't belong to civilization, that can't find themselves capable of living normally in our tender definition of society, should either be eliminated or they should be exiled to remote islands or otherwise wild regions. It's the least they ought to get, don't you think?

Animal testing?

When done in a humane manner, with proper procedure — the same that are taken when testing humans — and ethics taken in mind.

Is sexual orientation determined at birth?

Unfortunately, you do either have a pole or a hole. If you do want to change yourself to an attack helicopter or something likewise, I recommend waiting for the future. There's a mild chance extensive cybernetics will be developed.

Should churches be exempt from taxes?

No comment.

Gun control?

Applicants for licenses should be heavily screened, the paperwork should be extensive to a more-than-median limit.

Drinking age?

I like it the way it is.


No comment.

Medical marijuana?

No comment.


No comment.

Body accessories in workplaces?

They do seem a bit unruly, but I don't see any reason for them to be banned in workplaces.

Standardised tests?

No comment.
Abortion - Tentatively pro-choice. However, the best way to reduce the number of people having to get them in the first place is to improve sex education for kids before they start having sex, and to make birth control options far more readily available.

The Death Penalty - Nope. Putting someone in the chair isn't going to reverse what they did, and it's not helping anything. So what's the point?

Animal Testing - Should be kept to a minimum if possible.

Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth? - At birth? I'm not sure. It could be a result of biological/hereditary factors, or upbringing, or environment, or all of those things. Sexuality's complicated like that. But whatever the case, you don't choose who you're attracted to.

Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes? - I don't see why they shouldn't be.

Gun Control - I believe the 2nd Amendment is an important one, and I don't think more gun laws are going to do much good.

Drinking Age - Keep it the same.

Euthanasia - If someone wants to do it, then who am I to deny them that?

Medical Marijuana - Sure. 420 blaze it

Prostitution - As long as it's happening between two consenting adults, I don't have any problems.

Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace - That's for the company/business to decide. Not the state. Though if it were my business, I'd allow it

Standardised Tests - Waste of money. One test should not judge the intelligence of all students.

Religious Standing - Agnostic
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Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth? Nope. Everyone can change.
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what made you reach that conclusion?

  • Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth?: Perhaps, perhaps not. Sexual orientation remains a mystery, and as far as I am concerned, any sexual orientation that not straight is a disease at best and should be handled as such.
Do you mind if I asked why you view such orientations as "diseases at best"?
Some of these "discussions" are interesting enough. I would hand out my opinions if I had the proper way to back them up. Unfortunately, the most I can do is tell you that I believe what I believe, and there is nothing(that others can do) that will change my mind. I am an intelligent person, but giving logical reasons for my beliefs is not my strong-suit.
Some of these "discussions" are interesting enough. I would hand out my opinions if I had the proper way to back them up. Unfortunately, the most I can do is tell you that I believe what I believe, and there is nothing(that others can do) that will change my mind. I am an intelligent person, but giving logical reasons for my beliefs is not my strong-suit.

are you euphoric because you're enlightened by your own intelligence?
Windsock Windsock

One cannot be enlightened by their own intelligence. Only suffocated by it, so to speak. Intellect, like anything else, is best in moderation.
Prostitution could easily be misused, perhaps as a guise for sex trafficking, how would it be regulated to a good enough standard?
That's always the issue with legalizing things, there is always the chance that it could be abused. I think regulated brothels would be a good start as those can easily be monitored, though that doesn't always deter people from street prostitution unless there's a larger incentive than it being the safer choice.

Is sexual orientation determined at birth?
Unfortunately, you do either have a pole or a hole. If you do want to change yourself to an attack helicopter or something likewise, I recommend waiting for the future. There's a mild chance extensive cybernetics will be developed.
Ima just be the devils advocate here, but saying you either have a pole or a hole is biologically false. There are intersex people that have both female and male sex organs, such as a woman have an enlarged clitoris (making it look like a penis) or a man having a split scrotum that looks like a labia. There are a lot of variations of both sexual anatomy and sex chromosomes, and so saying that you either have a penis or a vagina is a gross oversimplification of the reality of things.

Belief that tells me the same with what Idea Idea believe; other than straight, it's a disease. Everything has a cure other than the defection of memory, so of course sexual orientation can change.
I mean, that would be ignoring the fact that most "cures" are generally ineffective and are actually more harmful than the "disease". In 2009, the American Psychological Association released a report that basically said that; "The results of scientifically valid research indicate that it is unlikely that individuals will be able to reduce same-sex sexual attractions or increase other-sex attractions through SOCE (
Sexual Orientation Change Efforts).". Here is the said report.

The APA also reported that; "Lesbian, gay, and bisexual young adults who reported higher levels of family rejection during adolescence were more than eight times more likely to report having attempted suicide, more than five times more likely to report high levels of depression, more than three times more likely to use illegal drugs, and more than three times more likely to report having engaged in unprotected sexual intercourse compared with peers from families that reported no or low levels of family rejection."

Here is also a first hand account of someone whose been through conversion therapy.
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Ima just be the devils advocate here, but saying you either have a pole or a hole is biologically false. There are intersex people that have both female and male sex organs, such as a woman have an enlarged clitoris (making it look like a penis) or a man having a split scrotum that looks like a labia. There are a lot of variations of both sexual anatomy and sex chromosomes, and so saying that you either have a penis or a vagina is a gross oversimplification of the reality of things.

Are you, sir, trying to suggest that vanity is certainly more important than actual functions? How so?
Are you, sir, trying to suggest that vanity is certainly more important than actual functions? How so?
I mean if you want to argue function then I could also argue that there plenty of men and woman with common sexual anatomy that are sterile, thus eliminating the primary function of sex organs, so...But no that was not what I was arguing. Mostly my point was that there are more than two sexes, no matter if you want to go by sexual chromosomes or sexual anatomy. Gender is a whole different issue.
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Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth? You either got a dongle or a twat. This "genderfluid" is such BS. I identify as an Attack Helicopter, check your non rotatory-wing privilege.

Pretty sure you went offtopic. The question was about sexual orientation and not gender identity.

Abortion - Pro-life, but can see the benefits of it when it puts the mother at risk or is the product of a nonconsensual encounter. I do, however, think instead of abortion, adoption is the best answer. Someone else can provide that child with love and you can feel good knowing you did what was good, to give the child a better life than you could provide.

The Death Penalty - For people who have committed atrocious crimes and have been found guilty beyond a doubt. I feel like the qualifications need to be very detailed, thorough, and well-thought out. For instance, I feel like people who kill multiple people and were of sane mind when they committed those crimes need to pay with their lives. There is no way such monsters should be able to sit behind bars, breathing on this Earth, when the families of the victims will never get to see their loved ones again.

Animal Testing - As long as it isn't mindless torture and without a good cause. Even humans are tested on with newer, experimental medications. As long as it can help other people in the long run, and it doesn't cause undue harm, then it's fine.

Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth? - No one's sexual orientation is determined at birth, in my opinion. Everyone develops a sexual orientation as they age, and it can usually be very fluid or change.

Should Churches Remain Exempt from Taxes? - If they feel the need to get involved in political matters by funding politicians, then no. If they are simply trying to spread the word and preach, then yes.

Gun Control - The only people who need them are those ensuring the safety of the people. Everyday citizens do not need guns, and the right to bare arms is dated and unnecessary. 'Guns don't kill people. People kill people.' Yeah, but it'd be a lot easier to try and defend yourself if that guy trying to kill you didn't have the convenience of a firearm.

Drinking Age (raised, lowered, remain the same?) - This irks me. If you want to claim people are legal adults at age 18 then give them all the rights of one. Don't tell someone they're old enough to be responsible for themselves and can smoke as much as they want, but they definitely aren't ready for alcohol. Either lower the age so legal adults can partake, which isn't something I'd prefer, or raise the age that someone is considered a legal adult. Don't police those who are legal as if they're still children. I find it absolutely idiotic.

Euthanasia - If they signed something that made it clear it was their wish, then okay. If not, then it's an awful thing to do. Simple as that.

Medical Marijuana
- Honestly, people fuss too much over marijuana. I don't smoke and don't understand why people make a big deal out of it. Smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol all you want, even though they both aren't good for the body, but stay away from marijuana. Have you ever seen doctors prescribing cigarettes or alcohol, because neither have I. If doctors say it can help some people, then let it be. I'm not a doctor and am not going to argue against what they think is right for some people.

Prostitution - It's their bodies. Doesn't mean I have to respect them for what they do, I just have no right to tell them they can't do it. Though, there should probably be set places where they can 'work'. Pretty sure some businesses wouldn't appreciate them making the area look bad if it were to be legal.

Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace - Once again, their bodies. Besides, it's art on the body. Now if people go overboard and tattoo their entire faces and necks, that is a bit too much for me. But in tasteful quantities, who really cares. It also shouldn't matter much if the areas can easily be covered by clothing, or other such things.

Standardised Tests - All I'm going to say is the US needs to up its game. Clearly this isn't working, and it's even more idiotic that most of them are timed. I, for one, have OCD. You would think the school would accommodate me when I took the tests, but no. Instead I took them with the rest of my class, and I usually had to rush to finish. During my ACT, I wasn't able to finish my Math and Science sections because of my need to make sure my writing was consistently sized at all times. It sucked because I scored perfect on everything else, and bombed those two sections miserably simply because they put a kid with OCD on a timer. Thankfully I still scored fairly high, I just know I could've scored even higher if given the time. But I am pretty chill about tests and measuring intelligence, so I wasn't too hurt about the potential score and more so the lack of care for people who don't work well when timed. I will admit, I think I'm fairly intelligent, but I think I'm even better at memorization. I never really had to factor intelligence into my tests, at all, simply because I could memorize everything we learned without writing it down. Tests are usually just memory games, and that is also something that needs to be changed. It never challenges you, and it can cause people like me to ignore things they find pointless, like homework that is almost insulting in its mindless repetition, and simply ace tests without putting effort in all the other stuff.

Bonus: Religious Standing (why/why don't you believe in what you believe?) - Agnostic theist. It's my choice to believe in God, but I know his existence can't be proved or disproved by anyone on this Earth. That's why it is my faith and not an absolute. I also don't really put much stock in the bible, as it was written by man and therefore could be false or truth laced with falsities.
I guess it'd be wise to have your tinfoil hat ready then. Don't want those SJWs probing your brain with bullshit.

Also the whole 'SJW' thing is getting old. The people who cry about them and call everyone SJWs for having opinions on matters that don't fit the stereotype of being heartless and uncaring are honestly no better. As a matter of fact, these people crying about SJWs are simply the new form of Keyboard Warriors. No better, maybe even worse. They sure love bandwagoning on things and generally giving no arguments other than people are too sensitive.
Also the whole 'SJW' thing is getting old. The people who cry about them and call everyone SJWs for having opinions on matters that don't fit the stereotype of being heartless and uncaring are honestly no better. As a matter of fact, these people crying about SJWs are simply the new form of Keyboard Warriors. No better, maybe even worse. They sure love bandwagoning on things and generally giving no arguments other than people are too sensitive.
I was being highly sarcastic :P

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